Title | Variable Stars in the Pegasus Dwarf Galaxy (DDO 216) |
Authors | Hoessel, J. G.; Abbott, Mark J.; Saha, A.; Mossman, Amy E.; Danielson, G. Edward |
Bibcode | 1990AJ....100.1151H Search ADS ↗ |
Abstract | Observations obtained over a period of five years of the resolved stars in the Pegasus dwarf irregular galaxy (DDO 216) have been searched for variable stars. 31 variables were found, and periods established for 12. Two of these variable stars are clearly eclipsing variables, seven are very likely Cepheid variables, and the remaining three are probable Cepheids. The period-luminosity relation for the Cepheids indicates a distance modulus for Pegasus of m - M = 26.22 +/- 0.20. This places Pegasus very near the zero-velocity surface of the Local Group. |
Objects | 32 Objects Search NED ↙ |