Title | The 7C survey of radio sources at 151 MHz - two regions centered at RA 10h 28m, dec. 41 and RA 06h 28m, DEC 45. |
Authors | McGilchrist, M. M.; Baldwin, J. E.; Riley, J. M.; Titterington, D. J.; Waldram, E. M.; Warner, P. J. |
Bibcode | 1990MNRAS.246..110M Search ADS ↗ |
Abstract | The 7C survey of radio sources is being made with the Cambridge Low-Frequency Synthesis Telescope at 151 MHz, with an angular resolution of 70 x 70 cosec δ arcsec^2^. We present the results from one part of of this survey covering 0.144 sr in two areas of sky centred at RA 10^h^ 2S^m^, Dec. 41^deg^ and RA 06^h^ 28^m^, Dec. 45^deg^ and reaching a limiting flux density of 50 mJy. A list of the positions, flux densities and angular sizes of 4723 sources is presented; the position errors are in the range 1-3 arcsec for sources with flux densities greater than 500 mJy, and the flux density errors are typically 18 mJy. About 10 per cent of the sources have apparent angular sizes greater than 60 arcsec. The derived source counts are as accurate as those presently available at 405 and 1400 MHz and show similar behaviour; in particular the convergence slopes are the same. The median spectral index between 151 and 408 MHz remains constant at ~0.9 between 10 and 0.5 Jy at 151 MHz. |
Objects | 4726 Objects Search NED ↙ |