Title | The radio-far-infrared relaton of interacting and non-interacting spiral galaxies. I. Observations and data collection. |
Authors | Wunderlich, E.; Klein, U. |
Bibcode | 1991A&AS...87..247W Search ADS ↗ |
Abstract | We present λ6.3 cm radio continuum, H I and far-infrared (FIR) data for a sample of isolated pairs of spiral galaxies, and for a comparison sample of non-interacting ones. Utilizing the HI data we are able to separate the FIR emission of the cold and warm dust component, employing a modification of the model presented by Buat and Deharveng (1988). The FIR flux of the warm dust component is used to estimate the thermal radio emission for some galaxies. A comparison between the calculated thermal >6.3 cm flux densities and those derived from radio observations show a very good agreement. We conclude that the model for the separation of the cold and warm dust component can be used for a further examination of the radio-FIR correlation. |
Objects | 137 Objects Search NED ↙ |