Title | UGC-A86: A Local Group Galaxy Candidate |
Authors | Saha, A.; Hoessel, John G. |
Bibcode | 1991AJ....101..465S Search ADS ↗ |
Abstract | Deep CCD images were obtained for the object UGC-A86, an object identified on the Palomar Observatory Sky Survey, and listed in the Addendum of the UGC. Two objects are revealed at this location: perhaps a chance superposition in the sky of two galaxies at different distances or two interacting galaxies, or two components of the same galaxy. The brighter component is well resolved into stars, and a color-magnitude diagram has been obtained for it. Interpretation of the color-magnitude diagram is somewhat ambiguous, but it seems very likely that this galaxy is a dwarf member of the Local Group. |
Objects | 1 Objects Search NED ↙ |