Title | Galaxy Redshifts in an Equatorial Field in Virgo and the Spatial Distribution of local Lyman Alpha Clouds |
Authors | Salzer, John J. |
Bibcode | 1992AJ....103..385S Search ADS ↗ |
Abstract | New redshifts are presented for 51 galaxies which lie in a narrow strip along the celestial equator in the range 11^h^15^m <= R.A. <= 14^h^15^m^. The redshifts are derived from a mixture of optical and H I spectra; for the latter subset (37 galaxies) we also present H I fluxes and line widths. The spatial distribution of the galaxies in this field is compared with the locations of the large H I cloud discovered by Giovanelli and Haynes and the nearby Ly α clouds recently found toward 3C 273. One of the two Ly α clouds in the Local Supercluster appears to be associated with a spiral galaxy, although the angular and physical separations (42 arcmin and 180 kpc) are large. The other nearby Ly α cloud and the large H I cloud appear to be more isolated. None of the nine Ly α clouds with velocities between 5000-20000 km s^-1^ are associated with any specific galaxies, but most appear to fall within or near the large-scale structures defined by the galaxies. |
Objects | 54 Objects Search NED ↙ |