Title | Nearby Galaxy Flows Modeled by the Light Distribution: Distances, Model, and the Local Velocity Anomaly |
Authors | Tully, R. Brent; Shaya, Edward J.; Pierce, Michael J. |
Bibcode | 1992ApJS...80..479T Search ADS ↗ |
Abstract | Supporting material for an article in the main journal is presented. One table gives measured galaxy distances used to construct a map of observed peculiar velocities, and another table gives a grid of the distribution of light used to construct a map of expected peculiar velocities. A preferred model was developed which gave a best fit between these maps, and this model has been used to generate output kinematic distances which are recorded here for groups and individual galaxies with V_0_ < 3000 km s^-1^. In terms of the ratio of peculiar to systemic velocities, the local velocity anomaly is the most important perturbation involving substantial numbers of galaxies from our perspective. The ratio of these quantities in this case is larger than for the more famous cases of the Virgocentric or Great Attractor perturbations. Maps are provided which illustrate the fit of our mass model to the velocity data in the local region. There is a graphical demonstration of the relative importance of large-scale streaming to local motions within the context of our model, which hopefully bears some relation to reality. |