Title | The brightest stars in three irregular dwarfs around M 81. |
Authors | Karachentsev, I. D.; Tikhonov, N. A.; Sazonova, L. N. |
Bibcode | 1994A&AS..106..555K Search ADS ↗ |
Abstract | B, V, R photometry of the brightest stars of DDO 53, VIIZw 403, and DDO 82 has been obtained with a CCD with the 6-m telescope. Taking the three brightest blue stars as a distance indicator yields the following distance moduli: 27.44mag for DDO 53, 27.41mag for VIIZw 403, and 28.26mag for DDO 82 with a 1σ error of about 0.4mag. Therefore all three dwarf irregulars are members of M 81 group. |
Objects | 3 Objects Search NED ↙ |