Title | Two new possible members of the IC342-Maffei1/2 group of galaxies. |
Authors | Huchtmeier, W. K.; Lercher, G.; Seeberger, R.; Saurer, W.; Weinberger, R. |
Bibcode | 1995A&A...293L..33H Search ADS ↗ |
Abstract | We report the detection of two nearby galaxies in Cassiopeia in HI. Their low heliocentric velocities, 35+/-2 and 112+/-5km/s, suggest they are members of the IC342-Maffei group. The smaller object (Cas 1) has been classified optically as an irregular dwarf. An HI linewidth of 49 km/s and a nearly gaussian shape of the profile support the classification. Its HI mass (at an assumed distance of 3Mpc) is 1x10^8^Msun_. The larger galaxy (Cas 2) has an HI mass of 3.7x10^8^Msun_ (same distance) and a linewidth (at half power) of 204km/s which corresponds to a rotational velocity (after correction for inclination, i~65deg) of about 112km/s. This is a galaxy roughly of the mass of M 33. This galaxy has been discovered independently by another group with the Dwingeloo telescope (Kraun-Korteweg et al. 1994). Our search was based on an optical survey for galaxies in the Galactic Plane (see Seeberger et al. 1994) and included 10 objects from the neighborhood of IC 342 and Maffei 1/2. The other detected galaxies are background objects. |
Objects | 11 Objects Search NED ↙ |