Title | Kinematics of the local universe. III. Neutral hydrogen observations of southern galaxies. |
Authors | di Nella, H.; Paturel, G.; Walsh, A. J.; Bottinelli, L.; Gouguenheim, L.; Theureau, G. |
Bibcode | 1996A&AS..118..311D Search ADS ↗ |
Abstract | This paper is the third one in a series dedicated to the study of the kinematics of the local universe. It gives 52 new 21-cm neutral hydrogen measurements, made with the 64-m Parkes radio telescope. These new measurements are used to built a complete sample of 5,219 galaxies with 21-cm line widths, radial velocity and apparent diameter. This sample is complete down to a diameter limit of 1.6 arcmin. |
Objects | 56 Objects Search NED ↙ |