Title | The CO Tully-Fisher relation for the Virgo cluster. |
Authors | Schoeniger, F.; Sofue, Y. |
Bibcode | 1997A&A...323...14S Search ADS ↗ |
Abstract | A comparison between the CO and HI Tully-Fisher relation for a sample of 30 Virgo galaxies shows no significant difference concerning the intrinsic scatter. The distance moduli from both relations after correcting for the sample incompleteness bias agree within the errors and also show no significant difference with previous studies of the Virgo cluster using a complete sample. The CO total linewidth and the CO flux were found to be not well correlated. However, if the distances to the individual galaxies were calculated by the CO Tully-Fisher relation, the CO luminosities calculated using these distances are correlated with the CO linewidths. This correlation does not show up when the distances were calculated by the conventional HI Tully-Fisher relation. Finally we give the structure of the cluster as derived from this small subsample using the distances to the individual galaxies. The large depth of the cluster is confirmed both by the HI and the CO Tully-Fisher relation. |
Objects | 30 Objects Search NED ↙ |