Title | Gas-rich Dwarfs from the Second Palomar Sky Survey. I. Catalog and Characteristics |
Authors | Schombert, James M.; Pildis, Rachel A.; Eder, Jo Ann |
Bibcode | 1997ApJS..111..233S Search ADS ↗ |
Abstract | This project is a visual search for field dwarf galaxies using Second Palomar Sky Survey photographic plates. A morphologically selected sample of 310 objects yielded 145 detections of true dwarfs within a redshift search window of 0 to 10,000 km s-1. We confirm the low-mass, dwarf nature of the same by comparison of luminosity, isophotal size, H I mass and H I profile width distribution of other dwarf samples. The goal of this project is to use these newly discovered dwarf galaxies to map large-scale structure as a test of biased galaxy formation. Initial indicators are that the large-scale distribution of dwarf galaxies is identical to that of bright, high-mass galaxies, in contradiction to theory using biasing. The full analysis of the sample will be reported in the final paper of our series. |
Objects | 275 Objects Search NED ↙ |