Title | Investigations of the Local Supercluster velocity field. III. Tracing the backside infall with distance moduli from the direct Tully-Fisher relation |
Authors | Ekholm, T.; Lanoix, P.; Teerikorpi, P.; Fouqué, P.; Paturel, G. |
Bibcode | 2000A&A...355..835E Search ADS ↗ |
Abstract | We have extended the discussion of Paper II (Ekholm et al. \cite{Ekholm99a}) to cover also the backside of the Local Supercluster (LSC) by using 96 galaxies within Theta <30degr from the adopted centre of LSC and with distance moduli from the direct B-band Tully-Fisher relation. In order to minimize the influence of the Malmquist bias we required log Vmax>2.1 and sigma B_T<0.2mag. We found out that if RVirgo<20 Mpc this sample fails to follow the expected dynamical pattern from the Tolman-Bondi (TB) model. When we compared our results with the Virgo core galaxies given by Federspiel et al. (\cite{Federspiel98}) we were able to constrain the distance to Virgo: RVirgo=20-24 Mpc. When analyzing the TB-behaviour of the sample as seen from the origin of the metric as well as that with distances from the extragalactic Cepheid PL-relation we found additional support to the estimate RVirgo= 21 Mpc given in Paper II. Using a two-component mass-model we found a Virgo mass estimate MVirgo=(1.5 - 2)x Mvirial, where Mvirial=9.375*E14Msun for RVirgo= 21 Mpc. This estimate agrees with the conclusion in Paper I (Teerikorpi et al. \cite{Teerikorpi92}). Our results indicate that the density distribution of luminous matter is shallower than that of the total gravitating matter when q0<= 0.5. The preferred exponent in the density power law, alpha ~2.5, agrees with recent theoretical work on the universal density profile of dark matter clustering in an Einstein-deSitter universe (Tittley & Couchman \cite{Tittley99}). |
Objects | 96 Objects Search NED ↙ |