Title | A neutral hydrogen survey of polar ring galaxies. III. Nançay observations and comparison with published data |
Authors | van Driel, W.; Arnaboldi, M.; Combes, F.; Sparke, L. S. |
Bibcode | 2000A&AS..141..385V Search ADS ↗ |
Abstract | A total of 50 optically selected polar ring galaxies, polar ring galaxy candidates and related objects were observed in the 21-cm H i line with the Nançay decimetric radio telescope and 31 were detected. The objects, selected by their optical morphology, are all north of declination -39o, and generally relatively nearby (V< 8000 km s-1) and/or bright (mB< 15.5). The H i line data are presented for all 74 galaxies observed for the survey with the Effelsberg, Green Bank or Nanç radio telescopes, as well as all other published H i line parameters of these objects. Three objects were observed and detected by us at Parkes. A total of 59 objects were detected. For each object a brief description is given based on a literature search. |
Objects | 77 Objects Search NED ↙ |