Title | The Araucaria Project: The Distance to the Local Group Galaxy NGC 6822 from Cepheid Variables Discovered in a Wide-Field Imaging Survey |
Authors | PietrzyÅski, Grzegorz; Gieren, Wolfgang; Udalski, Andrzej; Bresolin, Fabio; Kudritzki, Rolf-Peter; SoszyÅski, Igor; SzymaÅski, MichaÅ; Kubiak, Marcin |
Bibcode | 2004AJ....128.2815P Search ADS ↗ |
Abstract | We have obtained mosaic images of NGC 6822 in the V and I bands on 77 nights. From these data, we have conducted an extensive search for Cepheid variables over the entire field of the galaxy, and we have found 116 such variables with periods ranging from 1.7 to 124 days. We used the long-period (>5.6 days) Cepheids to establish the period-luminosity (PL) relations in V, I, and in the reddening-independent Wesenheit index, which are all very tightly defined. Fitting the OGLE LMC slopes in the various bands to our data, we have derived distance values for NGC 6822 in V, I, and WI, which agree very well among themselves. Our adopted best distance value from the reddening-free Wesenheit index is 23.34+/-0.04 (statistical) +/-0.05 (systematic) mag. This value agrees within the combined 1 σ uncertainties with a previous distance value derived for NGC 6822 by McAlary and coworkers from near-IR photometry of nine Cepheids, but our new value is significantly more accurate. We compare the slopes of the Cepheid PL relation in V and I as determined in the five best-observed nearby galaxies, which span a metallicity range from -1.0 to -0.3 dex, and find the data consistent with no metallicity dependence of the PL relation slope in this range. Comparing the magnitudes of 10 day Cepheids with the I-band magnitudes of the tip of the red giant branch in the same set of galaxies, there is no evidence either for a significant variation of the PL zero points in V and I. The available data limit such a zero-point variation to less than 0.03 mag in the considered low-metallicity regime. Based on observations obtained with the 1.3 m telescope at the Las Campanas Observatory. |
Objects | 1 Objects Search NED ↙ |