Title | High-Resolution Millimeter Imaging of Submillimeter Galaxies |
Authors | Tacconi, L. J.; Neri, R.; Chapman, S. C.; Genzel, R.; Smail, I.; Ivison, R. J.; Bertoldi, F.; Blain, A.; Cox, P.; Greve, T.; Omont, A. |
Bibcode | 2006ApJ...640..228T Search ADS ↗ |
Abstract | We present ~0.6" resolution IRAM PdBI interferometry of eight submillimeter galaxies at z~2-3.4, where we detect continuum at 1 mm and/or CO lines at 3 and 1 mm. The CO 3-2/4-3 line profiles in five of the sources are double-peaked, indicative of orbital motion either in a single rotating disk or of a merger of two galaxies. The millimeter line and continuum emission is compact; we marginally resolve the sources or obtain tight upper limits to their intrinsic sizes in all cases. The median FWHM diameter for these sources and the previously resolved sources, SMM J023952-0136 and SMM J140104+0252, is <=0.5" (4 kpc). The compactness of the sources does not support a scenario in which the far-IR/submillimeter emission comes from a cold (T<30 K), very extended dust distribution. These measurements clearly show that the submillimeter galaxies (SMGs) we have observed resemble scaled-up and more gas-rich versions of the local universe, ultraluminous galaxy population. Their central densities and potential well depths are much greater than those in other z~2-3 galaxy samples studied so far. They are comparable to those of elliptical galaxies or massive bulges. The SMG properties fulfill the criteria of ``maximal'' starbursts, in which most of the available initial gas reservoir of 1010-1011 Msolar is converted to stars on a timescale ~3-10tdyn~a few times 108 yr. Based on observations obtained at the IRAM Plateau de Bure Interferometer (PdBI). IRAM is funded by the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (France), the Max-Planck Gesellschaft (Germany), and the Instituto Geografico Nacional (Spain). |
Objects | 9 Objects Search NED ↙ |