Title | Candidate Milky Way satellites in the Galactic halo |
Authors | Liu, C.; Hu, J.; Newberg, H.; Zhao, Y. |
Bibcode | 2008A&A...477..139L Search ADS ↗ |
Abstract | Aims:Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) DR5 photometric data with 120° < α < 270°, 25° < δ < 70° were searched for new Milky Way companions or substructures in the Galactic halo. Methods: Five candidates are identified as overdense faint stellar sources that have color-magnitude diagrams similar to those of known globular clusters, or dwarf spheroidal galaxies. The distance to each candidate is estimated by fitting suitable stellar isochrones to the color-magnitude diagrams. Geometric properties and absolute magnitudes are roughly measured and used to determine whether the candidates are likely dwarf spheroidal galaxies, stellar clusters, or tidal debris. Results: SDSSJ1000+5730 and SDSSJ1329+2841 are probably faint dwarf galaxy candidates while SDSSJ0814+5105, SDSSJ0821+5608, and SDSSJ1058+2843 are very likely extremely faint globular clusters. Conclusions: Follow-up study is needed to confirm these candidates. |
Objects | 16 Objects Search NED ↙ |