Abstract | An important component of the Extragalactic Distance Database is a group of catalogs related to the measurement of H I line profile parameters. One of these is the All Digital H I catalog which contains an amalgam of information from new data and old. The new data result from observations with Arecibo and Parkes Telescopes and with the Green Bank Telescope, including continuing input since the award of the NRAO Cosmic Flows Large Program. The old data have been collected from archives, wherever available, particularly the Cornell University Digital H I Archive, the Nançay Telescope extragalactic H I archive, and the Australia Telescope H I archive. The catalog currently contains information on ~15, 000 profiles relating to ~13, 000 galaxies. The channel-flux per channel files, from whatever source, is carried through a common pipeline. The derived parameter of greatest interest is W m50, the profile width at 50% of the mean flux. After appropriate adjustment, the parameter Wmx is derived, the line width that statistically approximates the peak-to-peak maximum rotation velocity before correction for inclination, 2V maxsini. . |