Title | The Distance to the Massive Eclipsing Binary LMC-SC1-105 in the Large Magellanic Cloud |
Authors | Bonanos, Alceste Z.; Castro, Norberto; Macri, Lucas M.; Kudritzki, Rolf-Peter |
Bibcode | 2011ApJ...729L...9B Search ADS ↗ |
Abstract | This Letter presents the first distance measurement to the massive, semi-detached, eclipsing binary LMC-SC1-105, located in the LH 81 association of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). Previously determined parameters of the system are combined with new near-infrared photometry and a new temperature analysis to constrain the reddening toward the system, and determine a distance of 50.6 ± 1.6 kpc (corresponding to a distance modulus of 18.52 ± 0.07 mag), in agreement with previous eclipsing binary measurements. Although this is the sixth distance measurement to an eclipsing binary in the LMC, it is the first to an O-type system. We thus demonstrate the suitability of O-type eclipsing binaries (EBs) as distance indicators. We suggest using bright, early-type EBs to measure distances along different sight lines, as an independent way to map the depth of the LMC and resolve the controversy about its three-dimensional structure. |
Objects | 1 Objects Search NED ↙ |