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SIMPLE  =                    T  /  FITS STANDARD
BITPIX  =                   16  /  Binary Data
NAXIS   =                    2  /  Number of image axes
NAXIS1  =                  512  /  Dimension of axis 1
NAXIS2  =                  512  /  Dimension of axis 2
BSCALE  =           1.000000E0  /  Real = tape*BSCALE + BZERO
BZERO   =           0.000000E0  /  Real = tape*BSCALE + BZERO
DATE    = '02/09/92'  /  FITS creation date
IRAFNAME= './rp700423_im1.imh'  /  Output IRAF image name
TELESCOP= 'ROSAT   '  /  telescope (mission) name
INSTRUME= 'PSPC    '  /  instrument (detector) name
RADECSYS= 'FK5     '  /  WCS for this file (e.g. Fk4)
EQUINOX =           2.000000E3  /  equinox (epoch) for WCS
CTYPE1  = 'RA---TAN'  /  axis type for dim. 1 (e.g. RA---TAN)
CTYPE2  = 'DEC--TAN'  /  axis type for dim. 2 (e.g. DEC--TAN)
CRVAL1  =           3.458100E2  /  sky coord of 1st axis (deg.)
CRVAL2  =           8.870000E0  /  sky coord of 2nd axis (deg.)
CDELT1  =         -4.166667E-3  /  x degrees per pixel
CDELT2  =          4.166667E-3  /  y degrees per pixel
CRPIX1  =           2.560000E2  /  x pixel of tangent plane direction
CRPIX2  =           2.560000E2  /  y pixel of tangent plane direction
CROTA2  =           0.000000E0  /  rotation angle (degrees)
MJD-OBS =           4.877074E4  /  MJD of start of obs.
DATE-OBS= '28/05/92'  /  date of observation start
TIME-OBS= '17:41:34'  /  time of observation start
DATE-END= '31/05/92'  /  date of observation end
TIME-END= '12:57:06'  /  time of observation end
XS-OBSID= 'US700423P.N1    '  /  observation ID
XS-SEQPI= 'TSURUTA, RES. PROF., SACHIKO                                   '  /
XS-SUBIN=                    2  /  subinstrument id
XS-OBSV =               700423  /  observer id
XS-CNTRY= 'USA     '  /  country where data was processed
XS-FILTR=                    0  /  filter id: 0=none, 1=PSPC boron
XS-MODE =                    1  /  pointing mode: 1=point,2=slew,3=scan
XS-DANG =           0.000000E0  /  detector roll angle (degrees)
XS-MJDRD=                48043  /  integer portion of mjd for SC clock start
XS-MJDRF= 8.797453703700740E-1  /  fractional portion of mjd for SC clock start
XS-EVREF=                    0  /  day offset from mjdrday to evenr start times
XS-TBASE=  0.000000000000000E0  /  seconds from s/c clock start to obs start
XS-ONTI =  1.857500000000000E4  /  on time (seconds)
XS-LIVTI=  1.857500000000000E4  /  live time (seconds)
XS-DTCOR=           1.000000E0  /  dead time correction
XS-BKDEN=           0.000000E0  /  bkgd density cts/arcmin**2
XS-MINLT=           0.000000E0  /  min live time factor
XS-MAXLT=           0.000000E0  /  max live time factor
XS-XAOPT=           0.000000E0  /  avg. opt. axis x in degrees from tangent plan
XS-YAOPT=           0.000000E0  /  avg. opt. axis y in degrees from tangent plan
XS-XAOFF=           0.000000E0  /  avg x aspect offset (degrees)
XS-YAOFF=           0.000000E0  /  avg y aspect offset (degrees)
XS-RAROT=           0.000000E0  /  avg aspect rotation (degrees)
XS-XARMS=           0.000000E0  /  avg x aspect RMS (arcsec)
XS-YARMS=           0.000000E0  /  avg y aspect RMS (arcsec)
XS-RARMS=           0.000000E0  /  avg aspect rotation RMS (degrees)
XS-RAPT =           3.458100E2  /  nominal right ascension (degrees)
XS-DECPT=           8.870000E0  /  nominal declination (degrees)
XS-XPT  =                    0  /  target pointing direction (pixels)
XS-YPT  =                    0  /  target pointing direction (pixels)
XS-XDET =                    0  /  x dimen. of detector
XS-YDET =                    0  /  y dimen. of detector
XS-FOV  =                    0  /  field of view (degrees)
XS-INPXX=           0.000000E0  /  original degrees per pixel
XS-INPXY=           0.000000E0  /  original degrees per pixel
XS-XDOPT=           0.000000E0  /  detector opt. axis x in detector pixels
XS-YDOPT=           0.000000E0  /  detector opt. axis y in detector pixels
XS-CHANS=                  234  /  pha channels
XS-MINCH=                    7  /  min pha channels
XS-MAXCH=                  240  /  max pha channels
TITLE   = 'NGC 7469                                                       '  /
OBJECT  = 'NGC 7469                                                       '  /
LTM1_1  =          3.333334E-2  /
LTM2_2  =          3.333334E-2  /
WAT0_001= 'system=physical'  /
HISTORY = 'file rp700423_im1.arr (ty=s, axis=512 512 hdr=imap1.hdr) -> rp7'  /

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