SIMPLE = T / FITS STANDARD BITPIX = 16 / FITS BITS/PIXEL NAXIS = 2 / NUMBER OF AXES NAXIS1 = 1438 / NAXIS2 = 1438 / BSCALE = 1.0000000000E0 / REAL = TAPE*BSCALE + BZERO BZERO = 0.0000000000E0 / OBJECT = 'U8494[1/1]' / ORIGIN = 'KPNO-IRAF' / DATE = '2000-10-12T02:36:43' IRAFNAME= 'u8494.hhh' / NAME OF IRAF IMAGE FILE IRAF-MAX= 3.340000E2 / DATA MAX IRAF-MIN= -4.983000E3 / DATA MIN IRAF-BPX= 16 / DATA BITS/PIXEL IRAFTYPE= 'SHORT ' / PIXEL TYPE DATAMIN = 0. DATAMAX = 0. CRPIX1 = 719.2833 CRVAL1 = 202.4968333333 CTYPE1 = 'RA---TAN' CD1_1 = -6.141828E-6 CD2_1 = 2.852566E-7 CRPIX2 = 720.6041 CRVAL2 = 47.2665277777808 CTYPE2 = 'DEC--TAN' CD1_2 = -2.852574E-7 CD2_2 = 6.004163E-6 ALLG-MAX= 3.965151E0 / Data max in all groups ALLG-MIN= 0.000000E0 / Data min in all groups MIR_REVR= T ORIENTAT= -51.78308 FILLCNT = 0 ERRCNT = 0 FPKTTIME= 49108.24847759667 LPKTTIME= 49108.2502990666 / GROUP PARAMETERS: OSS / FOC DATA DESCRIPTOR KEYWORDS INSTRUME= 'FOC ' / instrument in use ROOTNAME= 'X1AR5L01T ' / rootname of the observation set FILETYPE= 'SCI ' / shp, udl, sci, sdq / CALIBRATION FLAGS AND INDICATORS OPTCRLY = 'F96 ' / optical relay: F48, F96 CAMMODE = 'NOTUSED ' / coronographic apodizer mask: INBEAM, NOTUSED F_RATIO = 96 / focal ratio SMMMODE = 'NOTUSED ' / spectro. mirror mechanism: INBEAM, NOTUSED SHTMODE = 'NOTUSED ' / shutter mode: INBEAM, NOTUSED LEDMODE = 'NOTUSED ' / led calibration status: ACTIVE, NOTUSED PXFORMT = 'ZOOM ' / format of the image: NORMAL, ZOOM OPTELT1 = 0 / filter element, wheel 1 f48: (0-7), f96: (0-11) OPTELT2 = 7 / filter element, wheel 2 f48: (0-7), f96: (0-11) OPTELT3 = 0 / filter element, wheel 3 f48: (0), f96: (0-11) OPTELT4 = 0 / filter element, wheel 4 f48: (0), f96: (0-11) FILTNAM1= 'CLEAR1 ' / filter element name for wheel 1 FILTNAM2= 'F220W ' / filter element name for wheel 2 FILTNAM3= 'CLEAR3 ' / filter element name for wheel 3 FILTNAM4= 'CLEAR4 ' / filter element name for wheel 4 SAMPOFF = 0.0000000E+00 / sample offset (0.0-1023.75) LINEOFF = 0.0000000E+00 / line offset (0.0-1023.75) SAMPPLN = 512 / samples per line (64, 128, 256, or 512) LINEPFM = 1024 / lines per frame (64, 128, 256, 512, or 1024) / CALIBRATION REFERENCE FILES GRAPHTAB= 'mtab$c7m1004om.tmg' / the HST graph table COMPTAB = 'mtab$c7m10042m.tmc' / the HST components table UNITAB = 'xtab$c241150fx.cxu' / table of reciprocal flat field filenames BACHFILE= 'xref$91b13148x.r0h' / background reference header file ITFHFILE= 'xref$91b13138x.r1h' / itf reference header file BLMHFILE= 'xref$a1m1627sx.r7h' / blemish header file UNIHFILE= 'N/A ' / uniform de reference header file SDEHFILE= 'N/A ' / sde reference header file GEOHFILE= 'xref$d4j0930ix.r5h' / geometric reference header file / CALIBRATION SWITCHES: perform,omit,complete BACCORR = 'OMIT ' / background subtraction correction ITFCORR = 'OMIT ' / intensity transfer function correction PXLCORR = 'COMPLETE' / split zoom-format pixels UNICORR = 'PERFORM ' / uniform de correction WAVCORR = 'COMPLETE' / compute photometric parameters GEOCORR = 'COMPLETE' / geometric correction SDECORR = 'OMIT ' / spectrograph de correction / CALIBRATION KEYWORDS DNFORMT = 8 / bits in each data number (8/16) GEODEFV = 0.0000000E+00 / geo DN value for areas outside sci image / STATISTICAL KEYWORDS DATE = '01/05/93 ' / date this file was written (dd/mm/yy) PODPSFF = '0 ' / 0=(no podps fill), 1=(podps fill present) STDCFFF = '0 ' / 0=(no st dcf fill), 1=(st dcf fill present) STDCFFP = '0000 ' / st dcf fill pattern (hex) / FOC INSTRUMENT DESCRIPTOR KEYWORDS LEDCOLOR= ' ' / LED color (a color, blank , NONE or ERROR) / FOC PHOTOMETRY KEYWORDS PHOTMODE= 'FOC F/96 F220W' / observation mode PHOTFLAM= 2.016656E-17 / Inverse Sensitivity PHOTZPT = -21.1 / ST magnitude zero point PHOTPLAM= 2316.783 / Pivot Wavelength PHOTBW = 248.7933 / RMS Bandwidth of the Filter and Detector / EXPOSURE INFORMATION EQUINOX = 'J2000 ' / equinox of the celestial coordinate system SUNANGLE= 0.1160289E+03 / angle between sun and V1 axis (deg) MOONANGL= 0.5898255E+02 / angle between moon and V1 axis (deg) SUN_ALT = -0.1677715E+02 / altitude of the sun above Earth's limb (deg) FGSLOCK = 'FINE ' / commanded FGS lock (FINE,COARSE,GYROS,UNKNOWN) DATE-OBS= ' 1/05/93 ' / UT date of start of observation (dd/mm/yy) TIME-OBS= '05:47:41 ' / UT time of start of observation (hh:mm:ss) EXPSTART= 0.4910824145213E+05 / exposure start time (Modified Julian Date) EXPEND = 0.4910824835896E+05 / exposure end time (Modified Julian Date) EXPTIME = 0.5967500E+03 / exposure duration (seconds)--calculated EXPFLAG = 'NORMAL ' / Exposure interruption indicator / TARGET & PROPOSAL ID TARGNAME= 'UGC8494 ' / proposer's target name RA_TARG = 0.2024968333333E+03 / right ascension of the target (deg) (J2000) DEC_TARG= 0.4726652777778E+02 / declination of the target (deg) (J2000) PROPOSID= 4804 / PEP proposal identifier PEP_EXPO= '201.0000000 ' / PEP exposure identifier including sequence LINENUM = '201.000 ' / PEP proposal line number SEQLINE = ' ' / PEP line number of defined sequence SEQNAME = ' ' / PEP define/use sequence name HISTORY Component throughput tables: crotacomp$, HISTORY crfoccomp$, crfoccomp$, HISTORY crfoccomp$, crfoccomp$, HISTORY crfoccomp$ SCALEDBY= 100 WCSDIM = 2 LTV1 = -0.2022705078125 LTV2 = 805.113952636719 LTM1_1 = 0.61864048242569 LTM2_1 = 0.785674273967743 LTM1_2 = -0.785674273967743 LTM2_2 = 0.61864048242569 WAT0_001= 'system=image ' WAT1_001= 'wtype=tan axtype=ra ' WAT2_001= 'wtype=tan axtype=dec ' END |