SIMPLE = T / file does conform to FITS standard BITPIX = 16 / number of bits per data pixel NAXIS = 2 / number of data axes NAXIS1 = 512 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 EXTEND = T / FITS dataset may contain extensions COMMENT FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format defined in Astronomy and COMMENT Astrophysics Supplement Series v44/p363, v44/p371, v73/p359, v73/p365. COMMENT Contact the NASA Science Office of Standards and Technology for the COMMENT FITS Definition document #100 and other FITS information. CONTENT = 'IMAGE ' / HRI IMAGE ORIGIN = 'USRSDC ' / origin of processed data DATE = '27/02/96' / FITS creation date (DD/MM/YY) TELESCOP= 'ROSAT ' / mission name INSTRUME= 'HRI ' / instrument name OBS_MODE= 'POINTING' / obs mode: POINTING,SLEW, OR SCAN IRAFNAME= 'rh400780n00_im1.imh' / IRAF file name MJDREFI = 48043 / MJD integer SC clock start MJDREFF = 8.79745370370074E-01 / MJD fraction SC clock start ZERODATE= '01/06/90' / UT date of SC start (DD/MM/YY) ZEROTIME= '21:06:50' / UT time of SC start (HH:MM:SS) RDF_VERS= '3.4 ' / Rationalized Data Format release version number RDF_DATE= '27-APR-1995' / Rationalized Data Format release date PROC_SYS= 'SASS7_8 ' / Processing system PROCDATE= '27-FEB-1996 10:33:04' / SASS SEQ processing start date CHECKSUM= 'KN9gMK8dKK8dKK8d' / HDU checksum updated on 27/02/96 DATASUM = '9AFCH7999AECG599' / data checksum updated on 27/02/96 REVISION= 2 / Revision number of processed data FILTER = 'NONE ' / filter id: NONE OR BORON OBJECT = 'M31 ' / name of object RA_NOM = 1.070000E+01 / nominal RA (deg) DEC_NOM = 4.127000E+01 / nominal DEC (deg) ROLL_NOM= 1.795514E+01 / nominal ROLL (deg CCW North) EQUINOX = 2.000000E+03 / equinox OBS_ID = 'US400780H.N1' / observation ID ROR_NUM = 400780 / ROR number OBSERVER= 'PRIMINI, DR., FRANCIS,A.' / PI name SETUPID = 'NOMINAL ' / Instrument setup DATE-OBS= '02/01/96' / UT date of obs start (DD/MM/YY) TIME-OBS= '02:04:19.000' / UT time of obs start (HH:MM:SS) DATE_END= '07/01/96' / UT date of obs end (DD/MM/YY) TIME_END= '08:32:53.000' / UT time of obs end (HH:MM:SS) MJD-OBS = 5.008409E+04 / MJD of seq start SCSEQBEG= 176273863 / SC seq start(sec) SCSEQEND= 176729177 / SC seq end (sec) NUM_OBIS= 17 / Number of obs intervals (OBIs) LIVETIME= 8.453917E+04 / Live time DTCOR = 9.891942E-01 / Dead time correction factor ONTIME = 8.546267E+04 / On time HDUCLASS= 'OGIP ' / HDUCLAS1= 'IMAGE ' / HDUCLAS2= 'TOTAL ' / RADECSYS= 'FK5 ' / WCS for this file CTYPE1 = 'RA---TAN' / Axis type for dim 1 (e.g. RA---TAN) CTYPE2 = 'DEC--TAN' / Axis type for dim 2 (e.g. DEC--TAN) CRVAL1 = 1.06999998E+01 / Sky coord of 1st axis (deg) CRVAL2 = 4.12700005E+01 / Sky coord of 2nd axis (deg) CDELT1 = -2.22222228E-03 / X degrees per pixel CDELT2 = 2.22222228E-03 / Y degrees per pixel CRPIX1 = 2.56468750E+02 / X pixel of tangent point CRPIX2 = 2.56531250E+02 / Y pixel of tangent point LTM1_1 = 6.25000000E-02 / X(logical)= X(physical)*LTM1_1 LTM2_2 = 6.25000000E-02 / Y(logical)= Y(physical)*LTM2_2 WAT0_001= 'system=physical' / PHAMIN = 1 / Minimum PHA channel in image PHAMAX = 15 / Maximum PHA channel in image BLKFACT = 16 / Blocking factor for image COMMENT COMMENT This extension contains the total band image. COMMENT The total band contains photons with 1 <= PHA <= 15 . COMMENT This image has been blocked by a factor of 16. COMMENT COMMENT COORDINATE CONVENTION COMMENT This image uses the convention in which (1,1) is the COMMENT coordinate of the center of the pixel in the lower COMMENT left-hand corner. COMMENT HISTORY SASS files used: HISTORY HRIMPE.SEQ HISTORY The image has been converted to a coordinate HISTORY system in which the declination increases HISTORY along the +Y axis and right ascension increased HISTORY along the -X axis by the following transformation: HISTORY HISTORY image(x,y) = HRIMPE(x, 512-y+1) HISTORY END |