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SIMPLE  =                    T  /  FITS STANDARD
BITPIX  =                  -32  /  FITS BITS/PIXEL
NAXIS   =                    2  /  NUMBER OF AXES
NAXIS1  =                 2043  /
NAXIS2  =                 2042  /
OBJECT  = 'N4631 V/980415'      /
ORIGIN  = 'KPNO-IRAF'           /
DATE    = '21-01-99'            /
IRAFNAME= 'n4631V.imh'          /  NAME OF IRAF IMAGE FILE
IRAF-MAX=           8.242134E4  /  DATA MAX
IRAF-MIN=          -1.851114E4  /  DATA MIN
IRAF-BPX=                   32  /  DATA BITS/PIXEL
IRAFTYPE= 'REAL    '            /  PIXEL TYPE
HDR_REV = '1.010  13Jul94     (title @ end of pic; UTSHUT)' /
ORIGPIC = 'obj0047'            / Original picture file name
OPICNUM =                   47 / Original picture number
NAMPSYX = '1 1'                / Num amps in y & x (eg. '2 2'=quad)
AMPLIST = '11'                 / Readout order in y,x
OBSERVAT= 'KPNO'               / Origin of data
TELESCOP= 'WIYN3.5m'           / Specific system
DETECTOR= 's2kb'               / Detector (CCD type, photon counter, etc.)
IMAGETYP= 'OBJECT'             / Type of picture (object, dark, etc.)
PREFLASH=             0.000000 / Preflash time in secs
CCDSUM  = '1 1'                / On chip summation (X,Y)
CCDSEC  = '[1:2048,1:2048]'    / Section in full CCD for DATASEC
DATASEC = '[1:2048,1:2048]'    / Image area in raw frame
TRIMSEC = '[1:2043,3:2044]'    / Trim section definition
BIASSEC = '[2049:2080,1:2048]' / Bias section definition
CAMTEMP =               -111.0 / CCD Temperature
DEWTEMP =               -179.0 / Dewar Temperature
DATE-OBS= '16/04/98'           / Date (dd/mm/yy) of observation
UTSHUT  = '09:33:07.0'         / UT of shutter open
EXPTIME =              900.000 / Exposure time in secs
DARKTIME=              904.069 / Total elapsed time in secs
DCS_TIME=                 8000 / (ns) DCS integrator slope time
GAIN    = '2.8'                / electrons per ADU
RDNOISE = '8'                  / electrons
READTIME=                30200 / (ns) unbinned pixel read time
WAVEFILE= 's2kb Thu Apr 16 02:13:21 1998' /
RECID   = 'wiyn.imager.980416.093306' / archive ID for observation
UT      = ' 9:33:05.38'         /  universal time
ST      = '15:44:00.63'         /  sidereal time
EL      = '51:52:54.04'        / elevation
AZ      = '-76:34:5.94'        / azimuth
TRACK   = 'enabled'            / tracking
COORDS  = 'Helio. mean FK5'    / coordinate system
RA      = '12:42:19.82'         /  Telescope RA
DEC     = '32:33:05.14'         /  Telescope DEC
RAOFFST = '00:00:0.00'         / Telescope RA offset
DECOFFST= '00:00:0.00'         / Telescope DEC offset
RADECSYS= 'FK5'                / coordinate system
TARGRA  = '12:39:42.00'        / right ascension
TARGDEC = '32:49:17.73'        / declination
EQUINOX =               1998.3 / equinox of position
EPOCH   =               1998.3 / same as EQUINOX (for back compat.)
ZD      =               38.166 / zenith distance
AIRMASS =             1.271186 / airmass at start of exposure
ROTANGLE=                -26.4 / rotator angle, degrees CW from N
FILTERS = 'Harris_V'           / fsa filter name
FILTNUM =                    6 / fsa filter number
FILTWHEL=                    2 / fsa filter wheel
WCSDIM  =                    2
LTV2    =                  -2.
LTM1_1  =                   1.
LTM2_2  =                   1.
WAT0_001= 'system=physical'
WAT1_001= 'wtype=linear'
WAT2_001= 'wtype=linear'
HISTORY New copy of ../../n1/obj0047.imh[1:2043,3:2044]
HISTORY New copy of ../../n1/obj0047over
HISTORY New copy of ../../n1/obj0047zero
HISTORY 'KPNO-IRAF'           /
HISTORY '16-04-98'            /

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