SIMPLE = T / FITS STANDARD BITPIX = 16 / FITS BITS/PIXEL NAXIS = 2 / NUMBER OF AXES NAXIS1 = 827 / NAXIS2 = 805 / BSCALE = 1.0000000000E0 / REAL = TAPE*BSCALE + BZERO BZERO = 0.0000000000E0 / ORIGIN = 'KPNO-IRAF' / DATE = '29-06-98' / IRAFNAME= 'n4725c3v' / NAME OF IRAF IMAGE FILE IRAF-MAX= 0.000000E0 / DATA MAX IRAF-MIN= 0.000000E0 / DATA MIN IRAF-BPX= 16 / DATA BITS/PIXEL IRAFTYPE= 'SHORT ' / PIXEL TYPE OPSIZE = 2112 / PSIZE of original image FITSDATE= '28/05/97' / Date FITS file was created ALLG-MAX= 2.343098E5 / Data max in all groups ALLG-MIN= -4.693542E3 / Data min in all groups ODATTYPE= 'FLOATING' / Original datatype: Single precision real SDASMGNU= 4 / Number of groups in original image CRVAL1 = 192.659747486302 CRVAL2 = 25.5412073253688 CRPIX1 = 420. CRPIX2 = 424.5 CD1_1 = 1.259889E-5 CD1_2 = -1.135471E-6 CD2_1 = -1.135970E-6 CD2_2 = -1.259336E-5 DATAMIN = -4.693542E3 / DATA MIN DATAMAX = 2.343098E5 / DATA MAX MIR_REVR= T ORIENTAT= -174.8479 FILLCNT = 0 ERRCNT = 0 FPKTTIME= 49819.3180621196 LPKTTIME= 49819.3182284969 CTYPE1 = 'RA---TAN' CTYPE2 = 'DEC--TAN' DETECTOR= 1 DEZERO = 313.3857 BIASEVEN= 313.3909 BIASODD = 313.3804 GOODMIN = -3.842441 GOODMAX = 3204.975 DATAMEAN= 7.025233 GPIXELS = 557519 SOFTERRS= 0 CALIBDEF= 82454 STATICD = 0 ATODSAT = 43 DATALOST= 0 BADPIXEL= 0 OVERLAP = 0 PHOTMODE= 'WFPC2,1,A2D7,F555W,,CAL ' PHOTFLAM= 3.491419E-18 PHOTZPT = -21.1 PHOTPLAM= 5442.588 PHOTBW = 522.1279 MEDIAN = 4.186324 MEDSHADO= 10.98969 HISTWIDE= 1.870135 SKEWNESS= 0.01418339 MEANC10 = 4.094766 MEANC25 = 4.638591 MEANC50 = 6.480676 MEANC100= 6.291108 MEANC200= 6.554629 MEANC300= 6.415448 BACKGRND= 4.039589 DADSFILE= 'U2782J01T.D0F' / DADSCLAS= 'CAL ' / DADSDATE= '12-APR-1995 21:31:19' / / GROUP PARAMETERS: OSS / GROUP PARAMETERS: PODPS / GROUP PARAMETERS: DATA QUALITY FILE SUMMARY / GROUP PARAMETERS: PHOTOMETRY / GROUP PARAMETERS: IMAGE STATISTICS / WFPC-II DATA DESCRIPTOR KEYWORDS INSTRUME= 'WFPC2 ' / instrument in use ROOTNAME= 'U2782J01T ' / rootname of the observation set FILETYPE= 'SCI ' / shp, ext, edq, sdq, sci / SCIENCE INSTRUMENT CONFIGURATION MODE = 'FULL ' / instr. mode: FULL (full res.), AREA (area int.) SERIALS = 'OFF ' / serial clocks: ON, OFF / IMAGE TYPE CHARACTERISTICS IMAGETYP= 'EXT ' / DARK/BIAS/IFLAT/UFLAT/VFLAT/KSPOT/EXT/ECAL CDBSFILE= 'NO ' / GENERIC/BIAS/DARK/FLAT/MASK/NO PKTFMT = 96 / packet format code / FILTER CONFIGURATION FILTNAM1= 'F555W ' / first filter name FILTNAM2= ' ' / second filter name FILTER1 = 25 / first filter number (0-48) FILTER2 = 0 / second filter number (0-48) FILTROT = 0.0 / partial filter rotation angle (degrees) LRFWAVE = 0.0 / linear ramp filter wavelength / INSTRUMENT STATUS USED IN DATA PROCESSING UCH1CJTM= -88.34862518311 / TEC cold junction #1 temperature (Celsius) UCH2CJTM= -88.80734252930 / TEC cold junction #2 temperature (Celsius) UCH3CJTM= -88.39449310303 / TEC cold junction #3 temperature (Celsius) UCH4CJTM= -88.90411376953 / TEC cold junction #4 temperature (Celsius) UBAY3TMP= 12.94649505615 / bay 3 A1 temperature (deg C) KSPOTS = 'OFF ' / Status of Kelsall spot lamps: ON, OFF SHUTTER = 'A ' / Shutter in place at the beginning of the exposu ATODGAIN= 7.000000000000 / Analog to Digital Gain (Electrons/DN) / RSDP CONTROL KEYWORDS MASKCORR= 'COMPLETE' / Do mask correction: PERFORM, OMIT, COMPLETE ATODCORR= 'COMPLETE' / Do A-to-D correction: PERFORM, OMIT, COMPLETE BLEVCORR= 'COMPLETE' / Do bias level correction: PERFORM, OMIT, COMPLE BIASCORR= 'COMPLETE' / Do bias correction: PERFORM, OMIT, COMPLETE DARKCORR= 'COMPLETE' / Do dark correction: PERFORM, OMIT, COMPLETE FLATCORR= 'COMPLETE' / Do flat field correction: PERFORM, OMIT, COMPLE SHADCORR= 'OMIT ' / Do shaded shutter correction: PERFORM, OMIT, CO DOSATMAP= 'OMIT ' / Output saturated pixel map: PERFORM, OMIT, COMP DOPHOTOM= 'COMPLETE' / Fill photometry keywords: PERFORM, OMIT, COMPLE DOHISTOS= 'OMIT ' / Make histograms: PERFORM, OMIT, COMPLETE OUTDTYPE= 'REAL ' / Output image datatype: REAL, LONG, SHORT / CALIBRATION REFERENCE FILES MASKFILE= 'uref$f8213081u.r0h' / name of the input DQF of known bad pixels ATODFILE= 'uref$dbu1405iu.r1h' / name of the A-to-D conversion file BLEVFILE= 'ucal$u2782j01t.x0h' / Engineering file with extended register data BLEVDFIL= 'ucal$u2782j01t.q1h' / Engineering file DQF BIASFILE= 'uref$fcb1503du.r2h' / name of the bias frame reference file BIASDFIL= 'uref$fcb1503du.b2h' / name of the bias frame reference DQF DARKFILE= 'uref$f4d1018iu.r3h' / name of the dark reference file DARKDFIL= 'uref$f4d1018iu.b3h' / name of the dark reference DQF FLATFILE= 'uref$g640925nu.r4h' / name of the flat field reference file FLATDFIL= 'uref$g640925nu.b4h' / name of the flat field reference DQF SHADFILE= 'uref$N/A' / name of the reference file for shutter shading PHOTTAB = ' ' / name of the photometry calibration table GRAPHTAB= 'crcomp$hstgraph_*.tab' COMPTAB = 'crcomp$hstcomp_*.tab' / DEFAULT KEYWORDS SET BY STSCI SATURATE= 4095 / Data value at which saturation occurs USCALE = 1.0 / Scale factor for output image UZERO = 0.0 / Zero point for output image / READOUT DURATION INFORMATION READTIME= 464 / Length of time for CCD readout in clock ticks / PLANETARY SCIENCE KEYWORDS PA_V3 = 0.3204593E+03 / position angle of v3 axis of HST RA_SUN = 0.2034775811337E+02 / right ascension of the sun (deg) DEC_SUN = 0.8573180717003E+01 / declination of the sun (deg) EQNX_SUN= 2000.0 / equinox of the sun MTFLAG = F / moving target flag EQRADTRG= 0.0 / equatorial radius of target FLATNTRG= 0.0 / flattening of target NPDECTRG= 0.0 / north pole declination of target NPRATRG = 0.0 / north pole right ascension of target ROTRTTRG= 0.0 / rotation rate of target LONGPMER= 0.0 / longitude of prime meridian EPLONGPM= 0.0 / epoch of longitude of prime meridian SURFLATD= 0.0 / surface feature latitude SURFLONG= 0.0 / surface feature longitude SURFALTD= 0.0 / surface feature altitude / PODPS FILL VALUES PODPSFF = 0 / 0=(no podps fill), 1=(podps fill present) STDCFFF = 0 / 0=(no st dcf fill), 1=(st dcf fill present) STDCFFP = '0000 ' / st dcf fill pattern (hex) RSDPFILL= -100 / bad data fill value for calibrated images / EXPOSURE TIME AND RELATED INFORMATION UEXPODUR= 1500 / Commanded duration of exposure (seconds) NSHUTA17= 1 / Number of AP17 shutter B closes DARKTIME= 1500.000000000 / Dark time (seconds) UEXPOTIM= 62192 / Major frame pulse time preceding exposure start PSTRTIME= '1995.102:07:37:39 ' / Predicted obs. start time (yyyy:ddd:hh:mm:ss) PSTPTIME= '1995.102:08:50:39 ' / Predicted obs. stop time (yyyy:ddd:hh:mm:ss) / EXPOSURE INFORMATION EQUINOX = 'J2000 ' / equinox of the celestial coordinate system SUNANGLE= 145.0672912598 / angle between sun and V1 axis (deg) MOONANGL= 38.19991302490 / angle between moon and V1 axis (deg) SUN_ALT = 10.32341289520 / altitude of the sun above Earth's limb (deg) FGSLOCK = 'FINE ' / commanded FGS lock (FINE,COARSE,GYROS,UNKNOWN) DATE-OBS= '12/04/95 ' / UT date of start of observation (dd/mm/yy) TIME-OBS= '07:11:17 ' / UT time of start of observation (hh:mm:ss) EXPSTART= 49819.29950309 / exposure start time (Modified Julian Date) EXPEND = 49819.31686420 / exposure end time (Modified Julian Date) EXPTIME = 1500.000000000 / exposure duration (seconds)--calculated EXPFLAG = 'NORMAL ' / Exposure interruption indicator / TARGET & PROPOSAL ID TARGNAME= 'NGC4725 ' / proposer's target name RA_TARG = 0.1926549583333E+03 / right ascension of the target (deg) (J2000) DEC_TARG= 0.2554638888889E+02 / declination of the target (deg) (J2000) PROPOSID= 05397 / PEP proposal identifier PEP_EXPO= '968.0000023 ' / PEP exposure identifier including sequence LINENUM = '51.000 ' / PEP proposal line number SEQLINE = '968.000 ' / PEP line number of defined sequence SEQNAME = 'BVI4725 ' / PEP define/use sequence name HISTORY MASKFILE=uref$f8213081u.r0h MASKCORR=COMPLETED HISTORY PEDIGREE=INFLIGHT 01/01/1994 - 15/05/1995 HISTORY DESCRIP=STATIC MASK - INCLUDES CHARGE TRANSFER TRAPS HISTORY BIASFILE=uref$fcb1503du.r2h BIASCORR=COMPLETED HISTORY PEDIGREE=INFLIGHT 13/01/1995 - 11/04/1995 HISTORY DESCRIP=not signif. different from f1j16* but generated from new data HISTORY DARKFILE=uref$f4d1018iu.r3h DARKCORR=COMPLETED HISTORY PEDIGREE=INFLIGHT 08/04/1995 - 10/04/1995 HISTORY DESCRIP=dark,full mode,serials off,gain=7,-88C HISTORY FLATFILE=uref$g640925nu.r4h FLATCORR=COMPLETED HISTORY PEDIGREE=INFLIGHT 01/05/1994 - 01/10/1994 HISTORY DESCRIP=Improved Cyc4 flat, fixed errors at CCD edges - now < 0.5% RMS HISTORY PC1: bias jump level ~0.178 DN. HISTORY The following throughput tables were used: crotacomp$, HISTORY crwfpc2comp$, crwfpc2comp$, HISTORY crwfpc2comp$, crwfpc2comp$, HISTORY crwfpc2comp$ HISTORY WF2: bias jump level ~0.108 DN. HISTORY The following throughput tables were used: crotacomp$, HISTORY crwfpc2comp$, crwfpc2comp$, HISTORY crwfpc2comp$, crwfpc2comp$, HISTORY crwfpc2comp$ HISTORY The following throughput tables were used: crotacomp$, HISTORY crwfpc2comp$, crwfpc2comp$, HISTORY crwfpc2comp$, crwfpc2comp$, HISTORY crwfpc2comp$ HISTORY WF4: bias jump level ~0.098 DN. HISTORY The following throughput tables were used: crotacomp$, HISTORY crwfpc2comp$, crwfpc2comp$, HISTORY crwfpc2comp$, crwfpc2comp$, HISTORY crwfpc2comp$ CTYPE3 = 'GROUP-NU' / Extra dimension axis name CD3_3 = 1 / WCSDIM = 3 CRPIX3 = -2. LTV3 = -2. LTM1_1 = 1. LTM2_2 = 1. LTM3_3 = 1. WAXMAP01= '1 0 2 0 0 2 ' WAT0_001= 'system=image' WAT1_001= 'wtype=tan axtype=ra' WAT2_001= 'wtype=tan axtype=dec' WAT3_001= 'label=group-nu' HISTORY 'STScI-STSDAS' / Fitsio version 21-Feb-1996 HISTORY '12/04/95 ' / date file written (dd/mm/yy) HISTORY New copy of u2782j01td HISTORY New copy of u2782j01td HISTORY New copy of u2782j01td HISTORY New copy of u2782j01t3 END |