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SIMPLE  =                    T / Fits standard
BITPIX  =                  -32 / Bits per pixel
NAXIS   =                    2 / Number of axes
NAXIS1  =                  501 / Axis length
NAXIS2  =                  501 / Axis length
EXTEND  =                    F / File may contain extensions
ORIGIN  = 'NOAO-IRAF FITS Image Kernel Aug 1 1997' / FITS file originator
IRAF-TLM= '12:00:57 (15/12/1997)' / Time of last modification
OBJECT  = 'DRZ160[1/1]'         /
DATE    = '15/12/97'            /
IRAF-MAX=           0.000000E0  /  DATA MAX
IRAF-MIN=           0.000000E0  /  DATA MIN
CRPIX1  =                 -56.
CTYPE1  = 'CD1-1   '
CD1_1   =            20987968.
CD2_1   =                  0.5
CRPIX2  =                 -56.
CTYPE2  = 'CD1-2   '
CD1_2   =           6.756010E9
CD2_2   =            20987968.
D001VER = 'DRIZZLE Version 1.1 (12th May 1997)' / Drizzle, task version
D001DATA= 'dat1.hhh'           / Drizzle, input data image
D001OUDA= 'drz160.hhh'         / Drizzle, output data image
D001OUWE= 'wts160.hhh'         / Drizzle, output weighting image
D001MASK= 'wts1.hhh'           / Drizzle, input data quality mask image
D001WTSC=                   1. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
D001PIXF=                  0.6 / Drizzle, linear size of drop
D001SCAL=                  0.5 / Drizzle, scale (pixel size) of output image
D001COEF= '        '           / Drizzle, coefficients file name
D001LAM =                   0. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
D001ROT =                   0. / Drizzle, rotation angle, degrees anticlockwise
D001XSH =                   0. / Drizzle, X shift applied
D001YSH =                   0. / Drizzle, Y shift applied
D001SFTU= 'input   '           / Drizzle, units used for shifts (output or input
D001SFTF= 'input   '           / Drizzle, frame in which shifts were applied
D001OUNX=                  600 / Drizzle, X size of output image (if newly creat
D001OUNY=                  600 / Drizzle, Y size of output image (if newly creat
D001EXKY= '        '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
D001EXSC=                    F / Drizzle, were images converted to c/s during pr
D001OUUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
D001FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D001INXC=                 129. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
D001INYC=                 129. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
D001OUXC=                 301. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
D001OUYC=                 301. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
D002VER = 'DRIZZLE Version 1.1 (12th May 1997)' / Drizzle, task version
D002DATA= 'dat2.hhh'           / Drizzle, input data image
D002OUDA= 'drz160.hhh'         / Drizzle, output data image
D002OUWE= 'wts160.hhh'         / Drizzle, output weighting image
D002MASK= 'wts2.hhh'           / Drizzle, input data quality mask image
D002WTSC=                   1. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
D002PIXF=                  0.6 / Drizzle, linear size of drop
D002SCAL=                  0.5 / Drizzle, scale (pixel size) of output image
D002COEF= '        '           / Drizzle, coefficients file name
D002LAM =                   0. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
D002ROT =                   0. / Drizzle, rotation angle, degrees anticlockwise
D002XSH =                25.09 / Drizzle, X shift applied
D002YSH =                   0. / Drizzle, Y shift applied
D002SFTU= 'input   '           / Drizzle, units used for shifts (output or input
D002SFTF= 'input   '           / Drizzle, frame in which shifts were applied
D002OUNX=                  600 / Drizzle, X size of output image (if newly creat
D002OUNY=                  600 / Drizzle, Y size of output image (if newly creat
D002EXKY= '        '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
D002EXSC=                    F / Drizzle, were images converted to c/s during pr
D002OUUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
D002FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D002INXC=                 129. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
D002INYC=                 129. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
D002OUXC=                 301. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
D002OUYC=                 301. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
D003VER = 'DRIZZLE Version 1.1 (12th May 1997)' / Drizzle, task version
D003DATA= 'dat3.hhh'           / Drizzle, input data image
D003OUDA= 'drz160.hhh'         / Drizzle, output data image
D003OUWE= 'wts160.hhh'         / Drizzle, output weighting image
D003MASK= 'wts3.hhh'           / Drizzle, input data quality mask image
D003WTSC=                   1. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
D003PIXF=                  0.6 / Drizzle, linear size of drop
D003SCAL=                  0.5 / Drizzle, scale (pixel size) of output image
D003COEF= '        '           / Drizzle, coefficients file name
D003LAM =                   0. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
D003ROT =                   0. / Drizzle, rotation angle, degrees anticlockwise
D003XSH =                25.09 / Drizzle, X shift applied
D003YSH =                25.33 / Drizzle, Y shift applied
D003SFTU= 'input   '           / Drizzle, units used for shifts (output or input
D003SFTF= 'input   '           / Drizzle, frame in which shifts were applied
D003OUNX=                  600 / Drizzle, X size of output image (if newly creat
D003OUNY=                  600 / Drizzle, Y size of output image (if newly creat
D003EXKY= '        '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
D003EXSC=                    F / Drizzle, were images converted to c/s during pr
D003OUUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
D003FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D003INXC=                 129. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
D003INYC=                 129. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
D003OUXC=                 301. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
D003OUYC=                 301. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
D004VER = 'DRIZZLE Version 1.1 (12th May 1997)' / Drizzle, task version
D004DATA= 'dat4.hhh'           / Drizzle, input data image
D004OUDA= 'drz160.hhh'         / Drizzle, output data image
D004OUWE= 'wts160.hhh'         / Drizzle, output weighting image
D004MASK= 'wts4.hhh'           / Drizzle, input data quality mask image
D004WTSC=                   1. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
D004PIXF=                  0.6 / Drizzle, linear size of drop
D004SCAL=                  0.5 / Drizzle, scale (pixel size) of output image
D004COEF= '        '           / Drizzle, coefficients file name
D004LAM =                   0. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
D004ROT =                   0. / Drizzle, rotation angle, degrees anticlockwise
D004XSH =                   0. / Drizzle, X shift applied
D004YSH =                25.33 / Drizzle, Y shift applied
D004SFTU= 'input   '           / Drizzle, units used for shifts (output or input
D004SFTF= 'input   '           / Drizzle, frame in which shifts were applied
D004OUNX=                  600 / Drizzle, X size of output image (if newly creat
D004OUNY=                  600 / Drizzle, Y size of output image (if newly creat
D004EXKY= '        '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
D004EXSC=                    F / Drizzle, were images converted to c/s during pr
D004OUUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
D004FVAL= 'INDEF   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D004INXC=                 129. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
D004INYC=                 129. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
D004OUXC=                 301. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
D004OUYC=                 301. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
WCSDIM  =                    2
LTV1    =                 -99.
LTV2    =                 -99.
LTM1_1  =                   1.
LTM2_2  =                   1.
WAT0_001= 'system=image'
WAT1_001= 'label=
cd1-1     '
WAT2_001= 'label=
cd1-2     '

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