SIMPLE = T / Standard FITS format BITPIX = -32 / No. of bits per pixel NAXIS = 2 / No. of axes in image NAXIS1 = 571 / No. of pixels NAXIS2 = 369 / No. of pixels EXTEND = T / FITS extension may be present BLOCKED = T / FITS file may be blocked CRPIX1 = 1. / Reference pixel CRVAL1 = 1. / Coordinate at reference pixel CDELT1 = 1. / Coordinate increment per pixel CTYPE1 = ' ' / Units of coordinate CRPIX2 = 1. / Reference pixel CRVAL2 = 1. / Coordinate at reference pixel CDELT2 = 1. / Coordinate increment per pixel CTYPE2 = ' ' / Units of coordinate BUNIT = 'ADU ' / Units of data values DATAMAX = 9411.68164062 / Maximum data value DATAMIN = -2202.47045898 / Minimum data value ORIGIN = 'ESO-MIDAS' / Written by MIDAS DATE = '01/11/99' / Date of writting: DD/MM/YY FILENAME= 'as7469.bdf' / Original file name MIDASFTP= 'IMAGE ' / MIDAS File Type OBJECT = 'image built from polygon' / MIDAS desc.: IDENT(1) HISTORY CREATE/IMAGE middumna = n7469r2 poly 0.00000E+00 \ HISTORY INSERT/IMAGE nr7469h41 middumna \ HISTORY Renamed from middumna.bdf to nr7469h41.bdf \ HISTORY COMPUTE/IMAG kk4 = ((nr7469h41 - 10.6308)/80\ HISTORY 0)*EXP10(0.049892*1.077/2.5)*EXP10(2.4741*0.03/2.5) \ HISTORY COMPUTE/IMAG alfa7469 = (k\ HISTORY k4 - kk0*22.3125/26)/0.55 FILTER/GAUS alfa7\ HISTORY 469 as7469 5,5 5,1.2,5,1.1 + + NNE FILTER/G\ HISTORY AUS alfa7469 as7469 5,5 5,1.2,5,1.1 + + NNE \ HISTORY HISTORY ESO-DESCRIPTORS START ................ HISTORY 'LHCUTS' ,'R*4 ' , 1, 4,'5E14.7',' ',' ' HISTORY 0.0000000E+00 1.0000000E-01-2.2024705E+03 9.4116816E+03 HISTORY HISTORY 'DISPLAY_DATA' ,'I*4 ' , 1, 9,'7I10',' ',' ' HISTORY 1 1 286 185 0 -1 -1 HISTORY -1 -1 HISTORY HISTORY ESO-DESCRIPTORS END ................ END |