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SIMPLE  =                    T / Fits standard
BITPIX  =                  -32 / Bits per pixel
NAXIS   =                    2 / Number of axes
NAXIS1  =                  135 / Axis length
NAXIS2  =                  135 / Axis length
ORIGIN  = 'NOAO-IRAF FITS Image Kernel July 1999' / FITS file originator
DATE    = '2000-11-30T00:53:47' / Date FITS file was generated
IRAF-TLM= '17:53:47 (29/11/2000)' / Time of last modification
EXTEND  =                    T / File may contain standard extensions
NEXTEND =                    5 / Number of standard extensions
FILENAME= 'n4eya1030_mos.fits' / name of file
FILETYPE= 'SCI               ' / type of data found in data file
TELESCOP= 'HST               ' / telescope used to acquire data
INSTRUME= 'NICMOS            ' / identifier for instrument used to acquire data
EQUINOX =               2000.0 / equinox of celestial coord. system
ROOTNAME= 'N4EYA1030'          / rootname of the observation set
IMAGETYP= 'EXT               ' / type of exposure identifier
PARALLEL= 'NO                ' / indicates if observation taken in parallel
PRIMESI = 'NICMOS            ' / instrument designated as prime
              / TARGET INFORMATION
TARGNAME= 'M31               ' / proposer's target name
RA_TARG =        10.6847083333 / right ascension of the target (deg) (J2000)
DEC_TARG=               41.269 / declination of the target (deg) (J2000)
PROPOSID=                 7171 / PEP proposal identifier
LINENUM = '1.150             ' / PEP proposal line number
PR_INV_L= 'RIEKE             ' / last name of principal investigator
PR_INV_F= 'MARCIA            ' / first name of principal investigator
PR_INV_M= '                  ' / middle initial of principal investigator
ORIENTAT=             -140.483 / position angle of image y axis (deg. e of n)
SUNANGLE=             0.688974 / angle between sun and V1 axis
MOONANGL=             1.847124 / angle between moon and V1 axis
SUN_ALT =           -57.601654 / altitude of the sun above Earth's limb
FGSLOCK = 'FINE              ' / commanded FGS lock (FINE,COARSE,GYROS,UNKNOWN)
DATE-OBS= '02/12/97          ' / UT date of start of observation (dd/mm/yy)
TIME-OBS= '21:15:32          ' / UT time of start of observation (hh:mm:ss)
EXPSTART=   5.078488579180E+04 / exposure start time (Modified Julian Date)
EXPEND  =   5.078488616217E+04 / exposure end time (Modified Julian Date)
EXPTIME =            31.965120 / total integration time (sec)
EXPFLAG = 'NORMAL            ' / Exposure interruption indicator
CAMERA  =                    2 / Camera in use (1, 2, or 3)
PRIMECAM=                    2 / Primary camera for internal parallels
FOCUS   = 'CAMERA2           ' / In-focus camera for this observation
APERTURE= 'NIC2              ' / aperture in use (NICi,NICi-FIX,NIC2-CORON/ACQ)
OBSMODE = 'MULTIACCUM        ' / array readout mode (ACCUM, MULTIACCUM, etc.)
FILTER  = 'F222M             ' / filter wheel element in beam during observation
NUMITER =                    1 / number of exposure iterations
NREAD   =                    1 / ACCUM - number of initial and final readouts
NSAMP   =                    9 / RAMP, MULTI-ACCUM - number of samples
SAMP_SEQ= 'STEP32            ' / MultiAccum exposure time sequence name
CR_ELIM = 'NoCR              ' / RAMP - onboard cosmic ray detection used
SAT_ELIM= 'YES               ' / RAMP - on-board saturation detection used
CRTHRESH=                  0.0 / RAMP - on-board cosmic ray detect threshold
SATHRESH=                  0.0 / RAMP - on-board saturation threshold
VARSCALE=                  0.0 / RAMP - on-board scale factor for variance
PATT_OFF= 'SAM               ' / pattern offset method (SAM, FOM, etc.)
PATTERN = 'SPIRAL-DITH       ' / pattern type
PFRAME  = '                  ' / ref frame of pattern (DETECTOR, SKY)
PORIENT =             -140.483 / orientation of pattern on sky (deg)
NUMPOS  =                    4 / number of positions in pattern
DITHSIZE=                  .43 / size of dither steps (arc seconds)
CHOPSIZE=             0.000000 / size of chop steps (arc seconds)
PATT_POS=                    1 / postion number in pattern sequence
FOMXPOS =                  0.0 / X offset of FOV using NICMOS FOM
FOMYPOS =                  0.0 / Y offset of FOV using NICMOS FOM
NFXTILTP=         0.448201E-02 / Fom X TILT Position (arcsec)
NFYTILTP=         0.204524E-02 / Fom Y TILT Position (arcsec)
NPXTILTP=               2799.0 / PAM X TILT Position (arcsec)
NPYTILTP=               2831.0 / PAM Y TILT Position (arcsec)
NPFOCUSP=             0.612971 / Pam FOCUS Position (deg)
TIMEPATT=                   12 / timing pattern id
READOUT = 'FAST              ' / detector array readout rate (FAST, SLOW)
HCLKRATE=                 12.5 / horizontal clock rate (microseconds)
VIDEO_BW=                400.0 / readout video bandwidth (kHz)
ADCZERO =             -18000.0 / analog-digital conversion zero level (DN)
ADCGAIN =                  5.0 / analog-digital conversion gain (electrons/DN)
BACKEST1=                  0.0 / background estimate number 1
BACKEST2=             0.000000 / background estimate number 2
BACKEST3=             0.000000 / background estimate number 3
PHOTMODE= '                  ' / photometry mode
PHOTFLAM=                  0.0 / inverse sensitivity (ergs/cm**2/Angstrom/DN)
PHOTFNU =                  0.0 / inverse sensitivity (JY*sec/DN)
PHOTZPT =                  0.0 / ST magnitude system zero point (mag)
PHOTPLAM=                  0.0 / pivot wavelength of the photmode (Angstroms)
PHOTBW  =                  0.0 / RMS bandwidth of the photmode (Angstroms)
MASKFILE= 'nc2_msk_mjr.fits'        / static data quality file
NOISFILE= 'h4216218n_noi.fits'      / detector read noise file
NLINFILE= 'k541124pn_lin.fits'      / detector nonlinearities file
DARKFILE= 'nc2step32_drk_mjr.fits'  / dark current file
FLATFILE= 'nc2f222m_flt_mjr.fits'   / flat field file
PHOTTAB = 'ntab$ha914251n_pht.fits' / photometric calibration table
BACKTAB = '                  ' / background model parameters table
MASKPDGR= 'INFLIGHT'           / static data quality file pedigree
NOISPDGR= 'GROUND 27/01/1997'  / detector read noise file pedigree
NLINPDGR= 'GROUND  '           / detector nonlinearities file pedigree
DARKPDGR= 'INFLIGHT'           / dark current file pedigree
FLATPDGR= 'INFLIGHT'           / flat field file pedigree
PHOTPDGR= '                  ' / photometric calibration table pedigree
BACKPDGR= '                  ' / background model parameters table pedigree
              / CALNICA CALIBRATION SWITCHES: perform,omit
BIASCORR= 'PERFORM           ' / subtract ADC bias level
ZOFFCORR= 'PERFORM           ' / subtract MULTI-ACCUM zero read
MASKCORR= 'PERFORM           ' / data quality initialization
NOISCALC= 'PERFORM           ' / calculate statistic errors
NLINCORR= 'PERFORM           ' / correct for detector nonlinearities
DARKCORR= 'PERFORM           ' / dark correction
FLATCORR= 'PERFORM           ' / flat field correction
UNITCORR= 'PERFORM           ' / convert to count rates
PHOTCALC= 'OMIT    '           / calculate photometric keywords
CRIDCALC= 'PERFORM           ' / identify cosmic ray hits
BACKCALC= 'PERFORM           ' / calculate background estimates
WARNCALC= 'PERFORM           ' / generate user warnings
              / CALNICA CALIBRATION INDICATORS: performed, skipped, omitted
BIASDONE= 'PERFORMED'          / subtract ADC bias level
ZOFFDONE= 'PERFORMED'          / subtract MULTI-ACCUM zero read
MASKDONE= 'PERFORMED'          / data quality initialization
NOISDONE= 'PERFORMED'          / calculate statistic errors
NLINDONE= 'PERFORMED'          / correct for detector nonlinearities
DARKDONE= 'PERFORMED'          / dark correction
FLATDONE= 'PERFORMED'          / flat field correction
UNITDONE= 'PERFORMED'          / convert to count rates
PHOTDONE= 'OMITTED '           / calculate photometric keywords
CRIDDONE= 'PERFORMED'          / identify cosmic ray hits
BACKDONE= '                  ' / calculate background estimates
WARNDONE= '                  ' / generate user warnings
CALSTAGE= 'CALNICB '           / state of calibration
CAL_VER = 'Version 2.3.1'      / CALNIC code version
ILLMCORR= 'OMIT    '           / background illumination pattern subtraction
ILLMDONE= 'OMITTED '           / background illumination pattern subtraction
ILLMFILE= '        '                / background illumination pattern file name
ILLMPDGR= '                  ' / background illumination pattern file pedigree
MEAN_BKG=             0.000000 / mean background level (DN/sec)
ASN_ID  = 'N4EYA1030         ' / unique identifier assigned to association
ASN_TAB = 'n4eya1030_asn.fits' / name of the association table
ASN_MTYP= 'PROD-TARG'          / Role of the Exposure in the Association
EXPNAME = 'N4EYA1030'          / 9 character exposure identifier
BUNIT   = 'COUNTS/S'           / brightness units
              / World Coordinate System and Related Parameters
CRPIX1  =                  46. / x-coordinate of reference pixel
CRPIX2  =                  57. / y-coordinate of reference pixel
CRVAL1  =   1.068483289484E+01 / first axis value at reference pixel
CRVAL2  =   4.126971045114E+01 / second axis value at reference pixel
CTYPE1  = 'RA---TAN          ' / the coordinate type for the first axis
CTYPE2  = 'DEC--TAN          ' / the coordinate type for the second axis
CD1_1   =         0.163323E-04 / partial of first axis coordinate w.r.t. x
CD1_2   =        -0.133450E-04 / partial of first axis coordinate w.r.t. y
CD2_1   =        -0.134712E-04 / partial of second axis coordinate w.r.t. x
CD2_2   =        -0.161793E-04 / partial of second axis coordinate w.r.t. y
FILLCNT =                    0 / number of segments containing fill
ERRCNT  =                    0 / number of segments containing errors
PODPSFF =                    F / podps fill present (T/F)
STDCFFF =                    F / ST DDF fill present (T/F)
STDCFFP = 'x5569             ' / ST DDF fill pattern (hex)
              / READOUT PARAMETERS
SAMPNUM =                    8 / MULTIACCUM sample number
SAMPTIME=            31.965120 / total integration time (sec)
DELTATIM=            15.993080 / integration time of this sample (sec)
ROUTTIME=   5.078488598529E+04 / UT time of array readout (MJD)
TDFTRANS=                    0 / number of TDF transitions during current sample
              / DATA QUALITY
ENGQUAL = 'NORMAL            ' / engineering quality (NORMAL, FLAGS)
NQUAL00 =                64396 / number of pixels with all DQ flags equal zero
NQUAL01 =                    0 / number of pixels with Reed-Solomon flag
NQUAL02 =                    0 / number of pixels with NonLinearity flag
NQUAL03 =                    0 / number of pixels with Dark flag set
NQUAL04 =                    0 / number of pixels with Flat Field flag set
NQUAL05 =                    0 / number of pixels with Background flag set
NQUAL06 =                    0 / number of pixels with Defective flag set
NQUAL07 =                    0 / number of pixels with Saturated flag set
NQUAL08 =                    0 / number of pixels with Missing flag set
NQUAL09 =                   46 / number of pixels with Bad Pixel flag set
NQUAL10 =                    0 / number of pixels with Cosmic Ray flag set
NQUAL11 =                 3677 / number of pixels with Source flag set
NQUAL12 =                   21 / number of pixels with unassigned flag set
GOODMEAN=        1.7738669E-01 / mean of good pixels (no dq flags set)
GOODSTDV=        1.3760207E+00 / standard deviation of good pixels
GOODMIN =       -2.9374115E+00 / min value of good pixels
GOODMAX =        6.8556604E+00 / max value of good pixels
QAMEAN  =       -3.7431565E-01 / mean of good pixels in quadrant A
QASTDV  =        1.1472447E+00 / standard deviation of good pixels in quad A
QAMIN   =       -2.9348049E+00 / min value of good pixels in quadrant A
QAMAX   =        5.7838864E+00 / max value of good pixels in quadrant A
QBMEAN  =        4.2065103E-02 / mean of good pixels in quadrant B
QBSTDV  =        1.3645611E+00 / standard deviation of good pixels in quad B
QBMIN   =       -2.9374115E+00 / min value of good pixels in quadrant B
QBMAX   =        6.8556604E+00 / max value of good pixels in quadrant B
QCMEAN  =        7.0600075E-01 / mean of good pixels in quadrant C
QCSTDV  =        1.4409864E+00 / standard deviation of good pixels in quad C
QCMIN   =       -2.6206360E+00 / min value of good pixels in quadrant C
QCMAX   =        5.6464419E+00 / max value of good pixels in quadrant C
QDMEAN  =        4.1165364E-01 / mean of good pixels in quadrant D
QDSTDV  =        1.3110173E+00 / standard deviation of good pixels in quad D
QDMIN   =       -2.4161777E+00 / min value of good pixels in quadrant D
QDMAX   =        6.0340180E+00 / max value of good pixels in quadrant D
HISTORY ZOFFCORR performed using n4eya1q3q_raw.fits
HISTORY MASKCORR performed using nc2_msk_mjr.fits
HISTORY NOISCALC performed using h4216218n_noi.fits
HISTORY   GROUND 27/01/1997
HISTORY   TV-based NIC2 FAST nreads=1 nois
HISTORY DARKCORR performed using nc2step32_drk_mjr.fits
HISTORY NLINCORR performed using k541124pn_lin.fits
HISTORY   NIC3 linearity file zero-charge based corrected,orientation correcte
HISTORY FLATCORR performed using nc2f222m_flt_mjr.fits
GOODMEDN=       -5.9422776E-02 /
QAMEDN  =       -5.8432776E-01 /
QBMEDN  =       -1.5634617E-01 /
QCMEDN  =        4.9296927E-01 /
QDMEDN  =        1.4386471E-01 /
HISTORY Subtracted constant bkg level = 8.28934
HISTORY Mosaiced images:
HISTORY   n4eya1q3q_cal.fits
HISTORY   n4eya1q4q_cal.fits
HISTORY   n4eya1q6q_cal.fits
HISTORY   n4eya1q7q_cal.fits
ROOTNAME= 'N4EYA1030'          /
WCSDIM  =                    2
LTV1    =                 -85.
LTV2    =                 -74.
LTM1_1  =                   1.
LTM2_2  =                   1.
WAT0_001= 'system=image'
WAT1_001= 'wtype=tan axtype=ra'
WAT2_001= 'wtype=tan axtype=dec'

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