SIMPLE = T / Fits standard BITPIX = -32 / Bits per pixel NAXIS = 2 / Number of axes NAXIS1 = 2822 / Axis length NAXIS2 = 2822 / Axis length EXTEND = F / File may contain extensions ORIGIN = 'NOAO-IRAF FITS Image Kernel July 1999' / FITS file originator IRAF-TLM= '22:33:19 (03/07/2004)' OBJECT = 'NGC4725 ' / Name of the object observed DATE = '2002-01-11T17:41:39' PACKTYPE= 'OBSVATON' /Packet type PACKVERS= 2 /Packet Version Number PACKDATE= '95/04/23' /Date of packet creation PACKTIME= '03:02:14' /Time of packet creation PACKNAME= 'IOB12418' /Packet name PACKPDAT= '95/04/23' /Date of previous packet of this type PACKPTIM= '02:53:18' /Time of previous packet of this type PACKPNAM= 'IOB12417' /Name of previous packet of this type OBSERVER= 'SMH ' /Name of the Observer TELESCOP= 'INT ' /Name of the Telescope INSTRUME= 'PFCU ' /Instrument configuration OBSTYP = 40 /Observation type RA = '12:50:27.96' /RA of the source DEC = '+25:30:05.1' /Declination of the source EQUINOX = '2000.00 ' /Equinox of coordinate system ZENDIST = 40.6524 /Zenith distance AIRMASS = 1.31711 /Air mass DATE-OBS= '23/04/95' /Date of the observation PACKEND PACKTYPE= 'ACQGUIDE' /Packet type PACKVERS= 1 /Packet Version Number PACKDATE= '95/04/23' /Date of packet creation PACKTIME= '03:02:20' /Time of packet creation PACKNAME= 'IAG05176' /Packet name PACKPDAT= '95/04/23' /Date of previous packet of this type PACKPTIM= '02:53:24' /Time of previous packet of this type PACKPNAM= 'IAG05175' /Name of previous packet of this type AGTVPOSX= 0.0 /Not applicable AGTVPOSY= 0.0 /Not applicable AGTVFILT= 0 /Not applicable AGTVCAMN= ' ' /Not applicable AGPOSX = 0.4112E-01 /A&G probe position in X AGPOSY = 0.4592E-01 /A&G probe position in Y AGNDFLNR= 0 /Not applicable AGNDFPOS= 0 /Not applicable APROBE = ' ' /Not available AGCOLFIL= 'HAR ' /A&G colour filter tray nr. AGCOLFLP= '5 (I) ' /A&G colour filter position FLIPMIRR= ' ' /Not applicable AGARCID = ' ' /Not applicable FIELDSIZ= 0.0 /Not available FIELDANG= 179.8 /Orientation angle of field (deg) GUIDSTAT= 0 /Not available GUIDSTAR= ' ' /Not available GUIDBRIG= 0.0 /Not available GUIDSTWD= 0.0 /Not available GUIDSTSG= 0.0 /Not available GUIDFOC = 0.119E-02 /Guider focus position (metres) PACKEND PACKTYPE= 'DETCCD ' /Packet type PACKVERS= 5 /Packet Version Number PACKDATE= '95/04/23' /Date of packet creation PACKTIME= '03:08:39' /Time of packet creation PACKNAME= 'ICD05451' /Packet name PACKPDAT= '95/04/23' /Date of previous packet of this type PACKPTIM= '02:59:43' /Time of previous packet of this type PACKPNAM= 'ICD05450' /Name of previous packet of this type BUNIT = 'ADU ' /Physical units of data array BLANK = 32768.0 /Value indicating undefined pixel OBSERVER= 'SMH ' /Name of Observer CCDSPEED= 'QUICK ' /Readout speed RA = '12:50:27.96' /RA of the source DEC = '+25:30:05.1' /Declination of the source EQUINOX = 'J2000.0' /Equinox of coordinate system OBJECT = 'NGC4725 ' /Name of Object NUMRUN = 549 /Run number DETHEAD = 'CCD-TEK3' /Type of detector head DETID = 'TEK CHIP' /Detector identifier PIXXSIZE= 0.24E-04 /Pixel X size in metres PIXYSIZE= 0.24E-04 /Pixel Y size in metres OPMODE = ' ' /Not available TIMEXPOS= 300.016 /Exposure time (secs) TIMELAPS= 300.016 /Elapsed time (secs) TIMSTART= '03:02:07.644' /Start of exposure TIMEND = '03:07:07.660' /End of exposure XUNDER = 50 /Number of pixels underscan per row YUNDER = 0 /Number of pixels underscan per column DETXSIZE= 1024 /Number of light-sensitive pixels per ro DETYSIZE= 1024 /Number of light-sensitive pixels per co XOVER = 50 /Number of pixels overscan per row YOVER = 100 /Number of pixels overscan per column AXSTART = 50 /Data acquisition window -> AXEND = 1024 /For CCD this is entire -> AYSTART = 1 /light-sensitive -> AYEND = 1024 /portion of the chip DXSTART = 0 /Data dumping window -> DXEND = 1124 /This is the -> DYSTART = 0 /digitised -> DYEND = 1124 /portion of the chip XBIN = 1 /Binning factor along a row YBIN = 1 /Binning factor along a column DTITLE = ' ' /Not available VIDEOREF= -6.93 /Video reference PLUS15V = 16.05 /Preamp +15v MINUS15V= -15.25 /Preamp -15v 3TELE = 0.0 /Not used VCL = -10.24 /Vertical clock low VCH-READ= -2.37 /Vertical clock high (readout) VCH-INT = -2.385 /Vertical clock high (integrating) 7TELE = 0.0 /Not used HCL = -6.86 /Horizontal clock low HCH = 4.48 /Horizontal clock high RCL = -6.945 /Reset clock low RCH = 4.505 /Reset clock high PLUS5V = 5.1 /+5v Digital TEMP-ABS= 172.5 /Chip temperature (absolute) TEMP-REL= -0.500202E-02 /Chip temperature (relative) 15TELE = 0.0 /Not used PACKEND WCSDIM = 2 LTV1 = -131.164674935137 LTM1_1 = 2.44242003113529 LTM2_2 = -2.44975322481824 WAT0_001= 'system=physical' WAT1_001= 'wtype=linear' WAT2_001= 'wtype=linear' CRCOR = 'Jun 7 15:19 Threshold= 3.0, fluxratio= 14.91, removed=485' LTV2 = 3005.62148568696 LTM2_1 = -0.0189611033171497 LTM1_2 = -0.0190180286807442 EXPTIME = 1.000 NCOMBINE= 1 DARKTIME= 1. MOSTDETI= 'ngc4725K_24.fits' CRPIX1 = 1192.8 CRPIX2 = 1634.3 CRVAL1 = 192.611 CRVAL2 = 25.5016 CDELT1 = -6.690000E-5 CDELT2 = 6.690000E-5 CROTA1 = 0. CTYPE1 = 'RA---TAN' CTYPE2 = 'DEC--TAN' COMMENT1= '20.650 ! Surface brightness cal constant (mag/arcsec**2)' COMMENT2= '0.241 ! Pixel scale in arcsec/pixel' COMMENT3= 'Investigators using these data are requested to reference the' COMMENT4= 'following paper(s) in any publications:' COMMENT5= 'For the Ks-band data: Knapen, J. H., de Jong, R. S., Stedman, S.,' COMMENT6= 'Bramich, D. M., 2003, MNRAS, 344, 527 (Erratum MNRAS 346, 333)' COMMENT7= 'For optical data: Knapen, J. H., Stedman, S., Bramich, D. M.,' COMMENT8= 'Folkes, S. F., Bradley, T. R., 2004, A&A, 426, 1135' END |