SIMPLE = T / Fits standard BITPIX = -32 / Bits per pixel NAXIS = 2 / Number of axes NAXIS1 = 2853 / Axis length NAXIS2 = 5706 / Axis length EXTEND = T / File may contain extensions ORIGIN = 'NOAO-IRAF FITS Image Kernel July 1999' / FITS file originator DATE = '2003-11-10T00:18:31' IRAF-TLM= '22:40:04 (03/07/2004)' OBJECT = 'n5457 R 300s' / Name of the object observed RUN = 298995 / Run number RUNSET = '1:1:298995 ' / i:n:r => Run i of n runs starting at #r SYSVER = '/jkt/s11-1 ' / Version of observing system OBSERVAT= 'LAPALMA ' / Name of observatory (IRAF style) OBSERVER= 'Johan Knapen ' / Name of principal investigator PROPOSAL= 'P15/03a ' / Code for grant of observing time OBSTYPE = 'TARGET ' / Type of observation, e.g. TARGET IMAGETYP= 'object ' / Type of observation, e.g. object LATITUDE= 28.761087 / Telescope latitude (degrees), +28:45:39.9 LONGITUD= -17.878097 / Telescope longitude (degrees), -17:52:41.1 HEIGHT = 2369 / [m] Height above sea level. SLATEL = 'LPO1 ' / Telescope name known to SLALIB TELESCOP= 'JKT ' / 1.0m Jacobus Kapteyn Telescope TELSTAT = 'GUIDING ' / Telescope status: TRACKING or GUIDING normally. RA = ' 14:03:12.892' / RA (210.8037180419655100 degrees) DEC = '+54:21:02.93' / DEC ( 54.3508136258416740 degrees) EQUINOX = '2000.00 ' / Equinox of coordinates RADECSYS= 'FK5 ' / mean place new (after the 1976 IAU) system XAPNOM = 0.0000000000 / nominal aperture in x (0.00 arcsec) YAPNOM = 0.0000000000 / nominal aperture in y (0.00 arcsec) XAPOFF = 0.0000000000 / total aperture offset in x (0.00 arcsec) YAPOFF = 0.0000000000 / total aperture offset in y (0.00 arcsec) MJD-OBS = 52709.2166429 / Modified Julian Date of midtime of observation JD = 2452709.7166429 / Julian Date of midtime of observation STSTART = ' 15:11:43.1' / Local sidereal time at start of observation ST = ' 15:11:43.1' / Local sidereal time at start of observation AZIMUTH = 338.106904 / Mean azimuth of observation (degrees) ZD = 28.639059 / Mean zenith-distance of observation (degrees) FSTATION= 'CASSEGRAIN_E' / Focal station of observation PLATESCA= 3.819719 / [d/m] Platescale ( 13.75arcsec/mm) TELFOCUS= 0.039796 / Telescope focus (metres) ROTTRACK= T / Rotator always tracks sky on equatorial mount ROTSKYPA= 358.976411 / demmand SKY position angle (degrees) PARANGLE= 146.100499 / Parallactic angle at observation midpoint VIGNETTE= F / Can we see out? DOMEAZ = 8.086039 / Mean dome azimuth during observation AIRMASS = 1.138931 / Effective mean airmass TEMPTUBE= 10.102036 / Truss Temperature (degrees Celsius) CAT-NAME= 'NGC5457 ' / Target input-catalogue name CAT-RA = ' 14:03:12.900' / Target Right Ascension CAT-DEC = '+54:21:03.00' / Target Declination CAT-EQUI= 'J2000.00' / Equinox of target coordinates CAT-EPOC= 2000.00 / Target epoch of proper motions PM-RA = 0.000000 / Target proper-motion RA (sec time/year) PM-DEC = 0.000000 / Target proper-motion (sec arc/year) PARALLAX= 0.000000 / Target Parallax (arcsec) RADVEL = 0.000000 / Target radial velocity (km/s) RATRACK = 0.000000 / Differential-tracking rate RA (arcsec/sec) DECTRACK= 0.000000 / Differential-tracking rate Dec (arcsec/sec) INSTRUME= 'JAG-CCD ' / JKT JAG CCD imaging AGPOSX = 06563 / Autoguider X position in AG units AGPOSY = 23045 / Autoguider Y position in AG units AGCOLPOS= 5 / AG colour wheel position AGCOL = 'Clear2 ' / AG colour wheel filter name AGNDPOS = 1 / AG nd wheel position AGND = 'Clear1 ' / AG nd wheel filter name TVMIRROR= 'OUT ' / TV mirror position IN or OUT of lightpath JAGFPOS = 5 / Position of science filter JAGFBAND= 'R ' / Waveband of science filter JAGFSYS = 'Harris ' / Photometric system of science filter JAGFID = '37 ' / Unique ID of science filter JAGFTHIK= 3.950 / Thickness of science filter TVSHUTTE= 'CLOSED ' / TV shutter position: OPEN or CLOSED DETECTOR= 'SIT1 ' / Formal name of camera CCDSPEED= 'FAST ' / Readout speed CCDXBIN = 1 / Binning factor in x axis CCDYBIN = 1 / Binning factor in y axis CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors (IRAF style) CCDTEMP = 167.50600000 / [K] Cryostat temperature CCDTEMP1= 0.00000000 / [K] Monitor pt 1 temperature CCDTEMP2= 0.00000000 / [K] Monitor pt 2 temperature NWINDOWS= 2 / Number of readout windows WINSEC1 = '[900:1100,900:1100], disabled ' / Readout window 1 (d-space) WINSEC2 = '[200:1800,200:1800], enabled ' / Readout window 2 (d-space) WINSEC3 = '[200:1800,2050:2119], enabled ' / Readout window 3 (d-space) WINSEC4 = '[0:0,0:0], disabled ' / Readout window 4 (d-space) READMODE= 'simple ' / Readout mode NUMREADS= 1 / Number of reads COAVERAG= 1 / Number of cycles coaveraged IMAGEID = 1 / DASCHAN = 1 / Number of readout channel WINNO = 2 / Number of readout window CHIPNAME= 'SITe1 ' / Name of detector chip. CCDNAME = 'SITe1 ' / Name of detector chip. CCDCHIP = 'SITe1 ' / Name of detector chip. CCDTYPE = 'SITe2048 ' / Type of detector chip. CCDXPIXE= 0.00002400 / [m] Size of pixels in x. CCDYPIXE= 0.00002400 / [m] Size of pixels in y. AMPNAME = 'C ' / Name of output amplifier. GAIN = 2.80000000 / Nominal Photo-electrons per ADU. READNOIS= 8.00000000 / Nominal Readout noise in electrons. SATURATE= 65535.00000000 / Highest value that is unsaturated BIASSEC = '[0:0,0:0] ' / Bias pixels. TRIMSEC = '[1:1601,1:1601] ' / Illuminated pixels. RTDATSEC= '[200:1800,200:1800] ' / Location in d-space for RTD. DATE-OBS= '2003-03-11 ' / Date at start of integration UTSTART = '05:09:31.389 ' / UT at start of integration EXPOSED = 300.01000000 / [s] Exposure time EXPTIME = 1. / [s] Exposure time ELAPSED = 300.29250574 / [s] Integration time DARKTIME= 300.29250574 / [s] Integration time CRVAL1 = 210.802 / Reference value on 1st axis in primary WCS CRVAL2 = 54.3487 / Reference value on 2nd axis in primary WCS CRPIX1 = 1208.5 / Reference pixel on 1st axis in primary WCS CRPIX2 = 2643.3 / Reference pixel on 2nd axis in primary WCS CUNIT1 = 'pixel ' / Units of 1st axis in primary WCS CUNIT2 = 'pixel ' / Units of 2nd axis in primary WCS CD1_1 = -0.0066497930516015 / Transformation matrix for primary WCS CD2_2 = 0.00661144664613965 / Transformation matrix for primary WCS PROJP1 = 1.00000000 / Projection coefficient for primary WCS PROJP3 = 0.00000000 / Projection coefficient for primary WCS PV1_1 = 1.00000000 / Projection coefficient for primary WCS PV1_2 = 0.00000000 / Projection coefficient for primary WCS PV2_1 = 1.00000000 / Projection coefficient for primary WCS PV2_2 = 1.00000000 / Projection coefficient for primary WCS MOSTDETI= 'n5457_R15' WCSDIM = 2 CTYPE1 = 'RA---TAN' CTYPE2 = 'DEC--TAN' LTV1 = 151.396828293346 LTV2 = 1446.30266139824 LTM1_1 = -0.0127043920250866 LTM2_2 = 0.0127780775274909 WAT0_001= 'system=image' NCOMBINE= 3 CD1_2 = 0.721195586537304 CD2_1 = 0.721527451866928 LTM2_1 = 1.38583156584677 LTM1_2 = 1.38646927003965 CDELT1 = -6.690000E-5 CDELT2 = 6.690000E-5 CROTA1 = 0. COMMENT2= '0.241 ! Pixel scale in arcsec/pixel' COMMENT3= 'Investigators using these data are requested to reference the' COMMENT4= 'following paper(s) in any publications:' COMMENT5= 'For the Ks-band data: Knapen, J. H., de Jong, R. S., Stedman, S.,' COMMENT6= 'Bramich, D. M., 2003, MNRAS, 344, 527 (Erratum MNRAS 346, 333)' COMMENT7= 'For optical data: Knapen, J. H., Stedman, S., Bramich, D. M.,' COMMENT8= 'Folkes, S. F., Bradley, T. R., 2004, A&A, 426, 1135' END |