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SIMPLE  =                    T / Fits standard
BITPIX  =                  -32 / Bits per pixel
NAXIS   =                    2 / Number of axes
NAXIS1  =                 2853 / Axis length
NAXIS2  =                 5706 / Axis length
EXTEND  =                    F / File may contain extensions
ORIGIN  = 'NOAO-IRAF FITS Image Kernel July 1999' / FITS file originator
DATE    = '2002-02-26T15:51:23'
IRAF-TLM= '22:30:56 (03/07/2004)'
RUN     =               169284 / Run number
SYSVER  = 's9-3              ' / Version of observing system
OBSERVAT= 'LAPALMA           ' / Name of observatory (IRAF style)
OBJECT  = 'ngc5457Ha6570'      / Title of observation
OBSTYPE = 'RUN               ' / Type of observation, eg. ARC
IMAGETYP= 'RUN               ' / Type of observation, eg. ARC
INSTRUME= 'JAG-CCD           ' / JKT JAG CCD imaging
AGPOSX  =                07046 / Autoguider X position in AG units
AGPOSY  =                21933 / Autoguider Y position in AG units
AGCOLPOS=                    5 / AG colour wheel position
AGCOL   = 'Clear2            ' / AG colour wheel filter name
AGNDPOS =                    3 / AG nd wheel position
AGND    = 'Clear5            ' / AG nd wheel filter name
TVMIRROR= 'OUT               ' / TV mirror position IN or OUT of lightpath
JAGFPOS =                    2 / Position of science filter
JAGFBAND= 'Ha6570            ' / Waveband of science filter
JAGFSYS = 'n/a               ' / Photometric system of science filter
JAGFID  = '61                ' / Unique ID of science filter
TVSHUTTE= 'CLOSED            ' / TV shutter position: OPEN or CLOSED
DETECTOR= 'SIT2              '          / Name of the detector
PREFLASH=                0.000          / Length of Preflash in seconds
BUNIT   = 'ADU               '          / Unit of the array of image data
GAIN    =                1.410          / Electrons per ADU
READNOIS=                7.500          / Readout noise in electrons per pix
CCDSPEED= 'QUICK             '          / Readout speed of the CCD
CCDNCHIP=                    1          / Number of CCDs in this head
CCDCHIP =                    1          / Head number of this CCD
CCDTYPE = 'SIT2148           '          / Type of CCD used in this detector
CCDXSIZE=                 2148          / X Size in pixels of digitised frame
CCDYSIZE=                 2148          / Y Size in pixels of digitised frame
CCDXIMSI=                 2048          / X Size of useful imaging area
CCDYIMSI=                 2048          / Y Size of useful imaging area
CCDXIMST=                   20          / X Start pixel of useful imaging area
CCDYIMST=                    1          / Y Start pixel of useful imaging area
CCDWMODE=                    T          / True is windows are enabled
CCDWXO1 =                  174          / Offset of window 1 in X
CCDWYO1 =                  174          / Offset of window 1 in Y
CCDWXS1 =                 1800          / Size of window 1 in X
CCDWYS1 =                 1800          / Size of window 1 in Y
CCDWXO2 =                    0          / Offset of window 2 in X
CCDWYO2 =                    0          / Offset of window 2 in Y
CCDWXS2 =                    0          / Size of window 2 in X
CCDWYS2 =                    0          / Size of window 2 in Y
CCDWXO3 =                    0          / Offset of window 3 in X
CCDWYO3 =                    0          / Offset of window 3 in Y
CCDWXS3 =                    0          / Size of window 3 in X
CCDWYS3 =                    0          / Size of window 3 in Y
CCDWXO4 =                    0          / Offset of window 4 in X
CCDWYO4 =                    0          / Offset of window 4 in Y
CCDWXS4 =                    0          / Size of window 4 in X
CCDWYS4 =                    0          / Size of window 4 in Y
CCDXPIXE=         2.400000e-05          / Size in meters of the pixels, in X
CCDYPIXE=         2.400000e-05          / Size in meters of the pixels, in Y
CCDXBIN =                    1          / Binning factor, in X
CCDYBIN =                    1          / Binning factor, in Y
CCDSTEMP=                  153          / Required temperature of CCD, in Kevlin
CCDATEMP=                  156          / Actual temperature of CCD, in Kevlin
CHIPNAME= 'SIT2              ' / Name of CCD chip
DASCHAN =                    1 / DAS channel
TRIMSEC = '[1:1800,1:1800]   ' / Illuminated region of image
BIASSEC = '[0:0,0:0]         ' / Bias region of image
WINSEC1 = '[1:1800,1:1800]   ' / Readout window 1
WINSEC2 = '[0:0,0:0]         ' / Readout window 2
WINSEC3 = '[0:0,0:0]         ' / Readout window 3
WINSEC4 = '[0:0,0:0]         ' / Readout window 4
LATITUDE=            28.761083 / Telescope latitude  (degrees), +28:45:39.9
LONGITUD=            17.878111 / Telescope longitude (degrees), +17:52:41.2
HEIGHT  =                 2369 / [m] Height above sea level.
SLATEL  = 'LPO1    '           / Telescope name known to SLALIB
TELESCOP= 'JKT     '           / 1.0m Jacobus Kapteyn Telescope
TELSTAT = 'TRACKING'           / Telescope status: TRACKING or GUIDING normally.
RA      = ' 14:03:12.900'      / RA  (210.8037493660231400 degrees)
DEC     = '+54:21:02.99'       / DEC ( 54.3508298962557820 degrees)
EQUINOX = '2000.00 '           / Equinox of coordinates
RADECSYS= 'FK5     '           / mean place new (after the 1976 IAU) system
XAPNOM  =         0.0000000000 / nominal aperture in x (0.00 arcsec)
YAPNOM  =         0.0000000000 / nominal aperture in y (0.00 arcsec)
XAPOFF  =         0.0000000000 / total aperture offset in x (0.00 arcsec)
YAPOFF  =         0.0000000000 / total aperture offset in y (0.00 arcsec)
MJD-OBS =        52007.1021128 / Modified Julian Date of midtime of observation
JD      =      2452007.6021128 / Julian Date of midtime of observation
STSTART = ' 14:20:05.5'        / Local sidereal time at start of observation
ST      = ' 14:20:05.5'        / Local sidereal time at start of observation
AZIMUTH =           353.604139 / Mean azimuth of observation (degrees)
ZD      =            25.813342 / Mean zenith-distance of observation (degrees)
FSTATION= 'CASSEGRAIN_E'       / Focal station of observation
PLATESCA=             3.819719 / [d/m] Platescale ( 13.75arcsec/mm)
TELFOCUS=             0.039856 / Telescope focus (metres)
ROTTRACK=                    T / Rotator always tracks sky on equatorial mount
ROTSKYPA=           360.470555 / Turntable position angle (degrees)
PARANGLE=           170.913183 / Parallactic angle at observation midpoint
VIGNETTE=                    F / Can we see out?
DOMEAZ  =            25.312818 / Mean dome azimuth during observation
AIRMASS =             1.110366 / Effective mean airmass
TEMPTUBE=             9.386800 / Truss Temperature (degrees Celsius)
CAT-NAME= 'NGC5457 '           / Target input-catalogue name
CAT-RA  = ' 14:03:12.900'      / Target Right Ascension
CAT-DEC = '+54:21:03.00'       / Target Declination
CAT-EQUI= 'J2000.00'           / Equinox of target coordinates
CAT-EPOC=              2000.00 / Target epoch of proper motions
PM-RA   =             0.000000 / Target proper-motion RA (sec time/year)
PM-DEC  =             0.000000 / Target proper-motion (sec arc/year)
PARALLAX=             0.000000 / Target Parallax (arcsec)
RADVEL  =             0.000000 / Target radial velocity (km/s)
RATRACK =             0.000000 / Differential-tracking rate RA (arcsec/sec)
DECTRACK=             0.000000 / Differential-tracking rate Dec (arcsec/sec)
DATE-OBS= '2001-04-08        '          / Date of start of observation
UTSTART = '02:26:09.0        '          / UTC of start of observation hh:mm:ss
ELAPSED =              121.000          / Time from end of CLR to shutter close
DARKTIME=             279.6984          / Time from end of CLR to start of r/o
EXPOSED =              120.000          / Exposure time excluding pauses,in secs
EXPTIME =                1.000          / Exposure time excluding pauses,in secs
HISTORY This is the end of the header written by the ING observing-system.
WCSDIM  =                    2
LTV1    =     2554.63161657311
LTV2    =     1349.10526268968
LTM1_1  =  -0.0572094217370424
LTM2_2  =  -0.0562827651294193
WAT0_001= 'system=physical'
WAT1_001= 'wtype=linear'
WAT2_001= 'wtype=linear'
CRCOR   = 'Jun  7 15:37 Threshold=  3.0, fluxratio= 14.91, removed=0'
LTM2_1  =    -1.38648007271032
LTM1_2  =     1.38407663844406
MOSTDETI= 'wfcngc5457Ha_30.fits'
CRPIX1  =               1208.5
CRPIX2  =               2643.3
CRVAL1  =              210.802
CRVAL2  =              54.3487
CDELT1  =         -6.690000E-5
CDELT2  =          6.690000E-5
CROTA1  =                   0.
CTYPE1  = 'RA---TAN'
COMMENT1= '36.7062   ! Luminosity cal constant (ergs/second)'
COMMENT2= '0.241     ! Pixel scale in arcsec/pixel'
COMMENT3= 'Investigators using these data are requested to reference the'
COMMENT4= 'following paper(s) in any publications:'
COMMENT5= 'For the Ks-band data: Knapen, J. H., de Jong, R. S., Stedman, S.,'
COMMENT6= 'Bramich, D. M., 2003, MNRAS, 344, 527 (Erratum MNRAS 346, 333)'
COMMENT7= 'For optical data: Knapen, J. H., Stedman, S., Bramich, D. M.,'
COMMENT8= 'Folkes, S. F., Bradley, T. R., 2004, A&A, 426, 1135'

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