SIMPLE = T BITPIX = 16 NAXIS = 3 NAXIS1 = 241 / Cross-scan grid dimension NAXIS2 = 241 / In-scan grid dimension NAXIS3 = 1 / No. of wavelengths BLOCKED = T / TAPE MAY BE BLOCKED IN MULTIPLES OF 2880 EXTEND = T / TAPE MAY HAVE STANDARD FITS EXTENSIONS OBJECT = 'n4631 ' / Object imaged by YORIC CTYPE1 = 'RA---SIN' / Decreases in value as sample index COMMENT increases (orthographic projection) CRVAL1 = 189.9199982 / RA at origin (deg) CRPIX1 = 121. / Z-axis origin (cell) CDELT1 = -0.004166666884 / Pixel Z-width (deg) CROTA1 = 0. / Twist angle undefined for Z-axis CTYPE2 = 'DEC--SIN' / Increases in value as line index COMMENT increases (orthographic projection) CRVAL2 = 32.81806183 / Dec at origin (deg) CRPIX2 = 121. / Y-axis origin (cell) CDELT2 = 0.004166666884 / Pixel Y-width (deg) CROTA2 = 0. / Rotates +NAXIS2 into Dec axis (angle COMMENT measured positive CCW from COMMENT +NAXIS2 to +Dec) (degrees) CTYPE3 = 'LAMBDA ' CRVAL3 = 5.999999848E-05 / Wavelength in meters CRPIX3 = 1. CROTA3 = 0. CDELT3 = 0. BUNIT = 'MJy/ster' BLANK = 32767 / Value for empty cell BSCALE = 0.01312410552 / TRUE=TAPE*BSCALE+BZERO BZERO = -0.414250493 DATAMAX = 419.5571289 / MJy/ster (true value) DATAMIN = -0.414250493 / MJy/ster (true value) SIGMA = 0.2271428555 / Median detector noise (MJy/ster) BIAS = 0. / Median pixel flux subtracted EPOCH = 1950. / EME50 TELESCOP= 'IRAS ' / IRAS Satellite INSTRUME= 'YORIC ' / HiRes imaging program developed COMMENT for IRAS data at IPAC, Pasadena, CA DATE = ' 7/20/95' / Date this object processed (M/D/Y) ITERNO = 20 / Number of iterations done VERSION = '1.63 930816' / Version of YORIC COMMENT This is a "HiRes" image generated by the Maximum Correlation Method COMMENT (see Aumann, Fowler, and Melnyk, Astron. J. Vol. 99, No. 5, p. 1674, COMMENT 1990) COMMENT The destriping method was the same in all input observations. FBIASL = 6.637600049E-15 / Flux bias from Laundr (W/M**2) COMMENT Laundr flux bias is the maximum in all input observations FBIAS = 6.637600049E-15 / Flux bias used (W/M**2) FMIN = -1.346499985E-14 / Min normalized flux (W/M**2) in Laundr FBPCT = 0.009999999776 / FBIAS percentile (dec. fraction) in Laundr DETMIN = 13 / Detector on which FMIN was found in Laundr FILNAM = 'img/img_n4631_b3_20' / OUTPUT FILE NAME INFIL1 = 'data/n4631s' / INPUT FILE NAME COMMENT SOP = 0 OBS = 0 COMMENT Destripe method: Baseline removal COMMENT Laundr version: 1.33 930816 COMMENT Raw data were Laundred on 7/19/95 COMMENT Pass 3 CRDD were used; Level 1 Archive usage: YES COMMENT Data are on the AC scale COMMENT SNIPSCAN VERSION 1.2 930810; date of run: 7/19/95 END |