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SIMPLE  =                    T / Fits standard
BITPIX  =                  -32 / Bits per pixel
NAXIS   =                    2 / Number of axes
NAXIS1  =                 4096 / Axis length
NAXIS2  =                 4096 / Axis length
EXTEND  =                    F / File may contain extensions
ORIGIN  = 'NOAO-IRAF FITS Image Kernel December 2001' / FITS file originator
IRAF-TLM= '23:37:31 (11/03/2003)' / Time of last modification
OBJECT  = 'MOSAIC[1/1]'         /
DATE    = '2003-03-12T04:37:31'
IRAF-MAX=           0.000000E0  /  DATA MAX
IRAF-MIN=           0.000000E0  /  DATA MIN
CRPIX1  =             1762.889
CRVAL1  =       154.9966790907
CTYPE1  = 'RA---TAN'
CD1_1   =          9.682983E-6
CD2_1   =          9.859213E-6
CRPIX2  =               1799.7
CRVAL2  =       45.57197173104
CD1_2   =          9.836748E-6
CD2_2   =         -9.694409E-6
MIR_REVR=                    T
ORIENTAT=              -45.257
FILLCNT =                    0
ERRCNT  =                    0
FPKTTIME=         50083.632634
LPKTTIME=         50083.632802
DETECTOR=                    1
DEZERO  =             315.3341
BIASEVEN=             315.3648
BIASODD =             315.3034
GOODMIN =             -9.37544
GOODMAX =             3578.073
DATAMEAN=             9.517105
GPIXELS =               557234
SOFTERRS=                    0
CALIBDEF=                82757
STATICD =                    0
ATODSAT =                   11
DATALOST=                    0
BADPIXEL=                    0
OVERLAP =                    0
PHOTMODE= 'WFPC2,1,A2D7,F814W,,CAL                         '
PHOTFLAM=         2.507987E-18
PHOTZPT =                -21.1
PHOTPLAM=             7995.937
PHOTBW  =             646.1147
MEDIAN  =             6.932535
MEDSHADO=             8.838009
HISTWIDE=             4.049718
SKEWNESS=           0.04316116
MEANC10 =             7.406832
MEANC25 =             11.08132
MEANC50 =             10.41175
MEANC100=             9.849185
MEANC200=             9.335323
MEANC300=             9.334877
BACKGRND=             5.737286
DATE    = '2002-12-10'         / date this file was written (yyyy-mm-dd)
FILETYPE= 'SCI      '          / type of data found in data file
TELESCOP= 'HST'                / telescope used to acquire data
INSTRUME= 'WFPC2 '             / identifier for instrument used to acquire data
EQUINOX =               2000.0 / equinox of celestial coord. system
ROOTNAME= 'u2s75203t            ' / rootname of the observation set
PROCTIME=   5.261815886574E+04 / Pipeline processing time (MJD)
MODE    = 'FULL'               / instr. mode: FULL (full res.), AREA (area int.)
SERIALS = 'OFF'                / serial clocks: ON, OFF
PKTFMT  =                   96 / packet format code
FILTNAM1= 'F814W   '           / first filter name
FILTNAM2= '        '           / second filter name
FILTER1 =                   38 / first filter number (0-48)
FILTER2 =                    0 / second filter number (0-48)
FILTROT =             0.000000 / partial filter rotation angle (degrees)
LRFWAVE =             0.000000 / linear ramp filter wavelength
UCH1CJTM=             -88.3028 / TEC cold junction #1 temperature (Celsius)
UCH2CJTM=             -88.7615 / TEC cold junction #2 temperature (Celsius)
UCH3CJTM=             -88.3486 / TEC cold junction #3 temperature (Celsius)
UCH4CJTM=             -88.8584 / TEC cold junction #4 temperature (Celsius)
UBAY3TMP=              17.4749 / bay 3 A1 temperature (deg C)
KSPOTS  = 'OFF'                / Status of Kelsall spot lamps: ON, OFF
SHUTTER = 'B'                  / Shutter in place at beginning of the exposure
ATODGAIN=                  7.0 / Analog to Digital Gain (Electrons/DN)
MASKCORR= 'COMPLETE'           / Do mask correction: PERFORM, OMIT, COMPLETE
ATODCORR= 'COMPLETE'           / Do A-to-D correction: PERFORM, OMIT, COMPLETE
BLEVCORR= 'COMPLETE'           / Do bias level correction
BIASCORR= 'COMPLETE'           / Do bias correction: PERFORM, OMIT, COMPLETE
DARKCORR= 'COMPLETE'           / Do dark correction: PERFORM, OMIT, COMPLETE
FLATCORR= 'COMPLETE'           / Do flat field correction
SHADCORR= 'OMIT    '           / Do shaded shutter correction
DOSATMAP= 'OMIT    '           / Output saturated pixel map
DOPHOTOM= 'COMPLETE'           / Fill photometry keywords
DOHISTOS= 'OMIT    '           / Make histograms: PERFORM, OMIT, COMPLETE
OUTDTYPE= 'REAL  '             / Output image datatype: REAL, LONG, SHORT
MASKFILE= 'uref$f8213081u.r0h     ' / name of the input DQF of known bad pixels
ATODFILE= 'uref$dbu1405iu.r1h     ' / name of the A-to-D conversion file
BLEVFILE= 'ucal$u2s75203t.x0h     ' / Engineering file with extended register da
BLEVDFIL= 'ucal$u2s75203t.q1h     ' / Engineering file DQF
BIASFILE= 'uref$h161240au.r2h     ' / name of the bias frame reference file
BIASDFIL= 'uref$h161240au.b2h     ' / name of the bias frame reference DQF
DARKFILE= 'uref$g1v10259u.r3h     ' / name of the dark reference file
DARKDFIL= 'uref$g1v10259u.b3h     ' / name of the dark reference DQF
FLATFILE= 'uref$m341820mu.r4h     ' / name of the flat field reference file
FLATDFIL= 'uref$m341820mu.b4h     ' / name of the flat field reference DQF
SHADFILE= 'uref$e371355iu.r5h     ' / name of the reference file for shutter sha
PHOTTAB = 'u2s75203t.c3t'           / name of the photometry calibration table
GRAPHTAB= 'mtab$m6e1130cm_tmg.fits' / the HST graph table
COMPTAB = 'mtab$m9c1026sm_tmc.fits' / the HST components table
SATURATE=                 4095 / Data value at which saturation occurs
USCALE  =                  1.0 / Scale factor for output image
UZERO   =                  0.0 / Zero point for output image
READTIME=                  467 / Length of time for CCD readout in clock ticks
PA_V3   =            90.061707 / position angle of V3-axis of HST (deg)
RA_SUN  =   2.814682563955E+02 / right ascension of the sun (deg)
DEC_SUN =  -2.302105365930E+01 / declination of the sun (deg)
EQNX_SUN=               2000.0 / equinox of the sun
MTFLAG  =                    F / moving target flag; T if it is a moving target
EQRADTRG=             0.000000 / equatorial radius of target (km)
FLATNTRG=             0.000000 / flattening of target
NPDECTRG=             0.000000 / north pole declination of target (deg)
NPRATRG =             0.000000 / north pole right ascension of target (deg)
ROTRTTRG=             0.000000 / rotation rate of target
LONGPMER=             0.000000 / longitude of prime meridian (deg)
EPLONGPM=             0.000000 / epoch of longitude of prime meridian (sec)
SURFLATD=             0.000000 / surface feature latitude (deg)
SURFLONG=             0.000000 / surface feature longitude (deg)
SURFALTD=             0.000000 / surface feature altitude (km)
              / PODPS FILL VALUES
PODPSFF =                    0 / 0=(no  podps fill); 1=(podps fill present)
STDCFFF =                    0 / 0=(no st dcf fill); 1=(st dcf fill present)
STDCFFP = '0x5569'             / st dcf fill pattern (hex)
RSDPFILL=                 -100 / bad data fill value for calibrated images
UEXPODUR=                 1300 / commanded duration of exposure (sec)
NSHUTA17=                    1 / Number of AP17 shutter B closes
DARKTIME=   1.300000000000E+03 / Dark time (seconds)
UEXPOTIM=                43984 / Major frame pulse time preceding exposure start
PSTRTIME= '1996.001:15:10:39 ' / predicted obs. start time (yyyy.ddd:hh:mm:ss)
PSTPTIME= '1996.001:15:34:39 ' / predicted obs. stop time (yyyy.ddd:hh:mm:ss)
SUNANGLE=           131.462433 / angle between sun and V1 axis
MOONANGL=            86.693222 / angle between moon and V1 axis
SUN_ALT =            10.478384 / altitude of the sun above Earth's limb
FGSLOCK = 'FINE              ' / commanded FGS lock (FINE,COARSE,GYROS,UNKNOWN)
DATE-OBS= '1996-01-01'         / UT date of start of observation (yyyy-mm-dd)
TIME-OBS= '14:48:16'           / UT time of start of observation (hh:mm:ss)
EXPSTART=   5.008361685260E+04 / exposure start time (Modified Julian Date)
EXPEND  =   5.008363189890E+04 / exposure end time (Modified Julian Date)
EXPTIME =               50240. / exposure duration (seconds)--calculated
EXPFLAG = 'NORMAL       '      / Exposure interruption indicator
              / TARGET & PROPOSAL ID
TARGNAME= 'NGC3198                       ' / proposer's target name
RA_TARG =   1.550065416667E+02 / right ascension of the target (deg) (J2000)
DEC_TARG=   4.557200000000E+01 / declination of the target (deg) (J2000)
ECL_LONG=           138.800094 / ecliptic longitude of the target (deg) (J2000)
ECL_LAT =            32.517107 / ecliptic latitude of the target (deg) (J2000)
GAL_LONG=           171.172606 / galactic longitude of the target (deg) (J2000)
GAL_LAT =            54.839712 / galactic latitude of the target (deg) (J2000)
PROPOSID=                 5972 / PEP proposal identifier
PEP_EXPO= '52-002         '    / PEP exposure identifier including sequence
LINENUM = '49.002         '    / PEP proposal line number
SEQLINE = '               '    / PEP line number of defined sequence
SEQNAME = '               '    / PEP define/use sequence name
HISTORY   PEDIGREE=INFLIGHT 01/01/1994 - 15/05/1995
HISTORY   PEDIGREE=INFLIGHT 05/12/95 - 30/07/96
HISTORY   DESCRIP=Similar to FCB1504*,superbias created fr 120 bias frs instead
HISTORY   of 40
HISTORY   PEDIGREE=INFLIGHT 01/01/1996 - 11/01/1996
HISTORY   DESCRIP=For data taken after 14/12/1995 decon (-88C), 10 input darks
HISTORY   PEDIGREE=INFLIGHT 01/09/1995 - 29/10/1996
HISTORY   DESCRIP=Improved Cyc4-5 flat, rms errors < 0.2-0.3% - see ISR 2002-02
HISTORY   The following throughput tables were used:
HISTORY   crotacomp$hst_ota_007_syn.fits, crwfpc2comp$wfpc2_optics_006_syn.fits,
HISTORY   crwfpc2comp$wfpc2_f814w_006_syn.fits,
HISTORY   crwfpc2comp$wfpc2_dqepc1_005_syn.fits,
HISTORY   crwfpc2comp$wfpc2_a2d7pc1_004_syn.fits,
HISTORY   crwfpc2comp$wfpc2_flatpc1_003_syn.fits
HISTORY   The following throughput tables were used:
HISTORY   crotacomp$hst_ota_007_syn.fits, crwfpc2comp$wfpc2_optics_006_syn.fits,
HISTORY   crwfpc2comp$wfpc2_f814w_006_syn.fits,
HISTORY   crwfpc2comp$wfpc2_dqewfc2_005_syn.fits,
HISTORY   crwfpc2comp$wfpc2_a2d7wf2_004_syn.fits,
HISTORY   crwfpc2comp$wfpc2_flatwf2_003_syn.fits
HISTORY   The following throughput tables were used:
HISTORY   crotacomp$hst_ota_007_syn.fits, crwfpc2comp$wfpc2_optics_006_syn.fits,
HISTORY   crwfpc2comp$wfpc2_f814w_006_syn.fits,
HISTORY   crwfpc2comp$wfpc2_dqewfc3_005_syn.fits,
HISTORY   crwfpc2comp$wfpc2_a2d7wf3_004_syn.fits,
HISTORY   crwfpc2comp$wfpc2_flatwf3_003_syn.fits
HISTORY   WF4: bias jump level ~0.093 DN.
HISTORY   The following throughput tables were used:
HISTORY   crotacomp$hst_ota_007_syn.fits, crwfpc2comp$wfpc2_optics_006_syn.fits,
HISTORY   crwfpc2comp$wfpc2_f814w_006_syn.fits,
HISTORY   crwfpc2comp$wfpc2_dqewfc4_005_syn.fits,
HISTORY   crwfpc2comp$wfpc2_a2d7wf4_004_syn.fits,
HISTORY   crwfpc2comp$wfpc2_flatwf4_003_syn.fits
NDRIZIM =                   44 / Drizzle, number of images drizzled onto this ou
D001VER = 'DRIZZLE Version 2.7 (February 3rd 2002)' / Drizzle, task version
D001GEOM= 'User parameters'    / Drizzle, source of geometric information
D001DATA= 'tmp$dith17848_738'  / Drizzle, input data image
D001DEXP=                1300. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
D001OUDA= 'mosaic  '           / Drizzle, output data image
D001OUWE= 'mosaic_w'           / Drizzle, output weighting image
D001OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image
D001MASK= './Pc/image10_c0h_cr.pl' / Drizzle, input weighting image
D001WTSC=                1300. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
D001KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
D001PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop
D001COEF= 'drizzle$coeffs/pc1-trauger' / Drizzle, coefficients file name
D001LAM =             799.5937 / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
D001SCAL=               1.0926 / Drizzle, scale (pixel size) of output image
D001ROT =              -179.79 / Drizzle, rotation angle, degrees anticlockwise
D001XSH =             -268.779 / Drizzle, X shift applied
D001YSH =             -227.709 / Drizzle, Y shift applied
D001SFTU= 'output  '           / Drizzle, units used for shifts (output or input
D001SFTF= 'output  '           / Drizzle, frame in which shifts were applied
D001EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
D001INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
D001OUUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
D001FVAL= '0       '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D001INXC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
D001INYC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
D001OUXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
D001OUYC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
D001SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D002VER = 'DRIZZLE Version 2.7 (February 3rd 2002)' / Drizzle, task version
D002GEOM= 'User parameters'    / Drizzle, source of geometric information
D002DATA= 'tmp$dith17848_739'  / Drizzle, input data image
D002DEXP=                1300. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
D002OUDA= 'mosaic  '           / Drizzle, output data image
D002OUWE= 'mosaic_w'           / Drizzle, output weighting image
D002OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image
D002MASK= './Pc/image11_c0h_cr.pl' / Drizzle, input weighting image
D002WTSC=                1300. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
D002KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
D002PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop
D002COEF= 'drizzle$coeffs/pc1-trauger' / Drizzle, coefficients file name
D002LAM =             799.5937 / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
D002SCAL=               1.0926 / Drizzle, scale (pixel size) of output image
D002ROT =              -179.79 / Drizzle, rotation angle, degrees anticlockwise
D002XSH =             -268.883 / Drizzle, X shift applied
D002YSH =             -227.945 / Drizzle, Y shift applied
D002SFTU= 'output  '           / Drizzle, units used for shifts (output or input
D002SFTF= 'output  '           / Drizzle, frame in which shifts were applied
D002EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
D002INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
D002OUUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
D002FVAL= '0       '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D002INXC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
D002INYC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
D002OUXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
D002OUYC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
D002SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D003VER = 'DRIZZLE Version 2.7 (February 3rd 2002)' / Drizzle, task version
D003GEOM= 'User parameters'    / Drizzle, source of geometric information
D003DATA= 'tmp$dith17848_740'  / Drizzle, input data image
D003DEXP=                1200. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
D003OUDA= 'mosaic  '           / Drizzle, output data image
D003OUWE= 'mosaic_w'           / Drizzle, output weighting image
D003OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image
D003MASK= './Pc/image1_c0h_cr.pl' / Drizzle, input weighting image
D003WTSC=                1200. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
D003KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
D003PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop
D003COEF= 'drizzle$coeffs/pc1-trauger' / Drizzle, coefficients file name
D003LAM =             799.5937 / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
D003SCAL=               1.0926 / Drizzle, scale (pixel size) of output image
D003ROT =              -179.79 / Drizzle, rotation angle, degrees anticlockwise
D003XSH =             -259.227 / Drizzle, X shift applied
D003YSH =             -223.813 / Drizzle, Y shift applied
D003SFTU= 'output  '           / Drizzle, units used for shifts (output or input
D003SFTF= 'output  '           / Drizzle, frame in which shifts were applied
D003EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
D003INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
D003OUUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
D003FVAL= '0       '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D003INXC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
D003INYC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
D003OUXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
D003OUYC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
D003SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D004VER = 'DRIZZLE Version 2.7 (February 3rd 2002)' / Drizzle, task version
D004GEOM= 'User parameters'    / Drizzle, source of geometric information
D004DATA= 'tmp$dith17848_741'  / Drizzle, input data image
D004DEXP=                1200. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
D004OUDA= 'mosaic  '           / Drizzle, output data image
D004OUWE= 'mosaic_w'           / Drizzle, output weighting image
D004OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image
D004MASK= './Pc/image2_c0h_cr.pl' / Drizzle, input weighting image
D004WTSC=                1200. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
D004KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
D004PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop
D004COEF= 'drizzle$coeffs/pc1-trauger' / Drizzle, coefficients file name
D004LAM =             799.5937 / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
D004SCAL=               1.0926 / Drizzle, scale (pixel size) of output image
D004ROT =              -179.79 / Drizzle, rotation angle, degrees anticlockwise
D004XSH =             -259.213 / Drizzle, X shift applied
D004YSH =             -223.831 / Drizzle, Y shift applied
D004SFTU= 'output  '           / Drizzle, units used for shifts (output or input
D004SFTF= 'output  '           / Drizzle, frame in which shifts were applied
D004EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
D004INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
D004OUUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
D004FVAL= '0       '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D004INXC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
D004INYC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
D004OUXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
D004OUYC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
D004SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D005VER = 'DRIZZLE Version 2.7 (February 3rd 2002)' / Drizzle, task version
D005GEOM= 'User parameters'    / Drizzle, source of geometric information
D005DATA= 'tmp$dith17848_742'  / Drizzle, input data image
D005DEXP=                1300. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
D005OUDA= 'mosaic  '           / Drizzle, output data image
D005OUWE= 'mosaic_w'           / Drizzle, output weighting image
D005OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image
D005MASK= './Pc/image3_c0h_cr.pl' / Drizzle, input weighting image
D005WTSC=                1300. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
D005KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
D005PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop
D005COEF= 'drizzle$coeffs/pc1-trauger' / Drizzle, coefficients file name
D005LAM =             799.5937 / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
D005SCAL=               1.0926 / Drizzle, scale (pixel size) of output image
D005ROT =              -179.79 / Drizzle, rotation angle, degrees anticlockwise
D005XSH =             -261.353 / Drizzle, X shift applied
D005YSH =             -218.939 / Drizzle, Y shift applied
D005SFTU= 'output  '           / Drizzle, units used for shifts (output or input
D005SFTF= 'output  '           / Drizzle, frame in which shifts were applied
D005EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
D005INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
D005OUUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
D005FVAL= '0       '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D005INXC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
D005INYC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
D005OUXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
D005OUYC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
D005SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D006VER = 'DRIZZLE Version 2.7 (February 3rd 2002)' / Drizzle, task version
D006GEOM= 'User parameters'    / Drizzle, source of geometric information
D006DATA= 'tmp$dith17848_743'  / Drizzle, input data image
D006DEXP=                1300. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
D006OUDA= 'mosaic  '           / Drizzle, output data image
D006OUWE= 'mosaic_w'           / Drizzle, output weighting image
D006OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image
D006MASK= './Pc/image4_c0h_cr.pl' / Drizzle, input weighting image
D006WTSC=                1300. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
D006KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
D006PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop
D006COEF= 'drizzle$coeffs/pc1-trauger' / Drizzle, coefficients file name
D006LAM =             799.5937 / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
D006SCAL=               1.0926 / Drizzle, scale (pixel size) of output image
D006ROT =              -179.79 / Drizzle, rotation angle, degrees anticlockwise
D006XSH =             -261.409 / Drizzle, X shift applied
D006YSH =             -218.839 / Drizzle, Y shift applied
D006SFTU= 'output  '           / Drizzle, units used for shifts (output or input
D006SFTF= 'output  '           / Drizzle, frame in which shifts were applied
D006EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
D006INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
D006OUUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
D006FVAL= '0       '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D006INXC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
D006INYC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
D006OUXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
D006OUYC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
D006SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D007VER = 'DRIZZLE Version 2.7 (February 3rd 2002)' / Drizzle, task version
D007GEOM= 'User parameters'    / Drizzle, source of geometric information
D007DATA= 'tmp$dith17848_744'  / Drizzle, input data image
D007DEXP=                1300. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
D007OUDA= 'mosaic  '           / Drizzle, output data image
D007OUWE= 'mosaic_w'           / Drizzle, output weighting image
D007OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image
D007MASK= './Pc/image5_c0h_cr.pl' / Drizzle, input weighting image
D007WTSC=                1300. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
D007KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
D007PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop
D007COEF= 'drizzle$coeffs/pc1-trauger' / Drizzle, coefficients file name
D007LAM =             799.5937 / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
D007SCAL=               1.0926 / Drizzle, scale (pixel size) of output image
D007ROT =              -179.79 / Drizzle, rotation angle, degrees anticlockwise
D007XSH =             -253.975 / Drizzle, X shift applied
D007YSH =             -217.973 / Drizzle, Y shift applied
D007SFTU= 'output  '           / Drizzle, units used for shifts (output or input
D007SFTF= 'output  '           / Drizzle, frame in which shifts were applied
D007EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
D007INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
D007OUUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
D007FVAL= '0       '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D007INXC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
D007INYC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
D007OUXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
D007OUYC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
D007SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D008VER = 'DRIZZLE Version 2.7 (February 3rd 2002)' / Drizzle, task version
D008GEOM= 'User parameters'    / Drizzle, source of geometric information
D008DATA= 'tmp$dith17848_745'  / Drizzle, input data image
D008DEXP=                1300. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
D008OUDA= 'mosaic  '           / Drizzle, output data image
D008OUWE= 'mosaic_w'           / Drizzle, output weighting image
D008OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image
D008MASK= './Pc/image6_c0h_cr.pl' / Drizzle, input weighting image
D008WTSC=                1300. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
D008KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
D008PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop
D008COEF= 'drizzle$coeffs/pc1-trauger' / Drizzle, coefficients file name
D008LAM =             799.5937 / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
D008SCAL=               1.0926 / Drizzle, scale (pixel size) of output image
D008ROT =              -179.79 / Drizzle, rotation angle, degrees anticlockwise
D008XSH =             -254.107 / Drizzle, X shift applied
D008YSH =             -217.951 / Drizzle, Y shift applied
D008SFTU= 'output  '           / Drizzle, units used for shifts (output or input
D008SFTF= 'output  '           / Drizzle, frame in which shifts were applied
D008EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
D008INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
D008OUUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
D008FVAL= '0       '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D008INXC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
D008INYC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
D008OUXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
D008OUYC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
D008SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D009VER = 'DRIZZLE Version 2.7 (February 3rd 2002)' / Drizzle, task version
D009GEOM= 'User parameters'    / Drizzle, source of geometric information
D009DATA= 'tmp$dith17848_746'  / Drizzle, input data image
D009DEXP=                 260. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
D009OUDA= 'mosaic  '           / Drizzle, output data image
D009OUWE= 'mosaic_w'           / Drizzle, output weighting image
D009OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image
D009MASK= './Pc/image7_c0h_cr.pl' / Drizzle, input weighting image
D009WTSC=                 260. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
D009KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
D009PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop
D009COEF= 'drizzle$coeffs/pc1-trauger' / Drizzle, coefficients file name
D009LAM =             799.5937 / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
D009SCAL=               1.0926 / Drizzle, scale (pixel size) of output image
D009ROT =              -179.79 / Drizzle, rotation angle, degrees anticlockwise
D009XSH =             -265.831 / Drizzle, X shift applied
D009YSH =             -218.873 / Drizzle, Y shift applied
D009SFTU= 'output  '           / Drizzle, units used for shifts (output or input
D009SFTF= 'output  '           / Drizzle, frame in which shifts were applied
D009EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
D009INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
D009OUUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
D009FVAL= '0       '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D009INXC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
D009INYC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
D009OUXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
D009OUYC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
D009SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D010VER = 'DRIZZLE Version 2.7 (February 3rd 2002)' / Drizzle, task version
D010GEOM= 'User parameters'    / Drizzle, source of geometric information
D010DATA= 'tmp$dith17848_747'  / Drizzle, input data image
D010DEXP=                1000. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
D010OUDA= 'mosaic  '           / Drizzle, output data image
D010OUWE= 'mosaic_w'           / Drizzle, output weighting image
D010OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image
D010MASK= './Pc/image8_c0h_cr.pl' / Drizzle, input weighting image
D010WTSC=                1000. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
D010KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
D010PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop
D010COEF= 'drizzle$coeffs/pc1-trauger' / Drizzle, coefficients file name
D010LAM =             799.5937 / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
D010SCAL=               1.0926 / Drizzle, scale (pixel size) of output image
D010ROT =              -179.79 / Drizzle, rotation angle, degrees anticlockwise
D010XSH =             -265.875 / Drizzle, X shift applied
D010YSH =             -218.921 / Drizzle, Y shift applied
D010SFTU= 'output  '           / Drizzle, units used for shifts (output or input
D010SFTF= 'output  '           / Drizzle, frame in which shifts were applied
D010EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
D010INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
D010OUUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
D010FVAL= '0       '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D010INXC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
D010INYC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
D010OUXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
D010OUYC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
D010SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D011VER = 'DRIZZLE Version 2.7 (February 3rd 2002)' / Drizzle, task version
D011GEOM= 'User parameters'    / Drizzle, source of geometric information
D011DATA= 'tmp$dith17848_748'  / Drizzle, input data image
D011DEXP=                1100. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
D011OUDA= 'mosaic  '           / Drizzle, output data image
D011OUWE= 'mosaic_w'           / Drizzle, output weighting image
D011OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image
D011MASK= './Pc/image9_c0h_cr.pl' / Drizzle, input weighting image
D011WTSC=                1100. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
D011KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
D011PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop
D011COEF= 'drizzle$coeffs/pc1-trauger' / Drizzle, coefficients file name
D011LAM =             799.5937 / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
D011SCAL=               1.0926 / Drizzle, scale (pixel size) of output image
D011ROT =              -179.79 / Drizzle, rotation angle, degrees anticlockwise
D011XSH =             -265.903 / Drizzle, X shift applied
D011YSH =             -219.033 / Drizzle, Y shift applied
D011SFTU= 'output  '           / Drizzle, units used for shifts (output or input
D011SFTF= 'output  '           / Drizzle, frame in which shifts were applied
D011EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
D011INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
D011OUUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
D011FVAL= '0       '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D011INXC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
D011INYC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
D011OUXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
D011OUYC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
D011SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D012VER = 'DRIZZLE Version 2.7 (February 3rd 2002)' / Drizzle, task version
D012GEOM= 'User parameters'    / Drizzle, source of geometric information
D012DATA= 'tmp$dith17848_752'  / Drizzle, input data image
D012DEXP=                1300. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
D012OUDA= 'mosaic  '           / Drizzle, output data image
D012OUWE= 'mosaic_w'           / Drizzle, output weighting image
D012OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image
D012MASK= './Wf2/image10_c0h_cr.pl' / Drizzle, input weighting image
D012WTSC=                1300. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
D012KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
D012PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop
D012COEF= 'drizzle$coeffs/wf2-trauger' / Drizzle, coefficients file name
D012LAM =             798.3444 / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
D012SCAL=               0.4998 / Drizzle, scale (pixel size) of output image
D012ROT =               -90.31 / Drizzle, rotation angle, degrees anticlockwise
D012XSH =              800.832 / Drizzle, X shift applied
D012YSH =               -613.8 / Drizzle, Y shift applied
D012SFTU= 'output  '           / Drizzle, units used for shifts (output or input
D012SFTF= 'output  '           / Drizzle, frame in which shifts were applied
D012EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
D012INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
D012OUUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
D012FVAL= '0       '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D012INXC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
D012INYC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
D012OUXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
D012OUYC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
D012SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D013VER = 'DRIZZLE Version 2.7 (February 3rd 2002)' / Drizzle, task version
D013GEOM= 'User parameters'    / Drizzle, source of geometric information
D013DATA= 'tmp$dith17848_753'  / Drizzle, input data image
D013DEXP=                1300. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
D013OUDA= 'mosaic  '           / Drizzle, output data image
D013OUWE= 'mosaic_w'           / Drizzle, output weighting image
D013OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image
D013MASK= './Wf2/image11_c0h_cr.pl' / Drizzle, input weighting image
D013WTSC=                1300. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
D013KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
D013PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop
D013COEF= 'drizzle$coeffs/wf2-trauger' / Drizzle, coefficients file name
D013LAM =             798.3444 / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
D013SCAL=               0.4998 / Drizzle, scale (pixel size) of output image
D013ROT =               -90.31 / Drizzle, rotation angle, degrees anticlockwise
D013XSH =              800.728 / Drizzle, X shift applied
D013YSH =             -614.036 / Drizzle, Y shift applied
D013SFTU= 'output  '           / Drizzle, units used for shifts (output or input
D013SFTF= 'output  '           / Drizzle, frame in which shifts were applied
D013EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
D013INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
D013OUUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
D013FVAL= '0       '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D013INXC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
D013INYC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
D013OUXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
D013OUYC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
D013SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D014VER = 'DRIZZLE Version 2.7 (February 3rd 2002)' / Drizzle, task version
D014GEOM= 'User parameters'    / Drizzle, source of geometric information
D014DATA= 'tmp$dith17848_754'  / Drizzle, input data image
D014DEXP=                1200. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
D014OUDA= 'mosaic  '           / Drizzle, output data image
D014OUWE= 'mosaic_w'           / Drizzle, output weighting image
D014OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image
D014MASK= './Wf2/image1_c0h_cr.pl' / Drizzle, input weighting image
D014WTSC=                1200. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
D014KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
D014PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop
D014COEF= 'drizzle$coeffs/wf2-trauger' / Drizzle, coefficients file name
D014LAM =             798.3444 / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
D014SCAL=               0.4998 / Drizzle, scale (pixel size) of output image
D014ROT =               -90.31 / Drizzle, rotation angle, degrees anticlockwise
D014XSH =              810.384 / Drizzle, X shift applied
D014YSH =             -609.904 / Drizzle, Y shift applied
D014SFTU= 'output  '           / Drizzle, units used for shifts (output or input
D014SFTF= 'output  '           / Drizzle, frame in which shifts were applied
D014EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
D014INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
D014OUUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
D014FVAL= '0       '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D014INXC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
D014INYC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
D014OUXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
D014OUYC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
D014SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D015VER = 'DRIZZLE Version 2.7 (February 3rd 2002)' / Drizzle, task version
D015GEOM= 'User parameters'    / Drizzle, source of geometric information
D015DATA= 'tmp$dith17848_755'  / Drizzle, input data image
D015DEXP=                1200. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
D015OUDA= 'mosaic  '           / Drizzle, output data image
D015OUWE= 'mosaic_w'           / Drizzle, output weighting image
D015OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image
D015MASK= './Wf2/image2_c0h_cr.pl' / Drizzle, input weighting image
D015WTSC=                1200. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
D015KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
D015PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop
D015COEF= 'drizzle$coeffs/wf2-trauger' / Drizzle, coefficients file name
D015LAM =             798.3444 / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
D015SCAL=               0.4998 / Drizzle, scale (pixel size) of output image
D015ROT =               -90.31 / Drizzle, rotation angle, degrees anticlockwise
D015XSH =              810.398 / Drizzle, X shift applied
D015YSH =             -609.922 / Drizzle, Y shift applied
D015SFTU= 'output  '           / Drizzle, units used for shifts (output or input
D015SFTF= 'output  '           / Drizzle, frame in which shifts were applied
D015EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
D015INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
D015OUUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
D015FVAL= '0       '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D015INXC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
D015INYC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
D015OUXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
D015OUYC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
D015SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D016VER = 'DRIZZLE Version 2.7 (February 3rd 2002)' / Drizzle, task version
D016GEOM= 'User parameters'    / Drizzle, source of geometric information
D016DATA= 'tmp$dith17848_756'  / Drizzle, input data image
D016DEXP=                1300. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
D016OUDA= 'mosaic  '           / Drizzle, output data image
D016OUWE= 'mosaic_w'           / Drizzle, output weighting image
D016OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image
D016MASK= './Wf2/image3_c0h_cr.pl' / Drizzle, input weighting image
D016WTSC=                1300. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
D016KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
D016PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop
D016COEF= 'drizzle$coeffs/wf2-trauger' / Drizzle, coefficients file name
D016LAM =             798.3444 / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
D016SCAL=               0.4998 / Drizzle, scale (pixel size) of output image
D016ROT =               -90.31 / Drizzle, rotation angle, degrees anticlockwise
D016XSH =              808.258 / Drizzle, X shift applied
D016YSH =              -605.03 / Drizzle, Y shift applied
D016SFTU= 'output  '           / Drizzle, units used for shifts (output or input
D016SFTF= 'output  '           / Drizzle, frame in which shifts were applied
D016EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
D016INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
D016OUUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
D016FVAL= '0       '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D016INXC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
D016INYC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
D016OUXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
D016OUYC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
D016SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D017VER = 'DRIZZLE Version 2.7 (February 3rd 2002)' / Drizzle, task version
D017GEOM= 'User parameters'    / Drizzle, source of geometric information
D017DATA= 'tmp$dith17848_757'  / Drizzle, input data image
D017DEXP=                1300. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
D017OUDA= 'mosaic  '           / Drizzle, output data image
D017OUWE= 'mosaic_w'           / Drizzle, output weighting image
D017OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image
D017MASK= './Wf2/image4_c0h_cr.pl' / Drizzle, input weighting image
D017WTSC=                1300. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
D017KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
D017PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop
D017COEF= 'drizzle$coeffs/wf2-trauger' / Drizzle, coefficients file name
D017LAM =             798.3444 / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
D017SCAL=               0.4998 / Drizzle, scale (pixel size) of output image
D017ROT =               -90.31 / Drizzle, rotation angle, degrees anticlockwise
D017XSH =              808.202 / Drizzle, X shift applied
D017YSH =              -604.93 / Drizzle, Y shift applied
D017SFTU= 'output  '           / Drizzle, units used for shifts (output or input
D017SFTF= 'output  '           / Drizzle, frame in which shifts were applied
D017EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
D017INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
D017OUUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
D017FVAL= '0       '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D017INXC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
D017INYC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
D017OUXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
D017OUYC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
D017SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D018VER = 'DRIZZLE Version 2.7 (February 3rd 2002)' / Drizzle, task version
D018GEOM= 'User parameters'    / Drizzle, source of geometric information
D018DATA= 'tmp$dith17848_758'  / Drizzle, input data image
D018DEXP=                1300. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
D018OUDA= 'mosaic  '           / Drizzle, output data image
D018OUWE= 'mosaic_w'           / Drizzle, output weighting image
D018OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image
D018MASK= './Wf2/image5_c0h_cr.pl' / Drizzle, input weighting image
D018WTSC=                1300. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
D018KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
D018PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop
D018COEF= 'drizzle$coeffs/wf2-trauger' / Drizzle, coefficients file name
D018LAM =             798.3444 / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
D018SCAL=               0.4998 / Drizzle, scale (pixel size) of output image
D018ROT =               -90.31 / Drizzle, rotation angle, degrees anticlockwise
D018XSH =              815.636 / Drizzle, X shift applied
D018YSH =             -604.064 / Drizzle, Y shift applied
D018SFTU= 'output  '           / Drizzle, units used for shifts (output or input
D018SFTF= 'output  '           / Drizzle, frame in which shifts were applied
D018EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
D018INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
D018OUUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
D018FVAL= '0       '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D018INXC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
D018INYC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
D018OUXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
D018OUYC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
D018SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D019VER = 'DRIZZLE Version 2.7 (February 3rd 2002)' / Drizzle, task version
D019GEOM= 'User parameters'    / Drizzle, source of geometric information
D019DATA= 'tmp$dith17848_759'  / Drizzle, input data image
D019DEXP=                1300. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
D019OUDA= 'mosaic  '           / Drizzle, output data image
D019OUWE= 'mosaic_w'           / Drizzle, output weighting image
D019OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image
D019MASK= './Wf2/image6_c0h_cr.pl' / Drizzle, input weighting image
D019WTSC=                1300. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
D019KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
D019PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop
D019COEF= 'drizzle$coeffs/wf2-trauger' / Drizzle, coefficients file name
D019LAM =             798.3444 / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
D019SCAL=               0.4998 / Drizzle, scale (pixel size) of output image
D019ROT =               -90.31 / Drizzle, rotation angle, degrees anticlockwise
D019XSH =              815.504 / Drizzle, X shift applied
D019YSH =             -604.042 / Drizzle, Y shift applied
D019SFTU= 'output  '           / Drizzle, units used for shifts (output or input
D019SFTF= 'output  '           / Drizzle, frame in which shifts were applied
D019EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
D019INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
D019OUUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
D019FVAL= '0       '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D019INXC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
D019INYC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
D019OUXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
D019OUYC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
D019SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D020VER = 'DRIZZLE Version 2.7 (February 3rd 2002)' / Drizzle, task version
D020GEOM= 'User parameters'    / Drizzle, source of geometric information
D020DATA= 'tmp$dith17848_760'  / Drizzle, input data image
D020DEXP=                 260. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
D020OUDA= 'mosaic  '           / Drizzle, output data image
D020OUWE= 'mosaic_w'           / Drizzle, output weighting image
D020OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image
D020MASK= './Wf2/image7_c0h_cr.pl' / Drizzle, input weighting image
D020WTSC=                 260. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
D020KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
D020PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop
D020COEF= 'drizzle$coeffs/wf2-trauger' / Drizzle, coefficients file name
D020LAM =             798.3444 / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
D020SCAL=               0.4998 / Drizzle, scale (pixel size) of output image
D020ROT =               -90.31 / Drizzle, rotation angle, degrees anticlockwise
D020XSH =               803.78 / Drizzle, X shift applied
D020YSH =             -604.964 / Drizzle, Y shift applied
D020SFTU= 'output  '           / Drizzle, units used for shifts (output or input
D020SFTF= 'output  '           / Drizzle, frame in which shifts were applied
D020EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
D020INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
D020OUUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
D020FVAL= '0       '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D020INXC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
D020INYC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
D020OUXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
D020OUYC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
D020SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D021VER = 'DRIZZLE Version 2.7 (February 3rd 2002)' / Drizzle, task version
D021GEOM= 'User parameters'    / Drizzle, source of geometric information
D021DATA= 'tmp$dith17848_761'  / Drizzle, input data image
D021DEXP=                1000. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
D021OUDA= 'mosaic  '           / Drizzle, output data image
D021OUWE= 'mosaic_w'           / Drizzle, output weighting image
D021OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image
D021MASK= './Wf2/image8_c0h_cr.pl' / Drizzle, input weighting image
D021WTSC=                1000. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
D021KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
D021PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop
D021COEF= 'drizzle$coeffs/wf2-trauger' / Drizzle, coefficients file name
D021LAM =             798.3444 / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
D021SCAL=               0.4998 / Drizzle, scale (pixel size) of output image
D021ROT =               -90.31 / Drizzle, rotation angle, degrees anticlockwise
D021XSH =              803.736 / Drizzle, X shift applied
D021YSH =             -605.012 / Drizzle, Y shift applied
D021SFTU= 'output  '           / Drizzle, units used for shifts (output or input
D021SFTF= 'output  '           / Drizzle, frame in which shifts were applied
D021EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
D021INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
D021OUUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
D021FVAL= '0       '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D021INXC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
D021INYC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
D021OUXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
D021OUYC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
D021SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D022VER = 'DRIZZLE Version 2.7 (February 3rd 2002)' / Drizzle, task version
D022GEOM= 'User parameters'    / Drizzle, source of geometric information
D022DATA= 'tmp$dith17848_762'  / Drizzle, input data image
D022DEXP=                1100. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
D022OUDA= 'mosaic  '           / Drizzle, output data image
D022OUWE= 'mosaic_w'           / Drizzle, output weighting image
D022OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image
D022MASK= './Wf2/image9_c0h_cr.pl' / Drizzle, input weighting image
D022WTSC=                1100. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
D022KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
D022PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop
D022COEF= 'drizzle$coeffs/wf2-trauger' / Drizzle, coefficients file name
D022LAM =             798.3444 / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
D022SCAL=               0.4998 / Drizzle, scale (pixel size) of output image
D022ROT =               -90.31 / Drizzle, rotation angle, degrees anticlockwise
D022XSH =              803.708 / Drizzle, X shift applied
D022YSH =             -605.124 / Drizzle, Y shift applied
D022SFTU= 'output  '           / Drizzle, units used for shifts (output or input
D022SFTF= 'output  '           / Drizzle, frame in which shifts were applied
D022EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
D022INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
D022OUUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
D022FVAL= '0       '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D022INXC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
D022INYC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
D022OUXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
D022OUYC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
D022SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D023VER = 'DRIZZLE Version 2.7 (February 3rd 2002)' / Drizzle, task version
D023GEOM= 'User parameters'    / Drizzle, source of geometric information
D023DATA= 'tmp$dith17848_766'  / Drizzle, input data image
D023DEXP=                1300. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
D023OUDA= 'mosaic  '           / Drizzle, output data image
D023OUWE= 'mosaic_w'           / Drizzle, output weighting image
D023OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image
D023MASK= './Wf3/image10_c0h_cr.pl' / Drizzle, input weighting image
D023WTSC=                1300. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
D023KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
D023PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop
D023COEF= 'drizzle$coeffs/wf3-trauger' / Drizzle, coefficients file name
D023LAM =             801.2217 / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
D023SCAL=                  0.5 / Drizzle, scale (pixel size) of output image
D023ROT =                   0. / Drizzle, rotation angle, degrees anticlockwise
D023XSH =              790.448 / Drizzle, X shift applied
D023YSH =              796.104 / Drizzle, Y shift applied
D023SFTU= 'output  '           / Drizzle, units used for shifts (output or input
D023SFTF= 'output  '           / Drizzle, frame in which shifts were applied
D023EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
D023INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
D023OUUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
D023FVAL= '0       '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D023INXC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
D023INYC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
D023OUXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
D023OUYC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
D023SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D024VER = 'DRIZZLE Version 2.7 (February 3rd 2002)' / Drizzle, task version
D024GEOM= 'User parameters'    / Drizzle, source of geometric information
D024DATA= 'tmp$dith17848_767'  / Drizzle, input data image
D024DEXP=                1300. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
D024OUDA= 'mosaic  '           / Drizzle, output data image
D024OUWE= 'mosaic_w'           / Drizzle, output weighting image
D024OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image
D024MASK= './Wf3/image11_c0h_cr.pl' / Drizzle, input weighting image
D024WTSC=                1300. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
D024KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
D024PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop
D024COEF= 'drizzle$coeffs/wf3-trauger' / Drizzle, coefficients file name
D024LAM =             801.2217 / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
D024SCAL=                  0.5 / Drizzle, scale (pixel size) of output image
D024ROT =                   0. / Drizzle, rotation angle, degrees anticlockwise
D024XSH =              790.344 / Drizzle, X shift applied
D024YSH =              795.868 / Drizzle, Y shift applied
D024SFTU= 'output  '           / Drizzle, units used for shifts (output or input
D024SFTF= 'output  '           / Drizzle, frame in which shifts were applied
D024EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
D024INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
D024OUUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
D024FVAL= '0       '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D024INXC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
D024INYC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
D024OUXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
D024OUYC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
D024SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D025VER = 'DRIZZLE Version 2.7 (February 3rd 2002)' / Drizzle, task version
D025GEOM= 'User parameters'    / Drizzle, source of geometric information
D025DATA= 'tmp$dith17848_768'  / Drizzle, input data image
D025DEXP=                1200. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
D025OUDA= 'mosaic  '           / Drizzle, output data image
D025OUWE= 'mosaic_w'           / Drizzle, output weighting image
D025OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image
D025MASK= './Wf3/image1_c0h_cr.pl' / Drizzle, input weighting image
D025WTSC=                1200. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
D025KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
D025PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop
D025COEF= 'drizzle$coeffs/wf3-trauger' / Drizzle, coefficients file name
D025LAM =             801.2217 / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
D025SCAL=                  0.5 / Drizzle, scale (pixel size) of output image
D025ROT =                   0. / Drizzle, rotation angle, degrees anticlockwise
D025XSH =                 800. / Drizzle, X shift applied
D025YSH =                 800. / Drizzle, Y shift applied
D025SFTU= 'output  '           / Drizzle, units used for shifts (output or input
D025SFTF= 'output  '           / Drizzle, frame in which shifts were applied
D025EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
D025INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
D025OUUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
D025FVAL= '0       '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D025INXC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
D025INYC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
D025OUXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
D025OUYC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
D025SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D026VER = 'DRIZZLE Version 2.7 (February 3rd 2002)' / Drizzle, task version
D026GEOM= 'User parameters'    / Drizzle, source of geometric information
D026DATA= 'tmp$dith17848_769'  / Drizzle, input data image
D026DEXP=                1200. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
D026OUDA= 'mosaic  '           / Drizzle, output data image
D026OUWE= 'mosaic_w'           / Drizzle, output weighting image
D026OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image
D026MASK= './Wf3/image2_c0h_cr.pl' / Drizzle, input weighting image
D026WTSC=                1200. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
D026KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
D026PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop
D026COEF= 'drizzle$coeffs/wf3-trauger' / Drizzle, coefficients file name
D026LAM =             801.2217 / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
D026SCAL=                  0.5 / Drizzle, scale (pixel size) of output image
D026ROT =                   0. / Drizzle, rotation angle, degrees anticlockwise
D026XSH =              800.014 / Drizzle, X shift applied
D026YSH =              799.982 / Drizzle, Y shift applied
D026SFTU= 'output  '           / Drizzle, units used for shifts (output or input
D026SFTF= 'output  '           / Drizzle, frame in which shifts were applied
D026EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
D026INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
D026OUUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
D026FVAL= '0       '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D026INXC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
D026INYC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
D026OUXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
D026OUYC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
D026SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D027VER = 'DRIZZLE Version 2.7 (February 3rd 2002)' / Drizzle, task version
D027GEOM= 'User parameters'    / Drizzle, source of geometric information
D027DATA= 'tmp$dith17848_770'  / Drizzle, input data image
D027DEXP=                1300. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
D027OUDA= 'mosaic  '           / Drizzle, output data image
D027OUWE= 'mosaic_w'           / Drizzle, output weighting image
D027OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image
D027MASK= './Wf3/image3_c0h_cr.pl' / Drizzle, input weighting image
D027WTSC=                1300. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
D027KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
D027PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop
D027COEF= 'drizzle$coeffs/wf3-trauger' / Drizzle, coefficients file name
D027LAM =             801.2217 / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
D027SCAL=                  0.5 / Drizzle, scale (pixel size) of output image
D027ROT =                   0. / Drizzle, rotation angle, degrees anticlockwise
D027XSH =              797.874 / Drizzle, X shift applied
D027YSH =              804.874 / Drizzle, Y shift applied
D027SFTU= 'output  '           / Drizzle, units used for shifts (output or input
D027SFTF= 'output  '           / Drizzle, frame in which shifts were applied
D027EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
D027INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
D027OUUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
D027FVAL= '0       '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D027INXC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
D027INYC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
D027OUXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
D027OUYC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
D027SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D028VER = 'DRIZZLE Version 2.7 (February 3rd 2002)' / Drizzle, task version
D028GEOM= 'User parameters'    / Drizzle, source of geometric information
D028DATA= 'tmp$dith17848_771'  / Drizzle, input data image
D028DEXP=                1300. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
D028OUDA= 'mosaic  '           / Drizzle, output data image
D028OUWE= 'mosaic_w'           / Drizzle, output weighting image
D028OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image
D028MASK= './Wf3/image4_c0h_cr.pl' / Drizzle, input weighting image
D028WTSC=                1300. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
D028KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
D028PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop
D028COEF= 'drizzle$coeffs/wf3-trauger' / Drizzle, coefficients file name
D028LAM =             801.2217 / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
D028SCAL=                  0.5 / Drizzle, scale (pixel size) of output image
D028ROT =                   0. / Drizzle, rotation angle, degrees anticlockwise
D028XSH =              797.818 / Drizzle, X shift applied
D028YSH =              804.974 / Drizzle, Y shift applied
D028SFTU= 'output  '           / Drizzle, units used for shifts (output or input
D028SFTF= 'output  '           / Drizzle, frame in which shifts were applied
D028EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
D028INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
D028OUUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
D028FVAL= '0       '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D028INXC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
D028INYC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
D028OUXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
D028OUYC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
D028SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D029VER = 'DRIZZLE Version 2.7 (February 3rd 2002)' / Drizzle, task version
D029GEOM= 'User parameters'    / Drizzle, source of geometric information
D029DATA= 'tmp$dith17848_772'  / Drizzle, input data image
D029DEXP=                1300. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
D029OUDA= 'mosaic  '           / Drizzle, output data image
D029OUWE= 'mosaic_w'           / Drizzle, output weighting image
D029OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image
D029MASK= './Wf3/image5_c0h_cr.pl' / Drizzle, input weighting image
D029WTSC=                1300. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
D029KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
D029PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop
D029COEF= 'drizzle$coeffs/wf3-trauger' / Drizzle, coefficients file name
D029LAM =             801.2217 / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
D029SCAL=                  0.5 / Drizzle, scale (pixel size) of output image
D029ROT =                   0. / Drizzle, rotation angle, degrees anticlockwise
D029XSH =              805.252 / Drizzle, X shift applied
D029YSH =               805.84 / Drizzle, Y shift applied
D029SFTU= 'output  '           / Drizzle, units used for shifts (output or input
D029SFTF= 'output  '           / Drizzle, frame in which shifts were applied
D029EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
D029INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
D029OUUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
D029FVAL= '0       '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D029INXC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
D029INYC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
D029OUXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
D029OUYC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
D029SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D030VER = 'DRIZZLE Version 2.7 (February 3rd 2002)' / Drizzle, task version
D030GEOM= 'User parameters'    / Drizzle, source of geometric information
D030DATA= 'tmp$dith17848_773'  / Drizzle, input data image
D030DEXP=                1300. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
D030OUDA= 'mosaic  '           / Drizzle, output data image
D030OUWE= 'mosaic_w'           / Drizzle, output weighting image
D030OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image
D030MASK= './Wf3/image6_c0h_cr.pl' / Drizzle, input weighting image
D030WTSC=                1300. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
D030KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
D030PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop
D030COEF= 'drizzle$coeffs/wf3-trauger' / Drizzle, coefficients file name
D030LAM =             801.2217 / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
D030SCAL=                  0.5 / Drizzle, scale (pixel size) of output image
D030ROT =                   0. / Drizzle, rotation angle, degrees anticlockwise
D030XSH =               805.12 / Drizzle, X shift applied
D030YSH =              805.862 / Drizzle, Y shift applied
D030SFTU= 'output  '           / Drizzle, units used for shifts (output or input
D030SFTF= 'output  '           / Drizzle, frame in which shifts were applied
D030EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
D030INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
D030OUUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
D030FVAL= '0       '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D030INXC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
D030INYC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
D030OUXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
D030OUYC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
D030SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D031VER = 'DRIZZLE Version 2.7 (February 3rd 2002)' / Drizzle, task version
D031GEOM= 'User parameters'    / Drizzle, source of geometric information
D031DATA= 'tmp$dith17848_774'  / Drizzle, input data image
D031DEXP=                 260. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
D031OUDA= 'mosaic  '           / Drizzle, output data image
D031OUWE= 'mosaic_w'           / Drizzle, output weighting image
D031OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image
D031MASK= './Wf3/image7_c0h_cr.pl' / Drizzle, input weighting image
D031WTSC=                 260. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
D031KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
D031PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop
D031COEF= 'drizzle$coeffs/wf3-trauger' / Drizzle, coefficients file name
D031LAM =             801.2217 / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
D031SCAL=                  0.5 / Drizzle, scale (pixel size) of output image
D031ROT =                   0. / Drizzle, rotation angle, degrees anticlockwise
D031XSH =              793.396 / Drizzle, X shift applied
D031YSH =               804.94 / Drizzle, Y shift applied
D031SFTU= 'output  '           / Drizzle, units used for shifts (output or input
D031SFTF= 'output  '           / Drizzle, frame in which shifts were applied
D031EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
D031INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
D031OUUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
D031FVAL= '0       '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D031INXC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
D031INYC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
D031OUXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
D031OUYC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
D031SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D032VER = 'DRIZZLE Version 2.7 (February 3rd 2002)' / Drizzle, task version
D032GEOM= 'User parameters'    / Drizzle, source of geometric information
D032DATA= 'tmp$dith17848_775'  / Drizzle, input data image
D032DEXP=                1000. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
D032OUDA= 'mosaic  '           / Drizzle, output data image
D032OUWE= 'mosaic_w'           / Drizzle, output weighting image
D032OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image
D032MASK= './Wf3/image8_c0h_cr.pl' / Drizzle, input weighting image
D032WTSC=                1000. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
D032KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
D032PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop
D032COEF= 'drizzle$coeffs/wf3-trauger' / Drizzle, coefficients file name
D032LAM =             801.2217 / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
D032SCAL=                  0.5 / Drizzle, scale (pixel size) of output image
D032ROT =                   0. / Drizzle, rotation angle, degrees anticlockwise
D032XSH =              793.352 / Drizzle, X shift applied
D032YSH =              804.892 / Drizzle, Y shift applied
D032SFTU= 'output  '           / Drizzle, units used for shifts (output or input
D032SFTF= 'output  '           / Drizzle, frame in which shifts were applied
D032EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
D032INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
D032OUUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
D032FVAL= '0       '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D032INXC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
D032INYC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
D032OUXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
D032OUYC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
D032SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D033VER = 'DRIZZLE Version 2.7 (February 3rd 2002)' / Drizzle, task version
D033GEOM= 'User parameters'    / Drizzle, source of geometric information
D033DATA= 'tmp$dith17848_776'  / Drizzle, input data image
D033DEXP=                1100. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
D033OUDA= 'mosaic  '           / Drizzle, output data image
D033OUWE= 'mosaic_w'           / Drizzle, output weighting image
D033OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image
D033MASK= './Wf3/image9_c0h_cr.pl' / Drizzle, input weighting image
D033WTSC=                1100. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
D033KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
D033PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop
D033COEF= 'drizzle$coeffs/wf3-trauger' / Drizzle, coefficients file name
D033LAM =             801.2217 / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
D033SCAL=                  0.5 / Drizzle, scale (pixel size) of output image
D033ROT =                   0. / Drizzle, rotation angle, degrees anticlockwise
D033XSH =              793.324 / Drizzle, X shift applied
D033YSH =               804.78 / Drizzle, Y shift applied
D033SFTU= 'output  '           / Drizzle, units used for shifts (output or input
D033SFTF= 'output  '           / Drizzle, frame in which shifts were applied
D033EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
D033INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
D033OUUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
D033FVAL= '0       '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D033INXC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
D033INYC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
D033OUXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
D033OUYC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
D033SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D034VER = 'DRIZZLE Version 2.7 (February 3rd 2002)' / Drizzle, task version
D034GEOM= 'User parameters'    / Drizzle, source of geometric information
D034DATA= 'tmp$dith17848_780'  / Drizzle, input data image
D034DEXP=                1300. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
D034OUDA= 'mosaic  '           / Drizzle, output data image
D034OUWE= 'mosaic_w'           / Drizzle, output weighting image
D034OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image
D034MASK= './Wf4/image10_c0h_cr.pl' / Drizzle, input weighting image
D034WTSC=                1300. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
D034KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
D034PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop
D034COEF= 'drizzle$coeffs/wf4-trauger' / Drizzle, coefficients file name
D034LAM =               800.16 / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
D034SCAL=               0.4996 / Drizzle, scale (pixel size) of output image
D034ROT =                90.55 / Drizzle, rotation angle, degrees anticlockwise
D034XSH =             -655.695 / Drizzle, X shift applied
D034YSH =              794.665 / Drizzle, Y shift applied
D034SFTU= 'output  '           / Drizzle, units used for shifts (output or input
D034SFTF= 'output  '           / Drizzle, frame in which shifts were applied
D034EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
D034INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
D034OUUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
D034FVAL= '0       '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D034INXC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
D034INYC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
D034OUXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
D034OUYC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
D034SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D035VER = 'DRIZZLE Version 2.7 (February 3rd 2002)' / Drizzle, task version
D035GEOM= 'User parameters'    / Drizzle, source of geometric information
D035DATA= 'tmp$dith17848_781'  / Drizzle, input data image
D035DEXP=                1300. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
D035OUDA= 'mosaic  '           / Drizzle, output data image
D035OUWE= 'mosaic_w'           / Drizzle, output weighting image
D035OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image
D035MASK= './Wf4/image11_c0h_cr.pl' / Drizzle, input weighting image
D035WTSC=                1300. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
D035KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
D035PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop
D035COEF= 'drizzle$coeffs/wf4-trauger' / Drizzle, coefficients file name
D035LAM =               800.16 / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
D035SCAL=               0.4996 / Drizzle, scale (pixel size) of output image
D035ROT =                90.55 / Drizzle, rotation angle, degrees anticlockwise
D035XSH =             -655.799 / Drizzle, X shift applied
D035YSH =              794.429 / Drizzle, Y shift applied
D035SFTU= 'output  '           / Drizzle, units used for shifts (output or input
D035SFTF= 'output  '           / Drizzle, frame in which shifts were applied
D035EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
D035INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
D035OUUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
D035FVAL= '0       '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D035INXC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
D035INYC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
D035OUXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
D035OUYC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
D035SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D036VER = 'DRIZZLE Version 2.7 (February 3rd 2002)' / Drizzle, task version
D036GEOM= 'User parameters'    / Drizzle, source of geometric information
D036DATA= 'tmp$dith17848_782'  / Drizzle, input data image
D036DEXP=                1200. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
D036OUDA= 'mosaic  '           / Drizzle, output data image
D036OUWE= 'mosaic_w'           / Drizzle, output weighting image
D036OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image
D036MASK= './Wf4/image1_c0h_cr.pl' / Drizzle, input weighting image
D036WTSC=                1200. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
D036KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
D036PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop
D036COEF= 'drizzle$coeffs/wf4-trauger' / Drizzle, coefficients file name
D036LAM =               800.16 / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
D036SCAL=               0.4996 / Drizzle, scale (pixel size) of output image
D036ROT =                90.55 / Drizzle, rotation angle, degrees anticlockwise
D036XSH =             -646.143 / Drizzle, X shift applied
D036YSH =              798.561 / Drizzle, Y shift applied
D036SFTU= 'output  '           / Drizzle, units used for shifts (output or input
D036SFTF= 'output  '           / Drizzle, frame in which shifts were applied
D036EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
D036INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
D036OUUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
D036FVAL= '0       '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D036INXC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
D036INYC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
D036OUXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
D036OUYC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
D036SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D037VER = 'DRIZZLE Version 2.7 (February 3rd 2002)' / Drizzle, task version
D037GEOM= 'User parameters'    / Drizzle, source of geometric information
D037DATA= 'tmp$dith17848_783'  / Drizzle, input data image
D037DEXP=                1200. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
D037OUDA= 'mosaic  '           / Drizzle, output data image
D037OUWE= 'mosaic_w'           / Drizzle, output weighting image
D037OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image
D037MASK= './Wf4/image2_c0h_cr.pl' / Drizzle, input weighting image
D037WTSC=                1200. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
D037KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
D037PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop
D037COEF= 'drizzle$coeffs/wf4-trauger' / Drizzle, coefficients file name
D037LAM =               800.16 / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
D037SCAL=               0.4996 / Drizzle, scale (pixel size) of output image
D037ROT =                90.55 / Drizzle, rotation angle, degrees anticlockwise
D037XSH =             -646.129 / Drizzle, X shift applied
D037YSH =              798.543 / Drizzle, Y shift applied
D037SFTU= 'output  '           / Drizzle, units used for shifts (output or input
D037SFTF= 'output  '           / Drizzle, frame in which shifts were applied
D037EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
D037INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
D037OUUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
D037FVAL= '0       '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D037INXC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
D037INYC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
D037OUXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
D037OUYC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
D037SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D038VER = 'DRIZZLE Version 2.7 (February 3rd 2002)' / Drizzle, task version
D038GEOM= 'User parameters'    / Drizzle, source of geometric information
D038DATA= 'tmp$dith17848_784'  / Drizzle, input data image
D038DEXP=                1300. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
D038OUDA= 'mosaic  '           / Drizzle, output data image
D038OUWE= 'mosaic_w'           / Drizzle, output weighting image
D038OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image
D038MASK= './Wf4/image3_c0h_cr.pl' / Drizzle, input weighting image
D038WTSC=                1300. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
D038KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
D038PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop
D038COEF= 'drizzle$coeffs/wf4-trauger' / Drizzle, coefficients file name
D038LAM =               800.16 / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
D038SCAL=               0.4996 / Drizzle, scale (pixel size) of output image
D038ROT =                90.55 / Drizzle, rotation angle, degrees anticlockwise
D038XSH =             -648.269 / Drizzle, X shift applied
D038YSH =              803.435 / Drizzle, Y shift applied
D038SFTU= 'output  '           / Drizzle, units used for shifts (output or input
D038SFTF= 'output  '           / Drizzle, frame in which shifts were applied
D038EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
D038INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
D038OUUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
D038FVAL= '0       '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D038INXC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
D038INYC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
D038OUXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
D038OUYC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
D038SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D039VER = 'DRIZZLE Version 2.7 (February 3rd 2002)' / Drizzle, task version
D039GEOM= 'User parameters'    / Drizzle, source of geometric information
D039DATA= 'tmp$dith17848_785'  / Drizzle, input data image
D039DEXP=                1300. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
D039OUDA= 'mosaic  '           / Drizzle, output data image
D039OUWE= 'mosaic_w'           / Drizzle, output weighting image
D039OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image
D039MASK= './Wf4/image4_c0h_cr.pl' / Drizzle, input weighting image
D039WTSC=                1300. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
D039KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
D039PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop
D039COEF= 'drizzle$coeffs/wf4-trauger' / Drizzle, coefficients file name
D039LAM =               800.16 / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
D039SCAL=               0.4996 / Drizzle, scale (pixel size) of output image
D039ROT =                90.55 / Drizzle, rotation angle, degrees anticlockwise
D039XSH =             -648.325 / Drizzle, X shift applied
D039YSH =              803.535 / Drizzle, Y shift applied
D039SFTU= 'output  '           / Drizzle, units used for shifts (output or input
D039SFTF= 'output  '           / Drizzle, frame in which shifts were applied
D039EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
D039INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
D039OUUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
D039FVAL= '0       '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D039INXC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
D039INYC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
D039OUXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
D039OUYC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
D039SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D040VER = 'DRIZZLE Version 2.7 (February 3rd 2002)' / Drizzle, task version
D040GEOM= 'User parameters'    / Drizzle, source of geometric information
D040DATA= 'tmp$dith17848_786'  / Drizzle, input data image
D040DEXP=                1300. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
D040OUDA= 'mosaic  '           / Drizzle, output data image
D040OUWE= 'mosaic_w'           / Drizzle, output weighting image
D040OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image
D040MASK= './Wf4/image5_c0h_cr.pl' / Drizzle, input weighting image
D040WTSC=                1300. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
D040KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
D040PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop
D040COEF= 'drizzle$coeffs/wf4-trauger' / Drizzle, coefficients file name
D040LAM =               800.16 / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
D040SCAL=               0.4996 / Drizzle, scale (pixel size) of output image
D040ROT =                90.55 / Drizzle, rotation angle, degrees anticlockwise
D040XSH =             -640.891 / Drizzle, X shift applied
D040YSH =              804.401 / Drizzle, Y shift applied
D040SFTU= 'output  '           / Drizzle, units used for shifts (output or input
D040SFTF= 'output  '           / Drizzle, frame in which shifts were applied
D040EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
D040INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
D040OUUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
D040FVAL= '0       '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D040INXC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
D040INYC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
D040OUXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
D040OUYC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
D040SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D041VER = 'DRIZZLE Version 2.7 (February 3rd 2002)' / Drizzle, task version
D041GEOM= 'User parameters'    / Drizzle, source of geometric information
D041DATA= 'tmp$dith17848_787'  / Drizzle, input data image
D041DEXP=                1300. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
D041OUDA= 'mosaic  '           / Drizzle, output data image
D041OUWE= 'mosaic_w'           / Drizzle, output weighting image
D041OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image
D041MASK= './Wf4/image6_c0h_cr.pl' / Drizzle, input weighting image
D041WTSC=                1300. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
D041KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
D041PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop
D041COEF= 'drizzle$coeffs/wf4-trauger' / Drizzle, coefficients file name
D041LAM =               800.16 / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
D041SCAL=               0.4996 / Drizzle, scale (pixel size) of output image
D041ROT =                90.55 / Drizzle, rotation angle, degrees anticlockwise
D041XSH =             -641.023 / Drizzle, X shift applied
D041YSH =              804.423 / Drizzle, Y shift applied
D041SFTU= 'output  '           / Drizzle, units used for shifts (output or input
D041SFTF= 'output  '           / Drizzle, frame in which shifts were applied
D041EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
D041INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
D041OUUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
D041FVAL= '0       '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D041INXC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
D041INYC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
D041OUXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
D041OUYC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
D041SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D042VER = 'DRIZZLE Version 2.7 (February 3rd 2002)' / Drizzle, task version
D042GEOM= 'User parameters'    / Drizzle, source of geometric information
D042DATA= 'tmp$dith17848_788'  / Drizzle, input data image
D042DEXP=                 260. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
D042OUDA= 'mosaic  '           / Drizzle, output data image
D042OUWE= 'mosaic_w'           / Drizzle, output weighting image
D042OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image
D042MASK= './Wf4/image7_c0h_cr.pl' / Drizzle, input weighting image
D042WTSC=                 260. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
D042KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
D042PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop
D042COEF= 'drizzle$coeffs/wf4-trauger' / Drizzle, coefficients file name
D042LAM =               800.16 / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
D042SCAL=               0.4996 / Drizzle, scale (pixel size) of output image
D042ROT =                90.55 / Drizzle, rotation angle, degrees anticlockwise
D042XSH =             -652.747 / Drizzle, X shift applied
D042YSH =              803.501 / Drizzle, Y shift applied
D042SFTU= 'output  '           / Drizzle, units used for shifts (output or input
D042SFTF= 'output  '           / Drizzle, frame in which shifts were applied
D042EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
D042INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
D042OUUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
D042FVAL= '0       '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D042INXC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
D042INYC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
D042OUXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
D042OUYC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
D042SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D043VER = 'DRIZZLE Version 2.7 (February 3rd 2002)' / Drizzle, task version
D043GEOM= 'User parameters'    / Drizzle, source of geometric information
D043DATA= 'tmp$dith17848_789'  / Drizzle, input data image
D043DEXP=                1000. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
D043OUDA= 'mosaic  '           / Drizzle, output data image
D043OUWE= 'mosaic_w'           / Drizzle, output weighting image
D043OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image
D043MASK= './Wf4/image8_c0h_cr.pl' / Drizzle, input weighting image
D043WTSC=                1000. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
D043KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
D043PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop
D043COEF= 'drizzle$coeffs/wf4-trauger' / Drizzle, coefficients file name
D043LAM =               800.16 / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
D043SCAL=               0.4996 / Drizzle, scale (pixel size) of output image
D043ROT =                90.55 / Drizzle, rotation angle, degrees anticlockwise
D043XSH =             -652.791 / Drizzle, X shift applied
D043YSH =              803.453 / Drizzle, Y shift applied
D043SFTU= 'output  '           / Drizzle, units used for shifts (output or input
D043SFTF= 'output  '           / Drizzle, frame in which shifts were applied
D043EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
D043INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
D043OUUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
D043FVAL= '0       '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D043INXC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
D043INYC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
D043OUXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
D043OUYC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
D043SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D044VER = 'DRIZZLE Version 2.7 (February 3rd 2002)' / Drizzle, task version
D044GEOM= 'User parameters'    / Drizzle, source of geometric information
D044DATA= 'tmp$dith17848_790'  / Drizzle, input data image
D044DEXP=                1100. / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
D044OUDA= 'mosaic  '           / Drizzle, output data image
D044OUWE= 'mosaic_w'           / Drizzle, output weighting image
D044OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image
D044MASK= './Wf4/image9_c0h_cr.pl' / Drizzle, input weighting image
D044WTSC=                1100. / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
D044KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
D044PIXF=                  0.8 / Drizzle, linear size of drop
D044COEF= 'drizzle$coeffs/wf4-trauger' / Drizzle, coefficients file name
D044LAM =               800.16 / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
D044SCAL=               0.4996 / Drizzle, scale (pixel size) of output image
D044ROT =                90.55 / Drizzle, rotation angle, degrees anticlockwise
D044XSH =             -652.819 / Drizzle, X shift applied
D044YSH =              803.341 / Drizzle, Y shift applied
D044SFTU= 'output  '           / Drizzle, units used for shifts (output or input
D044SFTF= 'output  '           / Drizzle, frame in which shifts were applied
D044EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
D044INUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
D044OUUN= 'counts  '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
D044FVAL= '0       '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D044INXC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
D044INYC=                 401. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
D044OUXC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
D044OUYC=                2049. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
D044SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param

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