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SIMPLE  =                    T /image conforms to FITS standard
BITPIX  =                  -32 /bits per data value
NAXIS   =                    2 /number of axes
NAXIS1  =                 2348 /
NAXIS2  =                 2348 /
EXTEND  =                    T /file may contain extensions
DATE    = '2006-04-24T00:55:10' / UTC date when file last modified
COMMENT FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'Astronomy
COMMENT and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode 2001A&A...376..359H
COMMENT   Project identification
COMMENT   ----------------------
PROJNAM = 'SINGG   '           / Project name
PROPTITL= 'Survey for Ionization in Neutral Gas Galaxies' / Project title
PROPID  = '2000-0032'          / NOAO proposal ID
PROJPI  = 'Meurer, G.R.'       / Project Principle Investigator
RUNID   = 'Run03   '           / Run identification
COMMENT   Telescope Parameters
COMMENT   --------------------
OBSERVER= 'C.Smith '           / Observers
OBSERVAT= 'CTIO    '           / Origin of data
TELESCOP= 'CTIO 1.5 meter telescope' / Specific system
INSTRUME= 'cfccd   '           / cassegrain direct imager
DETECTOR= 'Site2K_6'           / Detector (CCD type, photon counter, etc.)
OBJECT  = 'J1337-29'           / Name of the object observed
FILENAME= 'J1337-29_Rsub_ss.fits' / FITS file name
RA      = '13:37:02.34'        / right ascension (telescope)
DEC     = '-29:52:06.0'        / declination (telescope)
ZD      =        5.10000000000 / zenith distance (degrees)
HA      = '-00:23:23.5'        / hour angle (H:M:S)
ST      = '13:13:42.0'         / sidereal time
AIRMASS =        1.00400000000 / airmass
FILTER1 = '6568    '           / Filter in wheel one
FNAME1  = '6568/30 4x4 CSmith' / Full name of filter in  wheel1
FILTER2 = 'dia     '           / Filter in wheel two
FNAME2  = 'Diaphragm'          / Full name of filter in  wheel2
FILTERS = '6568 dia'           / Filter positions
UT      = '08:19:13.2'         / UT of TCS coords
COMMENT   Parameters from image combine
COMMENT   -----------------------------
IMTYPE  = 'net     '           / Type of image
DATE-OBS= '2001-02-14T07:54:48.3   ' / Date and time of start of first image
DATEEND = '2001-02-14T08:57:53.100 ' / Date and time of end of last image
NCOMBINE=                    2 / Number of combined images
EXPTIME =        1800.00000000 / Total exposure time [seconds]
WEXPTIME=        603.216000000 / Weighted exposure time [seconds]
BUNIT   = 'counts/sec'         / Units of image
BUFFER  =                  150 / Size of edge buffer [pixels]
POSREF  = 'obj2097tr.fits'     / Positional reference image
FLUXREF = 'obj2094tr.fits'     / Flux reference image
MASKFILE= 'J1337-29_Rsub.pl.fits   ' / Pixel count file
PRED00  = 'J1337-29_R.fits'    / Input filename #0
PRED01  = 'J1337-29_6568.fits' / Input filename #1
PRED02  = '        '           / Input filename #2
PRED03  = '        '           / Input filename #3
PRED04  = '        '           / Input filename #4
PRED05  = '        '           / Input filename #5
WPRED00 =     -0.0217200000000 / Scale factor #0
WPRED01 =        1.00000000000 / Scale factor #1
WPRED02 =        0.00000000000 / Scale factor #2
WPRED03 =        0.00000000000 / Scale factor #3
WPRED04 =        0.00000000000 / Scale factor #4
WPRED05 =        0.00000000000 / Scale factor #5
PHOTQUAL=     0.00518038000000 / RMS of time-corrected scaling
CNTRAT1 =      0.0217200000000 / Continuum ratio (kernel)
CNTRAT2 =      0.0210956000000 / Continuum ratio
ECNTRAT2=     0.00234502000000 / Continuum ratio RMS
COMMENT   Sky measurement parameters
COMMENT   --------------------------
ISOPHX  =        1202.61000000 / Isophote center X [pixels]
ISOPHY  =        1154.13000000 / Isophote center Y [pixels]
BRIGHTX =        1203.00000000 / Brightness peak X [pixels]
BRIGHTY =        1154.00000000 / Brightness peak Y [pixels]
SKYAPRA =        204.247660000 / RA of sky aperture [degrees]
SKYAPDEC=       -29.8727420000 / Declination of sky aperture [degrees]
SKYAPA1 =        436.541000000 / Semi-major axis of inner sky aperture [arcsec]
SKYAPA2 =        794.845000000 / Semi-major axis of outer sky aperture [arcsec]
SKYAPAB1=        1.01866000000 / Axial ratio (A/B) of inner sky aperture
SKYAPAB2=        1.01016000000 / Axial ratio (A/B) of outer sky aperture
SKYAPPA1=        91.2857000000 / Position angle of inner sky aperture [degrees]
SKYAPPA2=        91.2857000000 / Position angle of outer sky aperture [degrees]
SKYBOX  =                   35 / Box size used by box2boxbg [pixels]
COMMENT   Image measurement results
COMMENT   -------------------------
SKYLEV  =   -0.000240335000000 / box2box sky level
SKYSIG  =      0.0345786000000 / pixel-to-pixel sky RMS
SKYSIGBX=     0.00447267000000 / box-to-box sky RMS
SKYSUB  =                    1 / sky subtraction complete?
SEEING  =        1.84242000000 / Seeing [arcsec]
DATAMIN =             -9.90692 / Minimum pixel value
DATAMAX =              88.9261 / Maximum pixel value
COMMENT   World Coordinate System
COMMENT   -----------------------
CTYPE1  = 'RA---TAN'           /
CTYPE2  = 'DEC--TAN'           /
CRPIX1  =        1161.35340000 /
CRPIX2  =        1219.57740000 /
CRVAL1  =        204.253520000 /
CRVAL2  =       -29.8650110000 /
CD1_1   =   -0.000119993750000 /
CD1_2   =    6.73896690000E-08 /
CD2_1   =    7.96760510000E-08 /
CD2_2   =    0.000120008260000 /
EQUINOX =              2000.00 /
RADECSYS= 'FK5     '           /
WCSDIM  =                    2 /
WAT0_001= 'system=image'       /
WAT1_001= 'wtype=tan axtype=ra' /
WAT2_001= 'wtype=tan axtype=dec' /
XPIXSIZE=       0.432000000000 / Pixel size in X (arcsec/pix)
YPIXSIZE=       0.432000000000 / Pixel size in Y (arcsec/pix)
LTV2    =       -1184.50100000 /
LTM2_1  =        1.00000000000 /
LTM1_2  =        1.00000080000 /
COMMENT  Photometric Calibration Keywords
COMMENT  --------------------------------
FILTNAME= '6568/28 '           /Filter name
PHOTPLAM=              6575.51 /Filter pivot wavelength [Angstrom]
PHOTGW  =              36.1230 /Filter Gauss. equiv. bandpass FWHM [Angstrom]
PHOTRW  =              31.1704 /Filter rectangular equiv. bandpass [Angstrom]
AQFILT  =              31.6398 /A_file * Q_(filt,gal) [Angstrom]
NIIFRAC =       0.122071000000 /Estimated [NII]6548+6583/total count ratio
NIIRAT0 =       0.350000000000 /Assumed intrinsic [NII]6583/Halpha flux ratio
PROFMOD = 'GAUSSIAN  '         /Adopted Halpha profile model
PHOTMTRC= '        '           /Observed in photometric conditions?
PHOTFLUX=    7.57051000000E-16 /Unit response [erg/cm^2/DN]
MAGSYS1 = '        '           /Magnitude system
MAGZPT1 =              0.00000 /Zero-point magnitude
COMMENT  Data Release information
COMMENT  ------------------------
RELVER  =              1.00000 / Release version
RELDATE = '2006-04-24'         / Release Date
HDRVER  =              1.00000 / Header version
PIXVER  =              1.00000 / Pixel version
COMMENT  This image was created for SINGG - the Survey for Ionization in
COMMENT  Neutral Gas Galaxies.  SINGG is an H-alpha and R band CCD imaging
COMMENT  survey of galaxies selected from the HI Parkes All Sky Survey (HIPASS;
COMMENT  Meyer et al. 2004, MNRAS).  This image comprises part of SINGG Release
COMMENT  1.0 (SR1.0).  Details of the SINGG survey and SR1.0 can be found in
COMMENT  Meurer et al (2006, ApJS, in press; astro-ph/0604444).  The reduction
COMMENT  of the SR1.0 images includes basic CCD processing (bias level
COMMENT  subtraction, bias image subtraction, flat fielding), image
COMMENT  registration, combining of images with CR rejection, and flux
COMMENT  calibration.  Some images obtained with the 6568/28 filter had a model
COMMENT  of an extended diffuse scattered-light feature subtracted.  Continuum
COMMENT  (usually R band) subtraction is performed after convolving the image
COMMENT  with the best seeing with a kernel to match that having the worst
COMMENT  seeing.  Details of the data reduction and analysis can be found in
COMMENT  Meurer et al. (2006).  Details of the SINGG survey can be found at
COMMENT  http://sungg.pha.jhu.edu/ .
COMMENT  The World Coordinate System (WCS) in the images were set by matching
COMMENT  positions of roughly 100 sources in the R or continuum image to the
COMMENT  U.S. Naval Observatory A2.0 database yielding a typical rms accuracy of
COMMENT  0.4 arcsec (one pixel).  The photometric calibration of the images was
COMMENT  performed by observations of spectrophotometric standards, yielding
COMMENT  an estimated accuracy of 0.02 mag, except for images obtained with the
COMMENT  6568/28 filter, which have an estimated photometric accuracy of 0.04
COMMENT  SR1.0 represents the best effort reduction and analysis by the SINGG
COMMENT  team.  The data is made available to the public free of charge on an
COMMENT  *as is* basis without warranty of any kind, either expressed or
COMMENT  implied.  If you use SINGG images in your research please make the
COMMENT  following acknowledgement in any publications that result: "This
COMMENT  research made use of images provided by the Survey for Ionization in
COMMENT  Neutral Gas Galaxies (Meurer et al. 2006) which is partially supported
COMMENT  by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)."

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