SIMPLE = T / Fits standard BITPIX = -32 / -32 = 4-BYTE FLOAT, 16 = 2-BYTE INTEGER NAXIS = 2 / Number of axes NAXIS1 = 1122 / Axis 1 size NAXIS2 = 451 / Axis 2 size ORIGIN = 'Spitzer Science Center' / Organization generating this FITS file CREATOR = 'S13.2.0 ' / SW version used to create this FITS file TELESCOP= 'Spitzer ' / Spitzer Space Telescope INSTRUME= 'IRAC ' / Spitzer Space Telescope instrument ID CHNLNUM = 3 / 1 digit instrument channel number AOT_TYPE= 'IracMap ' / Observation Template Type AORLABEL= 'IRAC-N2798' / AOR Label EXPTYPE = 'sci ' / Exposure Type FOVID = 67 / Field of View ID for Commanded Pointing FOVNAME = 'IRAC_Center_of_3.6&5.8umArray' / Field of View Name for Commanded Poi / PROPOSAL INFORMATION OBSRVR = 'Robert Kennicutt' / Observer Name (Last, First) OBSRVRID= 101 / Observer ID of Principal Investigator PROCYCL = 2 / Proposal Cycle PROGID = 159 / Program ID PROTITLE= 'SINGS: The Spitzer Infrared Nearby Galaxies Survey -- Physics of the' PROGCAT = 27 / Program Category / TIME AND EXPOSURE INFORMATION (from header of 1st BCD in mosaic) DATE_OBS= '2004-04-30T08:27:57.648' / Date & time at DCE start / TARGET AND POINTING INFORMATION OBJECT = 'NGC2798 offset' / Object Name OBJTYPE = 'TargetFixedSingle' / Object Type CRVAL1 = 139.358309 / [deg] RA at CRPIX1,CRPIX2 CRVAL2 = 41.9992 / [deg] DEC at CRPIX1,CRPIX2 RADESYS = 'ICRS ' / International Celestial Reference System EQUINOX = 2000. / Equinox for ICRS celestial coord. system CTYPE1 = 'RA---TAN' / RA---TAN CTYPE2 = 'DEC--TAN' / DEC--TAN CRPIX1 = 561.5 / Reference pixel along axis 1 CRPIX2 = 226. / Reference pixel along axis 2 CDELT1 = -0.000333333 / [deg/pix] Plate scale for axis 1 at CRPIX1,CRPI CDELT2 = 0.000333333 / [deg/pix] Plate scale for axis 2 at CRPIX1,CRPI CROTA2 = -111.8503 / [deg] Position angle of axis 2 (W of N, +=CW) / PHOTOMETRY BUNIT = 'MJy/sr ' / Units of image data (MJyr/Str) FLUXCONV= 0.5952 / Flux Conv. factor (MJy/Str per DN/sec) GAIN = 3.8 / e/DN conversion ZODY_EST= 3.556751 / [MJy/sr] Zodiacal Background Estimate ISM_EST = 0.06476194 / [MJy/sr] Interstellar Medium Estimate SKYDRKZB= 2.143553 / [MJy/sr] Zodiacal Background Est of subracted s / DATA FLOW KEYWORDS ORIGIN0 = 'JPL_FOS ' / Site where mosaic was created CREATOR0= 'J5.2.3 ' / SW system that created raw-FITS file AORKEY = 5532160 / AOR or IER key. Astro. Obs Req/Instr Eng Req DS_IDENT= 'ads/sa.spitzer#0005532160' / Data Set Identification for ADS/journals PAONUM = 500 / PAO Number CAMPAIGN= 'IRAC004100' / Campaign / PROCESSING HISTORY TOTALBCD= 8 / Total number of BCD's used in this mosaic HISTORY hdrupd8 v. 1.5 A50126, updated 2/03/06 at 15:53:39 HISTORY hdrupd8 v. 1.5 A50126, updated 2/03/06 at 15:53:40 HISTORY FPGen v. 1.25, ran Fri Feb 3 15:53:43 2006 END |