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SIMPLE  =                    T / Fits standard
BITPIX  =                  -32 / Bits per pixel
NAXIS   =                    2 / Number of axes
NAXIS1  =                 8179 / Axis length
NAXIS2  =                 8288 / Axis length
ORIGIN  = 'NOAO-IRAF FITS Image Kernel July 1999' / FITS file originator
EXTEND  =                    F / File may contain extensions
DATE    = '2002-11-11T22:45:52'
IRAF-TLM= '15:44:07 (11/11/2002)'
OBJECT  = 'M31F6 O[III]'                              / Name of the object obser
FILENAME= 'obj278  '           / Original host filename
OBSTYPE = 'object  '           / Observation type
PREFLASH=             0.000000 / Preflash time (sec)
RADECEQ =                2000. / Default equinox
RA      = '00:42:22.90'        / RA of observation (hr)
DEC     = '41:05:12.00'        / DEC of observation (deg)
TIMESYS = 'UTC approximate'    / Time system
DATE-OBS= '2002-09-12T07:17:02.5' / Date of observation start (UTC approximate)
TIME-OBS= '07:17:02.5'         / Time of observation start
MJD-OBS =       52529.30350116 / MJD of observation start
MJDHDR  =       52529.30348380 / MJD of header creation
LSTHDR  = '23:15:09          ' / LST of header creation
OBSERVAT= 'KPNO    '           / Observatory
TELESCOP= 'KPNO 4.0 meter telescope' / Telescope
TELRADEC= 'FK5     '           / Telescope coordinate system
TELEQUIN=               2000.0 / Equinox of tel coords
TELRA   = '0:42:22.90        ' / RA of telescope (hr)
TELDEC  = '41:05:12.0        ' / DEC of telescope (deg)
ZD      = '19.7135           ' / Zenith distance
AIRMASS =                1.062 / Airmass
TELFOCUS=                -9508 / Telescope focus
CORRCTOR= 'Mayall Corrector'   / Corrector Identification
ADC     = 'Mayall ADC'         / ADC Identification
ADCSTAT = 'preset            ' / ADC tracking state null-track-preset
ADCPAN1 =  4.9509998000000E+01 / ADC 1 prism angle
ADCPAN2 =  6.2480000000000E+01 / ADC 2 prism angle
DETECTOR= 'CCDMosaThin1'       / Detector
DETSIZE = '[1:8192,1:8192]'    / Detector size for DETSEC
NCCDS   =                    8 / Number of CCDs
NAMPS   =                    8 / Number of Amplifiers
PIXSIZE1=                  15. / Pixel size for axis 1 (microns)
PIXSIZE2=                  15. / Pixel size for axis 2 (microns)
PIXSCAL1=                0.258 / Pixel scale for axis 1 (arcsec/pixel)
PIXSCAL2=                0.258 / Pixel scale for axis 2 (arcsec/pixel)
RAPANGL =                   0. / Position angle of RA axis (deg)
DECPANGL=                  90. / Position angle of DEC axis (deg)
FILPOS  =                   10 / Filter position
FILTER  = 'O3 OIII N2 k1014  ' / Filter name(s)
SHUTSTAT= 'guide             ' / Shutter status
TV1FOC  = -1.1020000000000E+00 / North TV Camera focus position
TV2FOC  = -1.3050000000000E+00 / South Camera focus position
ENVTEM  =  1.9500000000000E+01 / Ambient temperature (C)
DEWAR   = 'CCDMosaThin1 Dewar' / Dewar identification
DEWTEM  = -1.6810000600000E+02 / Dewar temperature (C)
DEWTEM2 = -7.0000000000000E-01 / Fill Neck temperature (C)
DEWTEM3 = 'N2   0.0'
CCDTEM  = -9.6099998000000E+01 / CCD temperature  (C)
CCDTEM2 = 'CCD   0.0'
CONTROLR= 'Mosaic Arcon'       / Controller identification
CONSWV  = '2.000  13Feb96     (add mode and group to hdrs)' / Controller softwar
AMPINTEG=                 3600 / (ns) Double Correlated Sample time
READTIME=                14400 / (ns) unbinned pixel read time
ARCONWD = 'Obs Sat Sep  7 13:38:09 2002' / Date waveforms last compiled
ARCONWM = 'OverlapXmit EarlyReset SplitShift ' / Waveform mode switches on
ARCONGI =                    2 / Gain selection (index into Gain Table)
OBSERVER= 'Massey  '           / Observer(s)
PROPOSER= ''          / Proposer(s)
PROPOSAL= ''          / Proposal title
PROPID  = '0010    '           / Proposal identification
OBSID   = 'kp4m.20020912T071702' / Observation ID
IMAGESWV= 'mosdca (Jun99), mosaic.tcl (Aug00)' / Image creation software version
KWDICT  = 'MosaicV1.dic (Sep97)' / Keyword dictionary
OTFDIR  = 'mscdb$noao/kpno/4meter/caldir/' / OTF calibration directory
CHECKSUM= ''          / Header checksum
DATASUM = ''          / Data checksum
CHECKVER= ''          / Checksum version
RECNO   =                    0 / NOAO archive sequence number
CCDMEAN =             61.36373
XTALKFIL= 'xtalkphilrev.dat'                          / Crosstalk file
EXPTIME =              300.000 / Exposure time in secs
DARKTIME=              301.849 / Total elapsed time in secs
CCDNAME = 'SITe #7298FBR06-01 (NOAO 14)' / CCD name
AMPNAME = 'SITe #7298FBR06-01 (NOAO 14), lower right (Amp12)' / Amplifier name
GAIN    =               2.7625 / gain expected for amp 112 (e-/ADU)
RDNOISE =                6.875 / read noise expected for amp 112 (e-)
SATURATE=                39000 / Maximum good data value (ADU)
CONHWV  = 'ACEB001_AMP12'      / Controller hardware version
ARCONG  =                  3.1 / gain expected for amp 112 (e-/ADU)
ARCONRN =                  6.5 / read noise expected for amp 112 (e-)
CCDSIZE = '[1:2048,1:4096]'    / CCD size
CCDSUM  = '1 1     '           / CCD pixel summing
ATM1_1  =                  -1. / CCD to amplifier transformation
ATM2_2  =                   1. / CCD to amplifier transformation
ATV1    =               2073.0 / CCD to amplifier transformation
ATV2    =                   0. / CCD to amplifier transformation
LTM1_1  =                   1. / CCD to image transformation
LTM2_2  =                   1. / CCD to image transformation
DTM1_1  =                   1. / CCD to detector transformation
DTM2_2  =                   1. / CCD to detector transformation
DTV1    =                   0. / CCD to detector transformation
DTV2    =                   0. / CCD to detector transformation
WCSASTRM= 'kp4m.19981010T033325 (Tr 37 V) by L. Davis 19981010' / WCS Source
WCSDIM  =                    2 / WCS dimensionality
CTYPE1  = 'RA---TAN'           / Coordinate type
CTYPE2  = 'DEC--TAN'           / Coordinate type
CRVAL1  =     10.8283333333333 / Coordinate reference value
CRVAL2  =      41.329444444444 / Coordinate reference value
CD1_1   =  -7.5000000000000E-5 / Coordinate matrix
CD2_2   =  7.50000000000000E-5 / Coordinate matrix
WAT0_001= 'system=image'       / Coordinate system
WAT1_001= 'wtype=tan axtype=ra'
WAT2_001= 'wtype=tan axtype=dec'
XTALKCOR= 'Nov  5 18:41 Crosstalk is 0.00152*im2'
SATPROC = 'Nov  5 18:43 Sat: 39000. ADU (124800. e-), grw=0'
BLDPROC = 'Nov  5 18:43 Bleed: 7588.13 ADU (24282. e-), len=20, grw=0'
TRIM    = 'Nov  5 18:43 Trim is [65:2112,1:4096]'
FIXPIX  = 'Nov  5 18:43 Fix bpnkpno1.pl + sat + bleed'
OVERSCAN= 'Nov  5 18:43 Overscan is [1:50,1:4096], mean 2434.623'
ZEROCOR = 'Nov  5 18:43 Zero is Zero[im1]'
FLATCOR = 'Nov  5 18:43 Flat is masterO3.fits[im1], scale 12854.01'
CCDPROC = 'Nov  5 18:43 CCD processing done'
PROCID  = 'kp4m.20020912T071702V3'
RMPUPIL = '[obj278.fits]-(25.2*[O3pup.fits])'
MSCCMATC= 'Nov  8 18:24 -4.80/13.45 1.000/1.000 -0.033/-0.082'
CDELT1  =  -7.5000000000000E-5
CDELT2  =  7.50000000000000E-5
CRPIX1  =                1813.
CRPIX2  =                7497.
NCOMBINE=                   40
MODE    =             38.07373
SIGMA   =      4.4499836454131
FWHM    =                 4.08
SEEING  =               1.1016
MSCSCALE=                   1.
MSCZERO =               -45.05
PROCID01= 'kp4m.20020912T071702V2'
PROCID02= 'kp4m.20020912T072437V2'
PROCID03= 'kp4m.20020912T073215V2'
PROCID04= 'kp4m.20020912T073951V2'
PROCID05= 'kp4m.20020912T074726V2'
IMCMB001= 'fobj278p.fits'
IMCMB002= 'fobj279p.fits'
IMCMB003= 'fobj280p.fits'
IMCMB004= 'fobj281p.fits'
IMCMB005= 'fobj282p.fits'
BPM     = 'm31f6o3.pl'
LTV1    =                  -2.
LTV2    =                  21.
XSHIFT  =                    0
YSHIFT  =                    0

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