SIMPLE = T / Fits standard BITPIX = -32 / Bits per pixel NAXIS = 2 / Number of axes NAXIS1 = 985 / Axis length NAXIS2 = 950 / Axis length EXTEND = F / File may contain extensions ORIGIN = 'NOAO-IRAF FITS Image Kernel July 2003' / FITS file originator IRAF-TLM= '12:43:23 (06/03/2008)' / Time of last modification OBJECT = 'N5457 R 1000' / DATE = '2008-03-05T16:41:56' IRAF-MAX= 6.553500E4 / DATA MAX IRAF-MIN= 0.000000E0 / DATA MIN PACKTYPE= 'OBSVATON' /Packet type PACKVERS= 2 /Packet Version Number PACKDATE= '94/08/10' /Date of packet creation PACKTIME= '21:37:26' /Time of packet creation PACKNAME= 'JOB19374' /Packet name PACKPDAT= '94/08/10' /Date of previous packet of this type PACKPTIM= '21:30:49' /Time of previous packet of this type PACKPNAM= 'JOB19373' /Name of previous packet of this type OBSERVER= 'RJ ' /Name of the Observer TELESCOP= 'JKT ' /Name of the Telescope INSTRUME= 'AGBX ' /Instrument configuration OBSTYP = 40 /Observation type RA = '14:01:20.64' / RA of the source DEC = '54:35:18.20' / Declination of the source EQUINOX = '2000. ' /Equinox of coordinate system ZENDIST = 46.7828 /Zenith distance AIRMASS = 1.45869 /Air mass DATE-OBS= '10/08/94' /Date of the observation PACKEND PACKTYPE= 'ACQGUIDE' /Packet type PACKVERS= 2 /Packet Version Number PACKDATE= '94/08/10' /Date of packet creation PACKTIME= '21:37:30' /Time of packet creation PACKNAME= 'JAG02908' /Packet name PACKPDAT= '94/08/10' /Date of previous packet of this type PACKPTIM= '21:30:53' /Time of previous packet of this type PACKPNAM= 'JAG02907' /Name of previous packet of this type AGTVPOSX= 0.0 /Not applicable AGTVPOSY= 0.0 /Not applicable AGTVFILT= 0 /Not applicable AGTVCAMN= ' ' /Not available AGPOSX = 0.1555E-02 /A&G probe position in X AGPOSY = 0.7116E-01 /A&G probe position in Y AGNDFLNR= 0 /Not applicable AGNDFPOS= 1 /A&G neutral density filter position GUIDCFIL= 5 /Guider colour filter APROBE = ' ' /Not available AGCOLFIL= 'HARRIS ' /A&G colour filter tray nr. AGCOLFLP= '4 (R) ' /A&G colour filter position FLIPMIRR= ' ' /Not applicable AGARCID = ' ' /Not applicable GRISM = 'NONE ' /Grism colour FIELDSIZ= 0.0 /Not available FIELDANG= 0.0 /Not available GUIDSTAT= 0 /Not available GUIDSTAR= ' ' /Not available GUIDBRIG= 0.0 /Not available GUIDSTWD= 0.0 /Not available GUIDSTSG= 0.0 /Not available GUIDFOC = 0.0 /Not applicable PACKEND PACKTYPE= 'DETCCD ' /Packet type PACKVERS= 4 /Packet Version Number PACKDATE= '94/08/10' /Date of packet creation PACKTIME= '21:56:02' /Time of packet creation PACKNAME= 'JCD16962' /Packet name PACKPDAT= '94/08/10' /Date of previous packet of this type PACKPTIM= '21:34:25' /Time of previous packet of this type PACKPNAM= 'JCD16961' /Name of previous packet of this type BUNIT = 'ADU ' /Physical units of data array OBSERVER= 'RJ ' /Name of Observer RA = '14:01:20.64' / RA of the source DEC = '54:35:18.20' / Declination of the source EQUINOX = 'B1950.0' /Equinox of coordinate system NUMRUN = 74 /Run number DETHEAD = 'CCD-TEK4' /Type of detector head DETID = 'TEK CHIP' /Detector identifier PIXXSIZE= 0.24E-04 /Pixel X size in metres PIXYSIZE= 0.24E-04 /Pixel Y size in metres OPMODE = ' ' /Not available TIMEXPOS= 1000.0 /Exposure time (secs) TIMELAPS= 1000.0 /Elapsed time (secs) TIMSTART= '21:37:22.035' /Start of exposure TIMEND = '21:54:02.037' /End of exposure XUNDER = 50 /Number of pixels underscan per row YUNDER = 0 /Number of pixels underscan per column DETXSIZE= 1124 /Number of light-sensitive pixels per ro DETYSIZE= 1124 /Number of light-sensitive pixels per co XOVER = 50 /Number of pixels overscan per row YOVER = 100 /Number of pixels overscan per column AXSTART = 1 /Data acquisition window AXEND = 1124 /For CCD this is entire light-sensitive AYSTART = 1 /portion of the chip AYEND = 1124 DXSTART = -49 /Data dumping window DXEND = 1074 /This is the digitised DYSTART = 1 /portion of the chip DYEND = 1124 XBIN = 1 /Binning factor along a row YBIN = 1 /Binning factor along a column DTITLE = ' ' /Not available VIDEOREF= -6.95 /Video reference PLUS15V = 15.92 /Preamp +15v MINUS15V= -15.21 /Preamp -15v 3TELE = 0.0 /Not used VCL = -10.24 /Vertical clock low VCH-READ= -2.41 /Vertical clock high (readout) VCH-INT = -2.385 /Vertical clock high (integrating) 7TELE = 0.0 /Not used HCL = -6.835 /Horizontal clock low HCH = 4.485 /Horizontal clock high RCL = -6.66 /Reset clock low RCH = 4.55 /Reset clock high PLUS5V = 5.19 /+5v Digital TEMP-ABS= 172.5 /Chip temperature (absolute) TEMP-REL= -0.300016E-01 /Chip temperature (relative) 15TELE = 0.0 /Not used PACKEND TRIM = 'Dec 18 15:59 Trim data section is [51:1074,1:1024]' CCDSEC = '[51:1074,1:1024]' CCDMEAN = 3747.343 CCDPROC = 'Dec 18 15:59 CCD processing done' WCSDIM = 2 LTM1_1 = 1. LTM2_2 = 1. WAT0_001= 'system=image' WAT1_001= 'wtype=tan axtype=ra' WAT2_001= 'wtype=tan axtype=dec' LTV1 = -35. LTV2 = -71. HISTORY '14/08/94' /Date tape file created HISTORY 'ING La Palma' /Tape writing institution HISTORY New copy of N5457R74.imh HISTORY New copy of N5457R74 HISTORY New copy of N5457R74F.imh HISTORY New copy of rgN5457R74F.imh[36:1020,72:1021] HISTORY New copy of rgN5457R74F CTYPE1 = 'RA---TAN' CTYPE2 = 'DEC--TAN' CRPIX1 = 278.019568420448 CRPIX2 = 545.302216091126 CRVAL1 = 210.851289261808 CRVAL2 = 54.3539926974792 CD1_1 = -9.1867716882484E-5 CD1_2 = 2.41041839643371E-7 CD2_2 = 9.13139078226235E-5 CD2_1 = 2.05145256942455E-7 RADECSYS= 'FK5 ' END |