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SIMPLE  =                    T / Fits standard
BITPIX  =                  -32 / Bits per pixel
NAXIS   =                    2 / Number of axes
NAXIS1  =                 2053 / Axis length
NAXIS2  =                 2044 / Axis length
EXTEND  =                    F / File may contain extensions
ORIGIN  = 'NOAO-IRAF FITS Image Kernel July 2003' / FITS file originator
DATE    = '2004-10-14T20:06:53' / Date FITS file was generated
CRPIX1  =              1027.00 / Reference Pixel in X
CRVAL1  =            14.966392 / R.A. (Degrees)
CTYPE1  = 'RA---TAN'           / Coordinate Type
CD1_1   =       -0.00012024044 / Degrees / Pixel
CD2_1   =            0.0000000 / Degrees / Pixel
CRPIX2  =              1022.50 / Reference Pixel in Y
CRVAL2  =           -7.5729429 / Dec  (Degrees)
CTYPE2  = 'DEC--TAN'           / Coordinate Type
CD1_2   =            0.0000000 / Degrees / Pixel
CD2_2   =        0.00012024044 / Degrees / Pixel
IRAF-TLM= '16:17:40 (14/10/2004)' / Time of last modification
OBJECT  = 'n_drizzle'          /
IRAF-MAX=           6.553500E4  /  DATA MAX
IRAF-MIN=           4.610000E2  /  DATA MIN
OPICNUM =                  111 / Original picture number
HDR_REV = '2.000  13Feb96     (add mode and group to hdrs)' /
IMAGETYP= 'OBJECT  '           / Type of picture (object, dark, etc.)
DETECTOR= 'Site2K_6'           / Detector (CCD type, photon counter, etc.)
PREFLASH=             0.000000 / Preflash time in secs
CCDSUM  = '1 1     '           / On chip summation (X,Y)
XSTART  = '1       '           / start roi in X
YSTART  = '1       '           / start roi in Y
XLENGTH = '2048    '           / length of roi in X
YLENGTH = '2048    '           / length of roi in Y
DATE-OBS= '2001-10-19T04:10:17.490' / Date of observation start
UTSHUT  = '04:10:17.490'       / UT of shutter open
UT      = '04:10:17.500'       / UT of TCS coords
OBSERVAT= 'CTIO    '           / Origin of data
TELESCOP= 'CTIO 1.5 meter telescope' / Specific system
NAMPSYX = '1 2     '           / Num amps in y & x (eg. '2 2'=quad)
AMPLIST = '21 22   '           / Readout order in y,x
ASEC21  = '[1:1024,1:2048]'    / Section read with Amp21
WAVEFILE= 'Obs Thu Oct 18 16:31:05 2001' /
NOTE    = 'ADCs saturate (at 65535) before full well is reached' /
WAVEMODE= 'MPP OverlapXmit EarlyReset' / Waveform mode switches on
GTRON22 =                3.600 / (e-) predicted read noise, upper right
GTRON21 =                3.800 / (e-) predicted read noise, upper left
GTGAIN22=                1.900 / (e-/ADU), predicted gain, upper right
GTGAIN21=                2.200 / (e-/ADU) predicted gain, upper left
GTINDEX =                    3 / Gain selection (index into Gain Table)
PIXELT  =                35520 / (ns) unbinned pixel read time
DCS_TIME=                10000 / (ns) Double Correlated Sample time
RA      = '00:59:50.35'        / right ascension (telescope)
DEC     = '-07:34:46.3'        / declination (telescope)
EPOCH   =               2000.0 / epoch of RA & DEC
ZD      =                 23.0 / zenith distance (degrees)
HA      = '00:17:58.7'         / hour angle (H:M:S)
ST      = '01:17:54.6'         / sidereal time
AIRMASS =                1.086 / airmass
EXPTIME =              480.000 / Exposure time in secs
DARKTIME=              481.401 / Total elapsed time in secs
OBSERVER= 'M.Regan'            / Observers
TELID   = 'ct60'               / CTIO 1.5-m Telescope
ARCONVER= '13July99ver7_30'    / Arcon software version
INSTRUME= 'cfccd'              / cassegrain direct imager
FILTER1 = 'dia'                / Filter in wheel one
FNAME1  = 'Diaphragm f/7.5'    / Full name of filter in  wheel1
FILTER2 = 'b'                  / Filter in wheel two
FNAME2  = 'Btek1 : 4201/1050 3"x3"' / Full name of filter in  wheel2
FILTERS = 'dia b'              / Filter positions
TELFOCUS=                55293 / Telescope focus
XPIXSIZE=            0.4344001 / Pixel size in X (arcsec/pix)
YPIXSIZE=            0.4344001 / Pixel size in Y (arcsec/pix)
WEATDATE= 'Oct 19 04:02:02 2001' / Date and time of last update
WINDSPD = '10.5'               / Wind speed (mph)
WINDDIR = '61'                 / Wind direction (degrees)
AMBTEMP = '13.2'               / Ambient temperature (degrees C)
HUMIDITY= '26'                 / Ambient relative humidity (percent)
PRESSURE= '782'                / Barometric pressure (millibars)
RECID   = 'ct60.011019.041942' / NOAO Archive record ID
ASEC22  = '[1025:2048,1:2048]'
CCDSEC  = '[11:2058,1:2048]'
OVERSC21= 'Jun 10 14:23 Overscan section is [1045:1098,1:2048] with mean=559.45'
OVERSC22= 'Jun 10 14:23 Overscan section is [1099:1152,1:2048] with mean=531.05'
OVERSCAN= 'Jun 10 14:23 Overscan corrected'
TRIM21  = 'Jun 10 14:23 Trim data section is [11:1034,1:2048]'
TRIM22  = 'Jun 10 14:23 Trim data section is [1163:2186,1:2048]'
TRIM    = 'Jun 10 14:23 Trimmed'
CCDPROC = 'Jun 13 17:07 CCD processing done'
WCSDIM  =                    2
LTM1_1  =                    1
LTM2_2  =                    1
WAT0_001= 'system=physical'
WAT1_001= 'wtype=linear'
WAT2_001= 'wtype=linear'
ZEROCOR = 'Jun 13 17:07 Zero level correction image is n3_bias.fits'
FLATCOR = 'Jun 13 17:07 Flat field image is b_domeflat.fits with scale=21757.08'
CCDMEANT=            771613660
FILTER  =                    2
AVGAIR  =             1.087706
UTMIDDLE= '4:14:17.5'
IMCMB001= 'n30079_ilm.fits'
IMCMB002= 'n30080_ilm.fits'
IMCMB003= 'n30081_ilm.fits'
NCOMBINE=                    3
PHOTFLAM=          2.412126E-6
ZPOINT  =                4270.
HISTORY   These data were taken using the CFCCD at CTIO
HISTORY   and reduced using procedures from the QUADRED
HISTORY   package in IRAF. Standard stars and sky flats
HISTORY   only exist for 2 of 7 nights.
MYFILTER=                    2
EQUINOX =                2000.
HISTORY HREBIN: Oct 14 15:50:41 2004 Original Image Size Was 2048 by 2046
HISTORY HREBIN: Oct 14 15:50:41 2004 Bilinear Interpolation
HISTORY PUTAST: Oct 14 15:50:43 2004 CD, CRPIX and CRVAL parameters written
HISTORY HASTROM: Oct 14 15:50:43 2004 Original Image Size X: 2048 Y: 2046
UNITS   = 'CPS     '
COMMENT1= 'Calibration accuracy ~ 5%'

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