SIMPLE = T / Fits standard BITPIX = -32 / Bits per pixel NAXIS = 2 / Number of axes NAXIS1 = 811 / Axis length NAXIS2 = 621 / Axis length EXTEND = F / File may contain extensions ORIGIN = 'NOAO-IRAF FITS Image Kernel July 2003' / FITS file originator DATE = '2004-09-23T18:43:03' / Date FITS file was generated IRAF-TLM= '14:34:55 (28/09/2004)' / Time of last modification CHIP = 'TEK5' / DETECTOR NAME TEL = 'LCO-100' / TELESCOPE NAME OBJECT = 'NGC 4826' / OBJECT NAME COMMENT = 'Calibration accuracy ~5%' /' / UTSTART = '03 39 35.6' / UT OF START FROM C100 UTEND = '03 40 35.7' / UT OF END FROM C100 FILTERP = 1 / FILTER POSITION FILTER = 'Bessel B' / FILTER NAME APERPPOS= 1 / APERTURE POSITION APERTURE= 'blank' / APERTURE NAME CCDPICNO= 143 / FRAME NUMBER OF IMAGE EXPTIME = 60.010 / TRUE EXP-TIME IN SEC. GAIN = 3 / GAIN NOT NEC. E/DN LOOP = 4 / LOOP SIZE LOOPCTR = 1 / LOOP COUNTER DATE-OBS= ' 8May98' / UT DATE AT START OF FRAME RA = '12:56:54.39' / RA FROM C100 DEC = '+21:41: 4.3' / DEC FROM C100 HRA = '+ 1: 3: 2.36' / HR-ANGLE FROM C100 EQUINOX = 2000.000 / EQUINOX FROM C100 AIRMASS = 1.66 / AIRMASS FROM C100 CASSPOS = 180.0 / CASSPOS FROM C100 IMTYPE = 'object' / IMAGE TYPE DISPAXIS= 1 / DISPERSION AXIS IMCMB001= 'c143f.fits' IMCMB002= 'c144f.fits' IMCMB003= 'c145f.fits' IMCMB004= 'c146f.fits' NCOMBINE= 4 WCSDIM = 2 LTV1 = 1206. LTM1_1 = -1. LTM2_2 = 1. WAT0_001= 'system=image' WAT1_001= 'wtype=tan axtype=ra' WAT2_001= 'wtype=tan axtype=dec' CTYPE1 = 'RA---TAN' / Coordinate Type CTYPE2 = 'DEC--TAN' / Coordinate Type CRPIX1 = 406.000 / Reference Pixel in X CRPIX2 = 311.000 / Reference Pixel in Y CRVAL1 = 194.17922 / R.A. (Degrees) CRVAL2 = 21.687831 / Dec (Degrees) EPOCH = 2000 / ref year CROTA1 = 0. / rotation CD1_1 = -0.00021569786 / Degrees / Pixel CD1_2 = 0.0000000 / Degrees / Pixel CD2_1 = 0.0000000 / Degrees / Pixel CD2_2 = 0.00021569786 / Degrees / Pixel CALIBRAT= '38 / nJy/count' LTV2 = -669. PHOTFLAM= 2.280380E-6 UNITS = 'CPS ' ZUNITS = 'JY*SEC/DN/PIXEL' HISTORY HREBIN: Sep 23 14:39:09 2004 Original Image Size Was 811 by 620 HISTORY HREBIN: Sep 23 14:39:09 2004 Bilinear Interpolation HISTORY PUTAST: Sep 23 14:39:09 2004 CD, CRPIX and CRVAL parameters written HISTORY HASTROM: Sep 23 14:39:09 2004 Original Image Size X: 811 Y: 620 ZPOINT = 'N/A ' FIXPIX = 'Sep 28 14:34 Bad pixel file is ngc4826_mask.txt' END |