SIMPLE = T / Written by IDL: Sun May 1 00:48:12 2011 BITPIX = -32 / IEEE single precision floating point NAXIS = 2 / Number of data axes NAXIS1 = 318 / NAXIS2 = 346 / DATE = '2010-01-18' / Creation UTC (CCCC-MM-DD) date of FITS header COMMENT FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'Astronomy COMMENT and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode 2001A&A...376..359H CTYPE3 = 'VELOCITY' /M/S CRVAL3 = 1794152.04302 /Updated by CRPIX3 = 1 /Updated by CDELT3 = -10403.2294922 /Updated by CTYPE1 = 'RA---TAN' / CRVAL1 = 192.610111470 / CRPIX1 = 159 / CDELT1 = -0.000555556 / CTYPE2 = 'DEC--TAN' / CRVAL2 = 25.5038043123 / EQUINOX = 2000 / CRPIX2 = 173 / CDELT2 = 0.000555556 / BMAJ = 0.00372132751244 / BMIN = 0.00372132751244 / LINE = '12CO(2-1) ' / BUNIT = 'K KM/S ' /Tmb, integrated over line HISTORY Header created by HISTORY Mon Jan 18 18:07:04 CET 2010 SCANANGL= -54 /ROUNDED SCAN ANGLE HISTORY GRID_OTF (IDL): converted spectra to cube. HISTORY Convolved with Gaussian convolution function. HISTORY Applied blanking mask. HISTORY Applied coverage threshold. HISTORY Fit and subtracted baselines to cube. TELESCOP= 'IRAM30M ' / RESTFREQ= 2.30538E+11 /HZ HISTORY Applied efficiency factor 1.58621 HISTORY ... forward efficiency 0.920000 HISTORY ... main beam efficiency 0.580000 BPA = 0.00000 /Beam assumed symmetric. HISTORY Updated velocity to correct (RADIO) convention. HISTORY Velocity follows emails with GILDAS team. HISTORY This is an uncertainty-in-moment 0 map. HISTORY Produced multiply the cube by a combinedsignal and velocity mask. END |