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SIMPLE  =                    T / Fits standard
BITPIX  =                  -32 / Bits per pixel
NAXIS   =                    2 / Number of axes
NAXIS1  =                  679 / Axis length
NAXIS2  =                  681 / Axis length
EXTEND  =                    F / File may contain extensions
ORIGIN  = 'NOAO-IRAF FITS Image Kernel July 2003' / FITS file originator
IRAF-TLM= '10:23:19 (10/12/2009)'
OBJECT  = 'N4826 658'          /
DATE    = '2008-02-05T20:21:25'
IRAF-MAX=           0.000000E0  /  DATA MAX
IRAF-MIN=           0.000000E0  /  DATA MIN
OBSERVAT= 'KPNO              '  /  observatory
OBSERVER= 'RCK,VH            '  /  observers
EXPTIME =                 600.  /  actual integration time
DARKTIME=                 600.  /  total elapsed time
IMAGETYP= 'object            '  /  object, dark, bias, etc.
DATE-OBS= '2001-05-26        '  /  date (dd/mm/yy) of obs.
UT      = '07:32:56          '  /  universal time
ST      = '16:22:10          '  /  sidereal time
RA      = '12:56:42.75       '  /  right ascension
DEC     = '+21:41:55.6       '  /  declination
ZD      = '46.500000         '  /  zenith distance
AIRMASS =                 1.45  /  airmass
TELFILTE= '658               '  /  telescope filters
TELESCOP= 'bok               '  /  telescope name
DETECTOR= 'ccd21             '  /  detector
PREFLASH=                    0  /  preflash time, seconds
GAIN    =                  3.4  /  gain, electrons per adu
DWELL   =                   50  /  sample integration time
RDNOISE =                  8.5  /  read noise, electrons
CAMTEMP =                 -117  /  camera temperature
DEWTEMP =                 -188  /  dewar temperature
CCDSEC  = '[4:682,2:682]'       /  orientation to full frame
ORIGSEC = '[1:682,1:682]     '  /  original size full frame
CCDSUM  = '3 3               '  /  on chip summation
INSTRUME= 'direct            '  /  instrument
DISPAXIS= '1                 '  /  dispersion axis
WCSDIM  =                    2
LTM1_1  =                   1.
LTM2_2  =                   1.
WAT0_001= 'system=image'
WAT1_001= 'wtype=tan axtype=ra'
WAT2_001= 'wtype=tan axtype=dec'
TRIM    = 'Nov  5 14:55 Trim data section is [4:682,2:682]'
FIXPIX  = 'Nov  5 14:55 Bad pixel file is badpix'
OVERSCAN= 'Nov  5 14:55 Overscan section is [683:702,1:682] with mean=411.0135'
ZEROCOR = 'Nov  5 14:55 Zero level correction image is Zero.n6.imh'
LTV1    =    -4.14999997615814
LTV2    =   -0.050000011920929
CCDPROC = 'Nov 14 17:14 CCD processing done'
FLATCOR = 'Nov  5 17:38 Flat field image is Dflat658.n6.imh with scale=7707.943'
CRCOR   = 'Nov  9 16:53 Threshold=100.0, fluxratio=  8.06, removed=364'
ILLUMCOR= 'Nov 14 17:14 Illumination image is s.0601 with scale=5618.896'
HISTORY New copy of /home/bokobs/25may01/a.0626.imh
HISTORY New copy of /net/bok/d1/bokobs/archive/a.0626.imh
HISTORY New copy of a.0626.imh
HISTORY New copy of a.0626.imh
HISTORY New copy of a.0626.imh
HISTORY New copy of a.0626.imh
HISTORY New copy of sa.0626.imh
HISTORY New copy of sa.0626
HISTORY New copy of test2
HISTORY New copy of f.N4826
HISTORY New copy of f.N4826.imh
AGCNUM  =                    0
SPIN    =                    0
CCDSCALE=               0.4347
CCDNOISE=                  8.5
FILTER  =                  658
ORIENTNE= '0.,90.  '
CAIRMASS=             1.481765
UTMIDDLE= '7:37:56.0'
GALAMAJ = '24.,245.,645.,488.'
GALAMIN = '269.8,531.83,399.19,201.16'
SKYBOX1 = '493.,663.,15.,100.'
SKYBOX2 = '25.,187.,586.,647.'
SKYBOX3 = '38.,198.,27.,88.'
SKYBOX4 = '509.,649.,622.,658.'
SKYSIGMA=      7.8834621186674
SKYMODE =     -1.2035916502846
SKYMEAN =     -39.557582855225
SKYSLOPE=      691.15384334275
ID      =                  268
COMMENT EMISSION-LINE FLUX CALIBRATION (Kennicutt et al. 2008 Appendix )
SCALE_R =                  4.2  /R-band image divisor				
ZP      =               21.179  /Zeropoint					
K       =                 0.08  /Assumed atmospheric extinction coefficient	
VHELIO  =                  408  /NED heliocentric recessional velocity		
MAG_I_HA=              -10.289  /Instrumental Ha+[NII] magnitude		
MAG_I_R =              -14.301  /Instrumental continuum magnitude		
FWHM_HA =                 68.7  /Narrowband FWHM				
FWHM_R  =               1539.1  /R-band FWHM					
RESPONSE=  6.5732711416161E-16  /Unit response (counts/s/ergs/s/cm^2/A)		
TRANSMIS=    0.940142857142857  /Narrowband effective transmission		
FLUX_CAL=    -11.0398122425457  /LOG flux(Ha+[NII]) ergs/s/cm^2			
EW      =     9.12243042464508  /EW(Ha+[NII]) (Angstrom)
CTYPE1  = 'RA---TAN'
CRVAL1  =      194.17756942467
CRVAL2  =       21.68194721767
CRPIX1  =     367.992351952432
CRPIX2  =      354.67974689663
CD1_1   =  -1.1961943315555E-4
CD1_2   =  1.73074213168232E-6
CD2_1   =  1.97677597446836E-6
CD2_2   =  1.20077470193885E-4
RADECSYS= 'FK5     '
EQUINOX =                2000.

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