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SIMPLE  =                    T / Written by IDL:  Thu Jul  2 16:27:28 2009
BITPIX  =                  -32 / Bits per pixel- floating point
NAXIS   =                    2 / number of axis
NAXIS1  =                 2567 /  Axis Length
NAXIS2  =                 2638 /  Axis Length
TELESCOP= 'Spitzer '           / SPITZER Space Telescope
INSTRUME= 'IRAC    '           / SPITZER Space Telescope instrument ID
CHNLNUM =                    4 / 1 digit instrument channel number
EXPTYPE = 'sci     '           / Exposure Type
FOVID   =                   81 / Field of View ID
FOVNAME = 'IRAC_FOV_bwn_3.6&5.8_and_4.5&8.0_for_mapping' / Field of View Name
PRODTYPE= 'IMAGE   '           / type of this data
OBSRVR  = 'Robert Kennicutt'   / Observer Name (Last, First)
OBSRVRID=                  101 / Observer ID of Principal Investigator
PROCYCL =                    2 / Proposal Cycle
PROGID  =                  159 / Program ID
DATE_OBS= '2004-12-15T17:45:39.663' / Date & time at DCE start
CRVAL1  =           198.955542 / [deg] RA at CRPIX1,CRPIX2
CRVAL2  =            42.029278 / [deg] DEC at CRPIX1,CRPIX2
RADESYS = 'ICRS    '           / International Celestial Reference System
EQUINOX =                2000. / Equinox for ICRS celestial coord. system
CTYPE1  = 'RA---TAN'           / RA projection type
CTYPE2  = 'DEC--TAN'           / DEC projection type
CRPIX1  =          1290.013014 / Reference pixel along axis 1
CRPIX2  =          1305.204938 / Reference pixel along axis 2
CD1_1   =          -0.00020833 / CD matrix element with Pointing Recon
CD1_2   =                  -0. / CD matrix element with Pointing Recon
CD2_1   =                  -0. / CD matrix element with Pointing Recon
CD2_2   =           0.00020833 / CD matrix element with Pointing Recon
BUNIT   = 'MJy/sr  '           / Units of image data
MINCOV  = 2.38651409745216E-09 / Minimum Covergae for this tile
MAXCOV  =     17.0588893890381 / Maximum Covergae for this tile
MEDCOV  =     4.06252574920654 / Median  Covergae for this tile
AORKEY  =              5506560 / AOR or EIR key. Astrnmy Obs Req/Instr Eng Req
DPID    =            236875120 / Data Product Instance ID
INT_MTHD=                    2 / Interp Scheme:1 default,2 drizzl,3 numeric,4 bi
DRIZ_FAC=                 0.75 / Drizzle factor used
REFINED =                    0 / redefine_pointing applied. 1 is yes
COMMENT   Photons in Well = Flux[photons/sec/pixel] * FRAMTIME
COMMENT   DN per pixel = Flux[photons/sec/pixel] / GAIN * EXPTIME
COMMENT Overlap Consistency Correction  Version 2.2 Module image created
COMMENT Tue Jun 30 10:28:05 2009
COMMENT MOSAIC_INT Module Version 6.2 image created
COMMENT Tue Jun 30 10:39:23 2009
COMMENT MOSAIC_COADD Module Version 4.9 image created
COMMENT Tue Jun 30 10:42:48 2009
OFFSET_X=                    0 / Offset relative to FIF
OFFSET_Y=                    0 / Offset relative to FIF
CROTA2  =                   0. / [deg] Orientation of axis 2 (W of N, +=CW)
CDELT1  =          -0.00020833 / [deg/pix] Scale for axis 1
CDELT2  =           0.00020833 / [deg/pix] Scale for axis 2
PXSCAL1 =            -0.749988 / [arcsec/pix] Scale for axis 1 at CRPIX1, CRPIX2
PXSCAL2 =             0.749988 / [arcsec/pix] Scale for axis 2 at CRPIX1, CRPIX2
PA      =                  -0. / [deg] Position angle of axis 2 (E of N)
TOTALBCD=                   70 / Total number of BCD's used in this mosaic
BACK_SUB=                    T / Background Subtraction Performed (T=Yes, F=No)
BACKGRND=              2.36594 / Median Sky Removed
BCKNOISE=            0.0745272 / Sigma of Noise in Measured Background

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