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SIMPLE  =                    T / Fits standard
BITPIX  =                  -32 / Bits per pixel
NAXIS   =                    2 / Number of axes
NAXIS1  =                 1011 / Axis length
NAXIS2  =                 1011 / Axis length
EXTEND  =                    F / File may contain extensions
ORIGIN  = 'NOAO-IRAF FITS Image Kernel July 2003' / FITS file originator
DATE    = '2008-02-05T20:21:27'
IRAF-TLM= '10:37:10 (10/12/2009)'
OBJECT  = 'NGC5236 65'         / Name of the object observed
IRAF-MAX=           6.553500E4  /  DATA MAX
IRAF-MIN=           2.930000E2  /  DATA MIN
OPICNUM =                  147 / Original picture number
HDR_REV = '2.000  13Feb96     (add mode and group to hdrs)' /
IMAGETYP= 'OBJECT  '           / Type of picture (object, dark, etc.)
DETECTOR= 'Tek2K_3 '           / Detector (CCD type, photon counter, etc.)
PREFLASH=             0.000000 / Preflash time in secs
CCDSUM  = '2 2     '           / On chip summation (X,Y)
XSTART  = '1       '           / start roi in X
YSTART  = '1       '           / start roi in Y
XLENGTH = '2048    '           / length of roi in X
YLENGTH = '2046    '           / length of roi in Y
DATE-OBS= '2002-04-05T06:59:29.401' / Date of observation start
UTSHUT  = '06:59:29.401'       / UT of shutter open
UT      = ' 6:59:18.00'         /  UT of TCS coords
OBSERVAT= 'CTIO    '           / Origin of data
TELESCOP= 'CTIO 0.9 meter telescope' / Specific system
NAMPSYX = '1 1     '           / Num amps in y & x (eg. '2 2'=quad)
AMPLIST = '21      '           / Readout order in y,x
CCDSEC  = '[13:1023,13:1023]'  / Section in full CCD for DATASEC
ASEC21  = '[1:1098,1:1023]'    / Section read with Amp21
CSEC21  = '[1:1034,1:1023]'    / Section in full CCD for DSEC21
DSEC21  = '[1:1034,1:1023]'    / Image area in raw frame for Amp21
TSEC21  = '[12:1033,1:1023]'   / Trim section definition for Amp21
BSEC21  = '[1045:1098,1:1023]' / Bias section definition for Amp21
WAVEFILE= 'Obs Thu Apr  4 20:02:44 2002' /
WAVEMODE= 'MPP OverlapXmit EarlyReset SplitShift' / Waveform mode switches on
GTRON21 =                3.700 / (e-) predicted read noise, upper left
GTGAIN21=                1.600 / (e-/ADU) predicted gain, upper left
GTINDEX =                    2 / Gain selection (index into Gain Table)
PIXELT  =                21600 / (ns) unbinned pixel read time
DCS_TIME=                 6000 / (ns) Double Correlated Sample time
RA      = '13:36:56.40'         /  right ascension (telescope)
DEC     = '-29:52:00.10'        /  declination (telescope)
ZD      =                 20.1 / zenith distance (degrees)
HA      = '01:33:01.7'         / hour angle (H:M:S)
ST      = '15:09:44.00'         /  sidereal time
AIRMASS =                1.065 / airmass
EXPTIME =              600.000 / Exposure time in secs
DARKTIME=              601.457 / Total elapsed time in secs
OBSERVER= 'Jose Funes'         / Observers
TELID   = 'ct36'               / CTIO 0.9-m Telescope
ARCONVER= '17Oct97ver7_22'     / Arcon software version
INSTRUME= 'cfccd'              / cassegrain direct imager
FILTER1 = 'dia'                / Filter in wheel one
FNAME1  = 'Diaphragm'          / Full name of filter in  wheel1
FILTER2 = '65'                 / Filter in wheel two
FNAME2  = '6563/75 3x3"'       / Full name of filter in  wheel2
FILTERS = 'dia 65'             / Filter positions
TELFOCUS=                19150 / Telescope focus
XPIXSIZE=            0.7920001 / Pixel size in X (arcsec/pix)
YPIXSIZE=            0.7920001 / Pixel size in Y (arcsec/pix)
WEATDATE= 'Apr 05 06:54:03 2002' / Date and time of last update
WINDSPD = '16.7'               / Wind speed (mph)
WINDDIR = '58'                 / Wind direction (degrees)
AMBTEMP = '16.7'               / Ambient temperature (degrees C)
HUMIDITY= '16'                 / Ambient relative humidity (percent)
PRESSURE= '783'                / Barometric pressure (millibars)
RECID   = 'ct36.020405.071002' / NOAO Archive record ID
WCSDIM  =                    2
LTM1_1  =    0.999000012874603
LTM2_2  =   -0.999000012874603
WAT0_001= 'system=image'
WAT1_001= 'wtype=tan axtype=ra'
WAT2_001= 'wtype=tan axtype=dec'
TRIM    = 'Aug 14 17:03 Trim data section is [13:1023,13:1023]'
FIXPIX  = 'Aug 14 17:03 Bad pixel file is badpix'
OVERSCAN= 'Aug 14 17:03 Overscan section is [1045:1080,1:1023] with mean=552.31'
ZEROCOR = 'Aug 14 17:03 Zero level correction image is Zero.n3'
FLATCOR = 'Aug 14 17:03 Flat field image is dflat658.n3 with scale=15275.66'
ILLUMCOR= 'Aug 14 17:03 Illumination image is sky658.n3 with scale=15872.63'
LTV1    =    -10.9870001673698
LTV2    =     1023.33700019121
CCDMEANT=            713811809
CCDPROC = 'Aug 14 17:03 CCD processing done'
CRCOR   = 'Aug 15 12:49 Threshold=150.0, fluxratio= 35.22, removed=1724'
AGCNUM  =                    0
SPIN    =                    0
CCDSCALE=                0.792
CCDNOISE=                  3.7
FILTER  =                   65
ORIENTNE= '0.,90.  '
CAIRMASS=             1.071875
UTMIDDLE= '7:04:18.0'
GALAMAJ = '296.911,204.824,753.817,773.386'
GALAMIN = '790.56,275.98,260.16,702.22'
SKYBOX1 = '63.316,135.305,94.638,544.198'
SKYBOX2 = '92.699,815.522,851.251,989.351'
SKYBOX3 = '737.657,966.844,38.81,165.157'
SKYBOX4 = '912.486,959.499,263.59,880.634'
SKYBOX5 = '50.094,145.589,597.087,835.09'
SKYSIGMA=             11.62532
SKYMODE =            -1.656076
SKYMEAN =            -39.55758
SKYSLOPE=            -1566.635
ID      =                  299
COMMENT EMISSION-LINE FLUX CALIBRATION (Kennicutt et al. 2008 Appendix )
SCALE_R =                 3.45  /R-band image divisor				
ZP      =               19.829  /Zeropoint					
K       =                 0.08  /Assumed atmospheric extinction coefficient	
VHELIO  =                  516  /NED heliocentric recessional velocity		
MAG_I_HA=                -11.4  /Instrumental Ha+[NII] magnitude		
MAG_I_R =              -14.201  /Instrumental continuum magnitude		
FWHM_HA =                 66.7  /Narrowband FWHM				
FWHM_R  =               1523.7  /R-band FWHM					
RESPONSE=  2.1470105160830E-15  /Unit response (counts/s/ergs/s/cm^2/A)		
TRANSMIS=    0.784057971014493  /Narrowband effective transmission		
FLUX_CAL=     -10.002513934799  /LOG flux(Ha+[NII]) ergs/s/cm^2			
EW      =     33.0011403640815  /EW(Ha+[NII]) (Angstrom)
CTYPE1  = 'RA---TAN'
CRVAL1  =      204.25158779627
CRVAL2  =     -29.867671032675
CRPIX1  =     500.000056798011
CRPIX2  =     499.971249398556
CD1_1   =  -2.2308545309077E-4
CD1_2   =  3.25247135115187E-7
CD2_1   =  4.98771447851642E-7
CD2_2   =  2.23047839731800E-4
RADECSYS= 'FK5     '
EQUINOX =                2000.

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