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SIMPLE  =                    T  /
BITPIX  =                  -32  /
NAXIS   =                    2  /
NAXIS1  =                 1024  /
NAXIS2  =                 1024  /
EXTEND  =                    T  /
BSCALE  =    1.00000000000E+00  /
BZERO   =    0.00000000000E+00  /
BLANK   =                   -1  /
BUNIT   = 'km/s    '  /
DATE-OBS= '2010-09-10T01:30:42.4'  /
CRPIX1  =    5.13000000000E+02  /
CDELT1  =   -1.11111115346E-03  /
CRVAL1  =    1.90533338327E+02  /
CTYPE1  = 'RA---NCP'  /
CRPIX2  =    5.13000000000E+02  /
CDELT2  =    1.11111115346E-03  /
CRVAL2  =    3.25413899098E+01  /
CTYPE2  = 'DEC--NCP'  /
RESTFREQ=    1.42040571183E+09  /
VOBS    =    6.21146082878E-01  /
BMAJ    =    9.35379043221E-03  /
BMIN    =    6.55105710030E-03  /
BPA     =    1.25848588943E+01  /
BTYPE   = 'intensity'  /
EPOCH   =    2.00000000000E+03  /
OBJECT  = 'ngc4631 '  /
OBSERVER= 'ProcessDZB v12.'  /
HISTORY Data released as part of HALOGAS DR1
HISTORY Project website: http://www.astron.nl/halogas
HISTORY Data Release 1: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2552349
HISTORY Please include this reference in any publication:
HISTORY http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2011A%26A...526A.118H
HISTORY FITS: Miriad Fits: version 1.2 07-Jul-00
HISTORY FITS: Executed on: 10JUL05:14:55:52.0
HISTORY FITS: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY FITS:   in=raw01/11003761_S0_T0.UVF
HISTORY FITS:   out=dat1.uv
HISTORY FITS:   op=uvin
HISTORY FITS:   velocity=optbary,701,513
HISTORY UVFLAG: Executed on: 10JUL05:14:56:32.0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY UVFLAG:   vis=dat1.uv
HISTORY UVFLAG:   select=auto,or,shadow(27)
HISTORY UVFLAG:   flagval=flag
HISTORY UVFLAG: Overview of flagging on visibility file dat1.uv
HISTORY UVFLAG: Changed flags set to FALSE (data flagged as bad)
HISTORY UVFLAG: Total number of records selected: 21500; out of 125370 records
HISTORY UVFLAG: Antennas used: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14
HISTORY UVFLAG: Counts of correlations within selected channels
HISTORY UVFLAG: channel   Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:       20416512          0    Changed to bad:   20416512
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:         1599488   22016000
HISTORY UVFLAG: wide      Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:              0          0    Changed to bad:          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:               0          0
HISTORY UVCAT: Miriad UvCat: version 1.0 23-Sep-99
HISTORY UVCAT: Executed on: 10JUL05:14:57:00.0
HISTORY UVCAT: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY UVCAT:   vis=dat1.uv,dat2.uv
HISTORY UVCAT:   out=dat.uv
HISTORY UVCAT:   options=unflagged
HISTORY UVFLAG: Executed on: 10JUL23:18:29:24.0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY UVFLAG:   vis=dat.uv
HISTORY UVFLAG:   flagval=flag
HISTORY UVFLAG:   select=time(14:39,14:40)
HISTORY UVFLAG: Overview of flagging on visibility file dat.uv
HISTORY UVFLAG: Changed flags set to FALSE (data flagged as bad)
HISTORY UVFLAG: Total number of records selected: 156; out of 104820 records
HISTORY UVFLAG: Antennas used: 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14
HISTORY UVFLAG: Counts of correlations within selected channels
HISTORY UVFLAG: channel   Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:         159744          0    Changed to bad:     159744
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:               0     159744
HISTORY UVFLAG: wide      Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:              0          0    Changed to bad:          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:               0          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Executed on: 10JUL23:18:30:04.0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY UVFLAG:   vis=dat.uv
HISTORY UVFLAG:   flagval=flag
HISTORY UVFLAG:   select=time(14:46,14:47)
HISTORY UVFLAG: Overview of flagging on visibility file dat.uv
HISTORY UVFLAG: Changed flags set to FALSE (data flagged as bad)
HISTORY UVFLAG: Total number of records selected: 156; out of 104820 records
HISTORY UVFLAG: Antennas used: 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14
HISTORY UVFLAG: Counts of correlations within selected channels
HISTORY UVFLAG: channel   Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:         159744          0    Changed to bad:     159744
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:               0     159744
HISTORY UVFLAG: wide      Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:              0          0    Changed to bad:          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:               0          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Executed on: 10JUL23:18:30:56.0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY UVFLAG:   vis=dat.uv
HISTORY UVFLAG:   flagval=flag
HISTORY UVFLAG:   select=time(16:15,16:16)
HISTORY UVFLAG: Overview of flagging on visibility file dat.uv
HISTORY UVFLAG: Changed flags set to FALSE (data flagged as bad)
HISTORY UVFLAG: Total number of records selected: 156; out of 104820 records
HISTORY UVFLAG: Antennas used: 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14
HISTORY UVFLAG: Counts of correlations within selected channels
HISTORY UVFLAG: channel   Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:         159744          0    Changed to bad:     159744
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:               0     159744
HISTORY UVFLAG: wide      Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:              0          0    Changed to bad:          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:               0          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Executed on: 10JUL23:18:32:30.0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY UVFLAG:   vis=dat.uv
HISTORY UVFLAG:   flagval=flag
HISTORY UVFLAG:   select=time(16:05,16:06)
HISTORY UVFLAG: Overview of flagging on visibility file dat.uv
HISTORY UVFLAG: Changed flags set to FALSE (data flagged as bad)
HISTORY UVFLAG: Total number of records selected: 156; out of 104820 records
HISTORY UVFLAG: Antennas used: 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14
HISTORY UVFLAG: Counts of correlations within selected channels
HISTORY UVFLAG: channel   Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:         159744          0    Changed to bad:     159744
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:               0     159744
HISTORY UVFLAG: wide      Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:              0          0    Changed to bad:          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:               0          0
HISTORY ATTSYS: Miriad AtTsys: version 1.0 17-Jul-00
HISTORY ATTSYS: Executed on: 10JUL23:18:34:26.0
HISTORY ATTSYS: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY ATTSYS:   vis=dat.uv
HISTORY ATTSYS:   out=bla.uv
HISTORY ATTSYS:   options=apply
HISTORY GPCOPY: Miriad GpCopy: version 23-Jan-07
HISTORY GPCOPY: Executed on: 10JUL23:18:37:01.0
HISTORY GPCOPY: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY GPCOPY:   vis=cal1.uv
HISTORY GPCOPY:   out=dat.uv
HISTORY PUTHD: Miriad PutHd: Version 1.0 11-Jan-96
HISTORY PUTHD: Executed on: 10JUL23:18:37:15.0
HISTORY PUTHD: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY PUTHD:   in=dat.uv/interval
HISTORY PUTHD:   value=1.0
HISTORY PUTHD:   type=double
HISTORY UVLIN: Miriad UvLin: version 1.0 24-Jan-07
HISTORY UVLIN: Executed on: 10JUL23:18:43:41.0
HISTORY UVLIN: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY UVLIN:   vis=dat.uv
HISTORY UVLIN:   line=chan,900,10
HISTORY UVLIN:   chans=1,120,200,350,650,900
HISTORY UVLIN:   out=lin.uv
HISTORY UVLIN:   order=2
HISTORY UVFLAG: Executed on: 10JUL24:11:40:53.0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY UVFLAG:   vis=lin.uv
HISTORY UVFLAG:   [email protected]
HISTORY UVFLAG:   flagval=flag
HISTORY UVFLAG: Overview of flagging on visibility file lin.uv
HISTORY UVFLAG: Changed flags set to FALSE (data flagged as bad)
HISTORY UVFLAG: Total number of records selected: 362; out of 104820 records
HISTORY UVFLAG: Antennas used: 4,5,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14
HISTORY UVFLAG: Counts of correlations within selected channels
HISTORY UVFLAG: channel   Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:         325800          0    Changed to bad:     325800
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:               0     325800
HISTORY UVFLAG: wide      Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:              0          0    Changed to bad:          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:               0          0
HISTORY GPCOPY: Miriad GpCopy: version 23-Jan-07
HISTORY GPCOPY: Executed on: 10JUL24:11:44:25.0
HISTORY GPCOPY: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY GPCOPY:   vis=con.uv
HISTORY GPCOPY:   out=lin.uv
HISTORY GPCOPY: Miriad GpCopy: version 23-Jan-07
HISTORY GPCOPY: Executed on: 10JUL26:15:53:34.0
HISTORY GPCOPY: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY GPCOPY:   vis=con_g.uv
HISTORY GPCOPY:   out=lin.uv
HISTORY GPCOPY:   mode=apply
HISTORY UVFLAG: Executed on: 13JUN25:10:26:16.0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY UVFLAG:   vis=lin01.uv
HISTORY UVFLAG:   select=ant(1,2),time(14:45,15:20)
HISTORY UVFLAG:   flagval=flag
HISTORY UVFLAG: Overview of flagging on visibility file lin01.uv
HISTORY UVFLAG: Changed flags set to FALSE (data flagged as bad)
HISTORY UVFLAG: Total number of records selected: 1610; out of 104820 records
HISTORY UVFLAG: Antennas used: 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14
HISTORY UVFLAG: Counts of correlations within selected channels
HISTORY UVFLAG: channel   Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:        1407600          0    Changed to bad:    1407600
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:           41400    1449000
HISTORY UVFLAG: wide      Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:              0          0    Changed to bad:          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:               0          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Executed on: 13JUN25:10:26:18.0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY UVFLAG:   vis=lin01.uv
HISTORY UVFLAG:   select=ant(2,3),time(14:45,15:20)
HISTORY UVFLAG:   flagval=flag
HISTORY UVFLAG: Overview of flagging on visibility file lin01.uv
HISTORY UVFLAG: Changed flags set to FALSE (data flagged as bad)
HISTORY UVFLAG: Total number of records selected: 1610; out of 104820 records
HISTORY UVFLAG: Antennas used: 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14
HISTORY UVFLAG: Counts of correlations within selected channels
HISTORY UVFLAG: channel   Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:         612000          0    Changed to bad:     612000
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:          837000    1449000
HISTORY UVFLAG: wide      Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:              0          0    Changed to bad:          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:               0          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Executed on: 13JUN25:10:26:19.0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY UVFLAG:   vis=lin01.uv
HISTORY UVFLAG:   select=ant(3,4),time(14:45,15:20)
HISTORY UVFLAG:   flagval=flag
HISTORY UVFLAG: Overview of flagging on visibility file lin01.uv
HISTORY UVFLAG: Changed flags set to FALSE (data flagged as bad)
HISTORY UVFLAG: Total number of records selected: 1610; out of 104820 records
HISTORY UVFLAG: Antennas used: 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14
HISTORY UVFLAG: Counts of correlations within selected channels
HISTORY UVFLAG: channel   Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:         550800          0    Changed to bad:     550800
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:          898200    1449000
HISTORY UVFLAG: wide      Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:              0          0    Changed to bad:          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:               0          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Executed on: 13JUN25:10:26:21.0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY UVFLAG:   vis=lin01.uv
HISTORY UVFLAG:   select=ant(4,5),time(14:45,15:20)
HISTORY UVFLAG:   flagval=flag
HISTORY UVFLAG: Overview of flagging on visibility file lin01.uv
HISTORY UVFLAG: Changed flags set to FALSE (data flagged as bad)
HISTORY UVFLAG: Total number of records selected: 1610; out of 104820 records
HISTORY UVFLAG: Antennas used: 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14
HISTORY UVFLAG: Counts of correlations within selected channels
HISTORY UVFLAG: channel   Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:         489600          0    Changed to bad:     489600
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:          959400    1449000
HISTORY UVFLAG: wide      Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:              0          0    Changed to bad:          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:               0          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Executed on: 13JUN25:10:26:22.0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY UVFLAG:   vis=lin01.uv
HISTORY UVFLAG:   select=ant(4,5),time(11:40,12:30)
HISTORY UVFLAG:   flagval=flag
HISTORY UVFLAG: Overview of flagging on visibility file lin01.uv
HISTORY UVFLAG: Changed flags set to FALSE (data flagged as bad)
HISTORY UVFLAG: Total number of records selected: 2016; out of 104820 records
HISTORY UVFLAG: Antennas used: 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,11,12,13,14
HISTORY UVFLAG: Counts of correlations within selected channels
HISTORY UVFLAG: channel   Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:        1814400          0    Changed to bad:    1814400
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:               0    1814400
HISTORY UVFLAG: wide      Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:              0          0    Changed to bad:          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:               0          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Executed on: 13JUN25:10:26:23.0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY UVFLAG:   vis=lin01.uv
HISTORY UVFLAG:   select=ant(7,8),time(14:45,15:20)
HISTORY UVFLAG:   flagval=flag
HISTORY UVFLAG: Overview of flagging on visibility file lin01.uv
HISTORY UVFLAG: Changed flags set to FALSE (data flagged as bad)
HISTORY UVFLAG: Total number of records selected: 1610; out of 104820 records
HISTORY UVFLAG: Antennas used: 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14
HISTORY UVFLAG: Counts of correlations within selected channels
HISTORY UVFLAG: channel   Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:         795600          0    Changed to bad:     795600
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:          653400    1449000
HISTORY UVFLAG: wide      Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:              0          0    Changed to bad:          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:               0          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Executed on: 13JUN25:10:26:25.0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY UVFLAG:   vis=lin01.uv
HISTORY UVFLAG:   select=ant(8,9),time(14:45,15:20)
HISTORY UVFLAG:   flagval=flag
HISTORY UVFLAG: Overview of flagging on visibility file lin01.uv
HISTORY UVFLAG: Changed flags set to FALSE (data flagged as bad)
HISTORY UVFLAG: Total number of records selected: 1610; out of 104820 records
HISTORY UVFLAG: Antennas used: 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14
HISTORY UVFLAG: Counts of correlations within selected channels
HISTORY UVFLAG: channel   Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:         306000          0    Changed to bad:     306000
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:         1143000    1449000
HISTORY UVFLAG: wide      Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:              0          0    Changed to bad:          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:               0          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Executed on: 13JUN25:10:26:26.0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY UVFLAG:   vis=lin01.uv
HISTORY UVFLAG:   select=ant(9,10),time(14:45,15:20)
HISTORY UVFLAG:   flagval=flag
HISTORY UVFLAG: Overview of flagging on visibility file lin01.uv
HISTORY UVFLAG: Changed flags set to FALSE (data flagged as bad)
HISTORY UVFLAG: Total number of records selected: 1610; out of 104820 records
HISTORY UVFLAG: Antennas used: 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14
HISTORY UVFLAG: Counts of correlations within selected channels
HISTORY UVFLAG: channel   Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:         244800          0    Changed to bad:     244800
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:         1204200    1449000
HISTORY UVFLAG: wide      Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:              0          0    Changed to bad:          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:               0          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Executed on: 13JUN25:10:26:28.0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY UVFLAG:   vis=lin01.uv
HISTORY UVFLAG:   select=ant(10,11),time(11:40,20:30)
HISTORY UVFLAG:   flagval=flag
HISTORY UVFLAG: Overview of flagging on visibility file lin01.uv
HISTORY UVFLAG: Changed flags set to FALSE (data flagged as bad)
HISTORY UVFLAG: Total number of records selected: 20616; out of 104820 records
HISTORY UVFLAG: Antennas used: 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14
HISTORY UVFLAG: Counts of correlations within selected channels
HISTORY UVFLAG: channel   Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:       16972200          0    Changed to bad:   16972200
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:         1582200   18554400
HISTORY UVFLAG: wide      Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:              0          0    Changed to bad:          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:               0          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Executed on: 13JUN25:10:26:29.0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY UVFLAG:   vis=lin01.uv
HISTORY UVFLAG:   select=ant(10,12),time(13:45,16:20)
HISTORY UVFLAG:   flagval=flag
HISTORY UVFLAG: Overview of flagging on visibility file lin01.uv
HISTORY UVFLAG: Changed flags set to FALSE (data flagged as bad)
HISTORY UVFLAG: Total number of records selected: 6410; out of 104820 records
HISTORY UVFLAG: Antennas used: 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14
HISTORY UVFLAG: Counts of correlations within selected channels
HISTORY UVFLAG: channel   Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:        2228400          0    Changed to bad:    2228400
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:         3540600    5769000
HISTORY UVFLAG: wide      Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:              0          0    Changed to bad:          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:               0          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Executed on: 13JUN25:10:26:31.0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY UVFLAG:   vis=lin01.uv
HISTORY UVFLAG:   select=ant(11,12),time(11:40,18:00)
HISTORY UVFLAG:   flagval=flag
HISTORY UVFLAG: Overview of flagging on visibility file lin01.uv
HISTORY UVFLAG: Changed flags set to FALSE (data flagged as bad)
HISTORY UVFLAG: Total number of records selected: 16776; out of 104820 records
HISTORY UVFLAG: Antennas used: 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14
HISTORY UVFLAG: Counts of correlations within selected channels
HISTORY UVFLAG: channel   Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:        3841200          0    Changed to bad:    3841200
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:        11257200   15098400
HISTORY UVFLAG: wide      Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:              0          0    Changed to bad:          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:               0          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Executed on: 13JUN25:10:26:32.0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY UVFLAG:   vis=lin01.uv
HISTORY UVFLAG:   select=ant(13,14),time(13:30,17:00)
HISTORY UVFLAG:   flagval=flag
HISTORY UVFLAG: Overview of flagging on visibility file lin01.uv
HISTORY UVFLAG: Changed flags set to FALSE (data flagged as bad)
HISTORY UVFLAG: Total number of records selected: 9480; out of 104820 records
HISTORY UVFLAG: Antennas used: 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14
HISTORY UVFLAG: Counts of correlations within selected channels
HISTORY UVFLAG: channel   Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:        5324400          0    Changed to bad:    5324400
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:         3207600    8532000
HISTORY UVFLAG: wide      Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:              0          0    Changed to bad:          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:               0          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Executed on: 13JUN29:14:20:23.0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY UVFLAG:   vis=lin01.uv
HISTORY UVFLAG:   select=ant(1,2),time(14:45,15:20)
HISTORY UVFLAG:   flagval=flag
HISTORY UVFLAG: Overview of flagging on visibility file lin01.uv
HISTORY UVFLAG: Changed flags set to FALSE (data flagged as bad)
HISTORY UVFLAG: Total number of records selected: 1610; out of 104820 records
HISTORY UVFLAG: Antennas used: 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14
HISTORY UVFLAG: Counts of correlations within selected channels
HISTORY UVFLAG: channel   Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:              0          0    Changed to bad:          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:         1449000    1449000
HISTORY UVFLAG: wide      Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:              0          0    Changed to bad:          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:               0          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Executed on: 13JUN29:14:20:25.0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY UVFLAG:   vis=lin01.uv
HISTORY UVFLAG:   select=ant(2,3),time(14:45,15:20)
HISTORY UVFLAG:   flagval=flag
HISTORY UVFLAG: Overview of flagging on visibility file lin01.uv
HISTORY UVFLAG: Changed flags set to FALSE (data flagged as bad)
HISTORY UVFLAG: Total number of records selected: 1610; out of 104820 records
HISTORY UVFLAG: Antennas used: 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14
HISTORY UVFLAG: Counts of correlations within selected channels
HISTORY UVFLAG: channel   Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:              0          0    Changed to bad:          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:         1449000    1449000
HISTORY UVFLAG: wide      Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:              0          0    Changed to bad:          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:               0          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Executed on: 13JUN29:14:20:26.0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY UVFLAG:   vis=lin01.uv
HISTORY UVFLAG:   select=ant(3,4),time(14:45,15:20)
HISTORY UVFLAG:   flagval=flag
HISTORY UVFLAG: Overview of flagging on visibility file lin01.uv
HISTORY UVFLAG: Changed flags set to FALSE (data flagged as bad)
HISTORY UVFLAG: Total number of records selected: 1610; out of 104820 records
HISTORY UVFLAG: Antennas used: 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14
HISTORY UVFLAG: Counts of correlations within selected channels
HISTORY UVFLAG: channel   Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:              0          0    Changed to bad:          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:         1449000    1449000
HISTORY UVFLAG: wide      Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:              0          0    Changed to bad:          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:               0          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Executed on: 13JUN29:14:20:28.0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY UVFLAG:   vis=lin01.uv
HISTORY UVFLAG:   select=ant(4,5),time(14:45,15:20)
HISTORY UVFLAG:   flagval=flag
HISTORY UVFLAG: Overview of flagging on visibility file lin01.uv
HISTORY UVFLAG: Changed flags set to FALSE (data flagged as bad)
HISTORY UVFLAG: Total number of records selected: 1610; out of 104820 records
HISTORY UVFLAG: Antennas used: 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14
HISTORY UVFLAG: Counts of correlations within selected channels
HISTORY UVFLAG: channel   Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:              0          0    Changed to bad:          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:         1449000    1449000
HISTORY UVFLAG: wide      Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:              0          0    Changed to bad:          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:               0          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Executed on: 13JUN29:14:20:29.0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY UVFLAG:   vis=lin01.uv
HISTORY UVFLAG:   select=ant(4,5),time(11:40,12:30)
HISTORY UVFLAG:   flagval=flag
HISTORY UVFLAG: Overview of flagging on visibility file lin01.uv
HISTORY UVFLAG: Changed flags set to FALSE (data flagged as bad)
HISTORY UVFLAG: Total number of records selected: 2016; out of 104820 records
HISTORY UVFLAG: Antennas used: 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,11,12,13,14
HISTORY UVFLAG: Counts of correlations within selected channels
HISTORY UVFLAG: channel   Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:              0          0    Changed to bad:          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:         1814400    1814400
HISTORY UVFLAG: wide      Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:              0          0    Changed to bad:          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:               0          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Executed on: 13JUN29:14:20:30.0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY UVFLAG:   vis=lin01.uv
HISTORY UVFLAG:   select=ant(7,8),time(14:45,15:20)
HISTORY UVFLAG:   flagval=flag
HISTORY UVFLAG: Overview of flagging on visibility file lin01.uv
HISTORY UVFLAG: Changed flags set to FALSE (data flagged as bad)
HISTORY UVFLAG: Total number of records selected: 1610; out of 104820 records
HISTORY UVFLAG: Antennas used: 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14
HISTORY UVFLAG: Counts of correlations within selected channels
HISTORY UVFLAG: channel   Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:              0          0    Changed to bad:          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:         1449000    1449000
HISTORY UVFLAG: wide      Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:              0          0    Changed to bad:          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:               0          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Executed on: 13JUN29:14:20:32.0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY UVFLAG:   vis=lin01.uv
HISTORY UVFLAG:   select=ant(8,9),time(14:45,15:20)
HISTORY UVFLAG:   flagval=flag
HISTORY UVFLAG: Overview of flagging on visibility file lin01.uv
HISTORY UVFLAG: Changed flags set to FALSE (data flagged as bad)
HISTORY UVFLAG: Total number of records selected: 1610; out of 104820 records
HISTORY UVFLAG: Antennas used: 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14
HISTORY UVFLAG: Counts of correlations within selected channels
HISTORY UVFLAG: channel   Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:              0          0    Changed to bad:          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:         1449000    1449000
HISTORY UVFLAG: wide      Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:              0          0    Changed to bad:          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:               0          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Executed on: 13JUN29:14:20:33.0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY UVFLAG:   vis=lin01.uv
HISTORY UVFLAG:   select=ant(9,10),time(14:45,15:20)
HISTORY UVFLAG:   flagval=flag
HISTORY UVFLAG: Overview of flagging on visibility file lin01.uv
HISTORY UVFLAG: Changed flags set to FALSE (data flagged as bad)
HISTORY UVFLAG: Total number of records selected: 1610; out of 104820 records
HISTORY UVFLAG: Antennas used: 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14
HISTORY UVFLAG: Counts of correlations within selected channels
HISTORY UVFLAG: channel   Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:              0          0    Changed to bad:          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:         1449000    1449000
HISTORY UVFLAG: wide      Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:              0          0    Changed to bad:          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:               0          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Executed on: 13JUN29:14:20:35.0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY UVFLAG:   vis=lin01.uv
HISTORY UVFLAG:   select=ant(10,11),time(11:40,20:30)
HISTORY UVFLAG:   flagval=flag
HISTORY UVFLAG: Overview of flagging on visibility file lin01.uv
HISTORY UVFLAG: Changed flags set to FALSE (data flagged as bad)
HISTORY UVFLAG: Total number of records selected: 20616; out of 104820 records
HISTORY UVFLAG: Antennas used: 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14
HISTORY UVFLAG: Counts of correlations within selected channels
HISTORY UVFLAG: channel   Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:              0          0    Changed to bad:          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:        18554400   18554400
HISTORY UVFLAG: wide      Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:              0          0    Changed to bad:          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:               0          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Executed on: 13JUN29:14:20:36.0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY UVFLAG:   vis=lin01.uv
HISTORY UVFLAG:   select=ant(10,12),time(13:45,16:20)
HISTORY UVFLAG:   flagval=flag
HISTORY UVFLAG: Overview of flagging on visibility file lin01.uv
HISTORY UVFLAG: Changed flags set to FALSE (data flagged as bad)
HISTORY UVFLAG: Total number of records selected: 6410; out of 104820 records
HISTORY UVFLAG: Antennas used: 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14
HISTORY UVFLAG: Counts of correlations within selected channels
HISTORY UVFLAG: channel   Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:              0          0    Changed to bad:          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:         5769000    5769000
HISTORY UVFLAG: wide      Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:              0          0    Changed to bad:          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:               0          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Executed on: 13JUN29:14:20:38.0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY UVFLAG:   vis=lin01.uv
HISTORY UVFLAG:   select=ant(11,12),time(11:40,18:00)
HISTORY UVFLAG:   flagval=flag
HISTORY UVFLAG: Overview of flagging on visibility file lin01.uv
HISTORY UVFLAG: Changed flags set to FALSE (data flagged as bad)
HISTORY UVFLAG: Total number of records selected: 16776; out of 104820 records
HISTORY UVFLAG: Antennas used: 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14
HISTORY UVFLAG: Counts of correlations within selected channels
HISTORY UVFLAG: channel   Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:              0          0    Changed to bad:          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:        15098400   15098400
HISTORY UVFLAG: wide      Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:              0          0    Changed to bad:          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:               0          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Executed on: 13JUN29:14:20:39.0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY UVFLAG:   vis=lin01.uv
HISTORY UVFLAG:   select=ant(13,14)
HISTORY UVFLAG:   flagval=flag
HISTORY UVFLAG: Overview of flagging on visibility file lin01.uv
HISTORY UVFLAG: Changed flags set to FALSE (data flagged as bad)
HISTORY UVFLAG: Total number of records selected: 31850; out of 104820 records
HISTORY UVFLAG: Antennas used: 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14
HISTORY UVFLAG: Counts of correlations within selected channels
HISTORY UVFLAG: channel   Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:       17269200          0    Changed to bad:   17269200
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:        11395800   28665000
HISTORY UVFLAG: wide      Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:              0          0    Changed to bad:          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:               0          0
HISTORY INVERT: Miriad invert: Revision 1.13, 2012/01/17 03:47:09 UTC
HISTORY INVERT: Executed on: 13JUN29:14:24:03.0
HISTORY INVERT: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY INVERT:   vis=lin*.uv
HISTORY INVERT:   options=double
HISTORY INVERT:   stokes=ii
HISTORY INVERT:   slop=0.5
HISTORY INVERT:   imsize=1024
HISTORY INVERT:   robust=0
HISTORY INVERT:   line=velo,145,350,4.12,4.12
HISTORY MIRHANNING: Executed on: Sat Jun 29 14:24:32 2013
HISTORY MIRHANNING: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY CLEAN: Miriad clean: Revision 1.12, 2011/10/31 00:37:30 UTC
HISTORY CLEAN: Executed on: 13JUN29:14:27:11.0
HISTORY CLEAN: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY CLEAN:   region=mask(../linMask)
HISTORY CLEAN:   cutoff=0.0002
HISTORY CLEAN:   niters=100000
HISTORY CLEAN:   mode=clark
HISTORY CLEAN:   minpatch=257
HISTORY CLEAN: Bounding region is Blc = (73,39,18), Trc = (894,818,142)
HISTORY CLEAN: Minpatch = 257
HISTORY CLEAN: Total Iterations = 1131102
HISTORY RESTOR: Miriad restor: Revision 1.7, 2011/10/31 00:37:30 UTC
HISTORY RESTOR: Executed on: 13JUN29:14:27:11.0
HISTORY RESTOR: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY RESTOR: Beam =  3.367E+01 x  2.358E+01 arcsec, pa =  1.258E+01 degrees
HISTORY IMSUB: Miriad imsub: Revision 1.5, 2010/11/22 04:59:30 UTC
HISTORY IMSUB: Executed on: 13JUN29:14:27:39.0
HISTORY IMSUB: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY IMSUB:   region=images(2,144)
HISTORY IMSUB:   out=linCube
HISTORY FITS: Miriad fits: fits: Revision 1.33, 2018/12/04 04:02:11 UTC
HISTORY FITS: Executed on: 19FEB01:00:24:51.0
HISTORY FITS: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY FITS:    op=xyout
HISTORY FITS:    in=/DATA/SERPENS_1/hea189/d1/data/wsrt/10b/n4631/sunflag/linCub
HISTORY FITS:    out=NGC4631-HR-cube.fits
HISTORY FITS: NOTE: Use options=varwt if loading into Miriad
HISTORY SoFiA source finding
HISTORY pipeline.pedantic=True
HISTORY writeCat.writeASCII=False
HISTORY writeCat.parameters=['*']
HISTORY writeCat.compress=False
HISTORY writeCat.basename=NGC4631-HR
HISTORY writeCat.writeXML=False
HISTORY writeCat.writeSQL=False
HISTORY writeCat.outputDir=/data/LIBRA_1/hea189/HALOGAS-RELEASE/MOMENTS
HISTORY writeCat.overwrite=True
HISTORY parameters.dilateThreshold=0.02
HISTORY parameters.optimiseMask=False
HISTORY parameters.fitBusyFunction=False
HISTORY parameters.dilatePixMax=10
HISTORY parameters.dilateChan=1
HISTORY parameters.getUncertainties=False
HISTORY parameters.dilateMask=False
HISTORY smooth.kernelZ=3.0
HISTORY smooth.kernel=gaussian
HISTORY smooth.kernelX=3.0
HISTORY smooth.kernelY=3.0
HISTORY smooth.edgeMode=constant
HISTORY merge.radiusY=3
HISTORY merge.radiusX=3
HISTORY merge.positivity=False
HISTORY merge.radiusZ=3
HISTORY merge.minSizeY=3
HISTORY merge.minSizeX=3
HISTORY merge.minSizeZ=2
HISTORY flag.regions=[]
HISTORY flag.file=
HISTORY optical.storeMultiCat=False
HISTORY optical.sourceCatalogue=
HISTORY optical.specSize=100000.0
HISTORY optical.spatSize=0.01
HISTORY steps.doReliability=False
HISTORY steps.doWriteFilteredCube=False
HISTORY steps.doMom1=True
HISTORY steps.doParameterise=False
HISTORY steps.doFlag=False
HISTORY steps.doSmooth=False
HISTORY steps.doDebug=False
HISTORY steps.doCNHI=False
HISTORY steps.doWriteMask=True
HISTORY steps.doWavelet=False
HISTORY steps.doCubelets=False
HISTORY steps.doWriteNoiseCube=False
HISTORY steps.doOptical=False
HISTORY steps.doSubcube=False
HISTORY steps.doMerge=True
HISTORY steps.doMom0=True
HISTORY steps.doScaleNoise=False
HISTORY steps.doSCfind=True
HISTORY steps.doWriteCat=True
HISTORY steps.doThreshold=False
HISTORY wavelet.threshold=5.0
HISTORY wavelet.scaleXY=-1
HISTORY wavelet.positivity=False
HISTORY wavelet.iterations=3
HISTORY wavelet.scaleZ=-1
HISTORY threshold.threshold=4.0
HISTORY threshold.rmsMode=std
HISTORY threshold.clipMethod=relative
HISTORY threshold.fluxRange=all
HISTORY threshold.verbose=False
HISTORY import.weightsFunction=
HISTORY import.subcubeMode=pixel
HISTORY import.subcube=[]
HISTORY import.maskFile=
HISTORY import.inFile=/data/LIBRA_1/hea189/HALOGAS-RELEASE/NGC4631-HR-cube.fits
HISTORY import.weightsFile=
HISTORY CNHI.verbose=1
HISTORY CNHI.maxScale=-1
HISTORY CNHI.medianTest=True
HISTORY reliability.logPars=[1, 1, 1]
HISTORY reliability.scaleKernel=0.5
HISTORY reliability.kernel=[0.15, 0.05, 0.1]
HISTORY reliability.makePlot=False
HISTORY reliability.parSpace=['n_pix', 'snr_sum', 'snr_max']
HISTORY reliability.autoKernel=True
HISTORY reliability.fMin=10.0
HISTORY reliability.threshold=0.9
HISTORY reliability.negPerBin=1.0
HISTORY reliability.skellamTol=-0.5
HISTORY reliability.usecov=True
HISTORY scaleNoise.windowSpatial=25
HISTORY scaleNoise.windowSpectral=15
HISTORY scaleNoise.gridSpatial=0
HISTORY scaleNoise.scaleX=False
HISTORY scaleNoise.scaleY=False
HISTORY scaleNoise.scaleZ=True
HISTORY scaleNoise.gridSpectral=0
HISTORY scaleNoise.fluxRange=all
HISTORY scaleNoise.statistic=mad
HISTORY scaleNoise.edgeX=0
HISTORY scaleNoise.edgeY=0
HISTORY scaleNoise.edgeZ=0
HISTORY scaleNoise.method=global
HISTORY scaleNoise.interpolation=none
HISTORY SCfind.kernels=[[0, 0, 0, 'b'], [0, 0, 1, 'b'], [0, 0, 2, 'b'], [6, 8, 0
HISTORY , 'b'], [6, 8, 1, 'b'], [6, 8, 2, 'b']]
HISTORY SCfind.maskScaleXY=2.0
HISTORY SCfind.verbose=True
HISTORY SCfind.rmsMode=negative
HISTORY SCfind.edgeMode=constant
HISTORY SCfind.fluxRange=all
HISTORY SCfind.kernelUnit=pixel
HISTORY SCfind.threshold=4.0
HISTORY SCfind.maskScaleZ=2.0
HISTORY SCfind.sizeFilter=0.0
HISTORY FITS: Miriad fits: Revision 1.32, 2014/09/15 04:39:01 UTC
HISTORY FITS: Executed on: 2019-02-01T11:05:26.0
HISTORY FITS: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY FITS:   op=xyin
HISTORY FITS:   in=MOMENTS/NGC4631-HR_mom1.fits
HISTORY FITS:   out=mom1
HISTORY MATHS: Miriad maths: Revision 1.5, 2011/03/30 05:34:52 UTC
HISTORY MATHS: Executed on: 2019-02-01T11:05:26.0
HISTORY MATHS: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY MATHS:   exp=mom1
HISTORY MATHS:   mask=nrch.gt.2.and.mom1.gt.354.120000087.and.mom1.lt.939.159985
HISTORY MATHS:   out=mom1msk
HISTORY MATHS: Bounding region is Blc=(1,1),Trc=(1024,1024)
HISTORY FITS: Miriad fits: fits: Revision 1.32, 2014/09/15 04:39:01 UTC
HISTORY FITS: Executed on: 19FEB01:11:05:26.0
HISTORY FITS: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY FITS:    op=xyout
HISTORY FITS:    in=mom1msk
HISTORY FITS:    out=MOMENTS/NGC4631-HR_mom1m.fits
HISTORY FITS: NOTE: Use options=varwt if loading into Miriad
ORIGIN  = 'Miriad fits: Revision 1.32, 2014/09/15 04:39:01 UTC'  /

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