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SIMPLE  =                    T / Fits standard
BITPIX  =                  -32 / Bits per pixel
NAXIS   =                    2 / Number of axes
NAXIS1  =                  547 / Axis length
NAXIS2  =                  565 / Axis length
EXTEND  =                    T / File may contain extensions
ORIGIN  = 'ESO-MIDAS'          / FITS file originator
DATE    = '2012-01-27T14:31:09' / Date FITS file was generated
IRAF-TLM= '2012-01-27T15:07:26' / Time of last modification
OBJECT  = '        '           / Name of the object observed
CRPIX1  =                 227. / Reference pixel
CRVAL1  =        23.4775063136 / Coordinate at reference pixel
CDELT1  =    -0.00388888888889 / Coord. incr. per pixel (original value)
CTYPE1  = 'RA---TAN        '   / Units of coordinate
CRPIX2  =                 289. / Reference pixel
CRVAL2  =        30.6346982677 / Coordinate at reference pixel
CDELT2  =     0.00388888888889 / Coord. incr. per pixel (original value)
CTYPE2  = 'DEC--TAN        '   / Units of coordinate
BUNIT   = '                '   / Units of data values
DATAMAX =              1.37326 / Maximum data value
DATAMIN =                   0. / Minimum data value
FILENAME= 'M33_h7_1_500_K4_SKY.bdf' / Original file base-name
MIDASFTP= 'IMAGE   '           / MIDAS File Type
RA      =                   0. / MIDAS desc.: O_POS(1)
DEC     =                   0. / MIDAS desc.: O_POS(2)
EQUINOX =                2000. / MIDAS desc.: O_POS(3)
DATE-OBS= '01/01/00'           / MIDAS desc.: O_TIME(1)
TM-START=                   0. / MIDAS desc.: O_TIME(5)
EXPTIME =                   0. / MIDAS desc.: O_TIME(7)
COMMENT NOST 100-2.0: Hanisch,R. et al. 2001, Astron. & Astrophys. 376, 559
COMMENT This FITS file may contain long string keyword values that are
COMMENT continued over multiple keywords.  This convention uses the  '&'
COMMENT character at the end of a string which is then continued
COMMENT on subsequent keywords whose name = 'CONTINUE'.
COMMENT -------------- Herschel Structure Data--------------------
COMMENT Following fields are private to the structure of the
COMMENT Java object this HDU is representing.
COMMENT -------------- Herschel Parameter Data--------------------
COMMENT All actual parameter names are converted to FITS compliant
COMMENT conventions. Note that the HIERARCH comments contain the
COMMENT appropriate key mapping
COMMENT t=Scalar
COMMENT t=Scalar
HISTORY COMPUTE/IMAG M33_h7_1_500_K4 = M33_h7_1_500.fits * 0.971               \
HISTORY          COMPUTE/IMAG M33_h7_1_500_K4_SKY = M33_h7_1_500_K4.bdf + 0.014\
LONGSTRN= 'OGIP 1.0'           / The OGIP long string convention may be used.
CLASS___= 'herschel.ia.dataset.ArrayDataset' / java representation
INFO____= 'Image   '
DATA____= 'herschel.ia.numeric.Double2d' / java Data
QTTY____= 'Jy/beam '           / Unit of the data
META_0  =                  547 / []
META_1  =                  565 / []
HISTORY  'LHCUTS','R*4',1,4,'5E14.7'
HISTORY   0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00          -INF 1.3732598E+00
HISTORY  'HIST_BINS','R*4',1,5,'5E14.7'
HISTORY   2.5600000E+02 2.0823423E-04-3.7051443E-02 1.6048284E-02 0.0000000E+00
HISTORY  'HISTOGRAM','I*4',1,256,'7I10'
HISTORY           1         1         0         0         0         0         0
HISTORY           0         1         1         0         0         0         0
HISTORY           0         0         0         0         0         0         1
HISTORY           5         3         0         0         1         3         1
HISTORY           1         2         1         5         2         0         4
HISTORY           0         2         3         1         3         4         3
HISTORY           4         0         4         2         3         2         5
HISTORY           3         3         3         9         3         5         6
HISTORY           4         2         3         4         5         3         4
HISTORY           2         2         6         2         8         9         5
HISTORY           6         7         5         5         4         8         8
HISTORY           5         5         9         6         9        17        10
HISTORY           3         2         9         5         7         7         6
HISTORY           7         8         6         9         5         8         5
HISTORY           3        10        11        10        11         7         6
HISTORY           7         5         9         5         4         4         6
HISTORY           6         2         6         5         7         5         5
HISTORY           4         6         3         2         5         3        10
HISTORY          10         5         2         1         2         3         5
HISTORY           2         4         2         4         4         1         4
HISTORY           3         1         3         3         2         3         1
HISTORY           3         3         0         8         3         2         0
HISTORY           1         3         1         2         1         1         1
HISTORY           1         1         4         3         3         2         0
HISTORY           2         1         0         0         0         0         1
HISTORY           0         2         4         1         0         0         1
HISTORY           0         1         1         3         1         1         1
HISTORY           0         0         0         0         1         1         0
HISTORY           0         0         0         0         1         0         0
HISTORY           0         0         0         0         0         0         0
HISTORY           0         0         0         0         0         0         0
HISTORY           0         0         0         0         0         0         0
HISTORY           0         0         0         0         0         0         0
HISTORY           0         0         0         0         0         0         0
HISTORY           0         0         0         0         0         0         0
HISTORY           0         0         0         0         0         0         0
HISTORY           0         0         1         0
HISTORY  'STATISTIC','R*4',1,12,'5E14.7'
HISTORY  -3.7051443E-02 1.6048284E-02-1.7098559E-02 7.8853648E-03 3.1796494E-01
HISTORY   3.1208904E+00-1.1114063E+01-1.7468799E-02-3.6947325E-02 2.5600000E+02
HISTORY   2.0823423E-04-1.9872120E-02
HISTORY  'WINDOW_FROM','I*4',1,2,'7I10'
HISTORY           1         1
HISTORY  'WINDOW_TO','I*4',1,2,'7I10'
HISTORY          26        25
HISTORY  'DISPLAY_DATA','I*4',1,9,'7I10'
HISTORY           1         1       274       283         0        -1        -1
HISTORY          -1        -1
HISTORY  ESO-DESCRIPTORS END     ................
OBSID   = '1342189079L'
CREATOR = 'naiveScanMapper'
PROPOSAL= 'KPOT_ckramer01_1'

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