SIMPLE = T / file conforms to standard FITS format BITPIX = 32 / 4 byte signed INTEGER numbers NAXIS = 3 / number of array dimensions NAXIS1 = 42 / pixel number for image dimension 1 NAXIS2 = 32 / pixel number for image dimension 2 NAXIS3 = 1 / pixel number for image dimension 3 EXTEND = T / file conforms to FITS standard extension format BLOCKED = T / up to 10 FITS records may be blocked on tape OBJECT = 'NGC4631 ' / source name TELESCOP= 'Effelsberg ' / DATE-OBS= 2002.375366 / Observation date in decimal years BSCALE = 2.1396699594E-05 / scaling factor BSCALE and data shift BZERO : BZERO = 44743.67188 / original data = ( BSCALE * tape data ) + BZERO BUNIT = 'microJy/beam' / OBSRA = 189.9207200 / Center of the map OBSDEC = 32.81612659 / Center of the map DATAMIN = -1159.483276 / minimum pixel value of image set DATAMAX = 90646.82813 / maximum pixel value of image set CTYPE1 = 'RA---ARC' / ARC : angular distance preserved in projection CRVAL1 = 189.9207153 / longitude of referenz pixel CDELT1 = -8.3333337680E-03 / increment abszissa (degree) CRPIX1 = 21.50000000 / x-value of referenz-pixel CROTA1 = 0.000000000 / rotation of coordinates rel. to RA, DEC (-K0) CTYPE2 = 'DEC--ARC' / ARC : angular distance preserved in projection CRVAL2 = 32.81612778 / latitude of referenz-pixel (degree) CDELT2 = 8.3333337680E-03 / increment ordinate (degree) CRPIX2 = 16.50000000 / y-value of referez-pixel CROTA2 = 0.000000000 / rotation of coordinates CTYPE3 = 'FREQ' / CRVAL3 = 8350000128. / frequency (Hz) CDELT3 = 1100000000. / bandwidth of observation (Hz) CRPIX3 = 1.000000000 / CROTA3 = 0.000000000 / BLANK = -2147483647 / dummy value in empty cells COORCODE= 21.00000000 / Coordinate code MATRIX1 = -0.8278474607 / 9 elements transformation matrix MATRIX2 = 0.1722853366 / 9 elements transformation matrix MATRIX3 = 0.5338411231 / 9 elements transformation matrix MATRIX4 = -0.1447910261 / 9 elements transformation matrix MATRIX5 = -0.9850470866 / 9 elements transformation matrix MATRIX6 = 9.3369138198E-02 / 9 elements transformation matrix MATRIX7 = 0.5419447764 / 9 elements transformation matrix MATRIX8 = 0.000000000 / 9 elements transformation matrix MATRIX9 = 0.8404140999 / 9 elements transformation matrix INHPLONG= 2.3216666654E-02 / initial half power long.beamwidth INHPLAT = 2.3216666654E-02 / initial half power lat. beamwidth CUHPLONG= 2.3611111111E-02 / current half power long.beamwidth CUHPLAT = 2.3611111111E-02 / current half power lat. beamwidth BMAJ = 2.3611111111E-02 / major half power long.beamwidth BMIN = 2.3611111111E-02 / minor half power long.beamwidth BPA = 90.00000000 / beam position angle, 0 or 90 for NOD2 data EPOCH = 1950.000000 / epoch of coordinate system INSCALEF= 1.000000000 / initial temperature scale factor INSCALEZ= 0.000000000 / initial temperature scale zero CUSCALEF= 1.000000000 / current temperature scale factor CUSCALZ = 0.000000000 / current temperature scale zero CODE = 0.000000000 / progress code word TYPE = 1.000000000 / type number of data OBS LAT = 50.52500153 / latitude of observatory IDENT1 = BONN 100 METRE 408 / title of map IDENT2 = MHZ COMBINED MAP 00H / title of map IDENT3 = R.A 00H +00 DEC +00 / title of map IDENT4 = . 28/ p372 / title of map NITER = 1 / number of iterations, whatever it may be END |