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SIMPLE  =                    T  /
BITPIX  =                  -32  /
NAXIS   =                    3  /
NAXIS1  =                  143  /
NAXIS2  =                  140  /
NAXIS3  =                    1  /
EXTEND  =                    T  /
BSCALE  =    1.00000000000E+00  /
BZERO   =    0.00000000000E+00  /
BLANK   =                   -1  /
BUNIT   = 'JY/BEAM.km/s'  /
DATE-OBS= '2008-11-24T10:37:37.5'  /
OBSRA   =    1.49514774706E+01  /
OBSDEC  =   -7.59054162411E+00  /
CRPIX1  =    7.20000000000E+01  /
CDELT1  =   -2.77777788364E-04  /
CRVAL1  =    1.49587500000E+01  /
CTYPE1  = 'RA---SIN'  /
CRPIX2  =    7.10000000000E+01  /
CDELT2  =    2.77777788364E-04  /
CRVAL2  =   -7.57805555556E+00  /
CTYPE2  = 'DEC--SIN'  /
CRPIX3  =    1.00000000000E+00  /
CDELT3  =    2.80000000000E+05  /
CRVAL3  =    5.29000000000E+06  /
CELLSCAL= '1/F     '  /
RESTFREQ=    1.15271200000E+11  /
VOBS    =   -6.80952575684E+02  /
BMAJ    =    7.27222242858E-04  /
BMIN    =    6.79166696500E-04  /
BPA     =   -2.56399993896E+01  /
OBJECT  = 'NGC337  '  /
NITERS  =                 1672  /
LWIDTH  =    1.00000000000E+01  /
LSTEP   =    1.00000000000E+01  /
LSTART  =    1.51000000000E+03  /
LTYPE   = 'velocity'  /
EPOCH   =    2.00000000000E+03  /
BTYPE   = 'intensity'  /
DATAMIN =   -2.67497986555E-01  /
DATAMAX =    4.51140308380E+00  /
HISTORY UVPUTHD: Miriad UVPUTHD (Version 24-oct-06)
HISTORY UVPUTHD: Executed on: 2008-10-30T13:44:47.0
HISTORY UVPUTHD: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY UVPUTHD:   vis=c0192.1C_115NGC337.1.miriad
HISTORY UVPUTHD:   out=uvputhd.mir
HISTORY UVPUTHD:   hdvar=restfreq
HISTORY UVPUTHD:   varval=115.2712
HISTORY UVCAT: Miriad UvCat: version 1.0 30-Jun-06
HISTORY UVCAT: Executed on: 2008-10-30T13:44:51.0
HISTORY UVCAT: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY UVCAT:   vis=uvputhd.mir
HISTORY UVCAT:   out=uvdata.mir
HISTORY UVCAL: Miriad UVCAL: version 3.1 22-FEB-2008
HISTORY UVCAL: Executed on: 2008-10-30T13:44:55.0
HISTORY UVCAL: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY UVCAL:   vis=uvdata.mir
HISTORY UVCAL:   options=hanning
HISTORY UVCAL:   out=uvdata.hann
HISTORY LINECAL: MIRIAD LINECAL (version 1.0 24-May-2007)
HISTORY LINECAL: Executed on: 2008-10-30T13:46:05.0
HISTORY LINECAL: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY LINECAL:   vis=uvdata.mir
HISTORY CSFLAG: Miriad csflag: version 12-apr-08
HISTORY CSFLAG: Executed on: 2008-10-30T13:46:17.0
HISTORY CSFLAG: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY CSFLAG:   vis=uvdata.mir
HISTORY CSFLAG:   carma=true
HISTORY UVCAT: Miriad UvCat: version 1.0 30-Jun-06
HISTORY UVCAT: Executed on: 2008-10-30T13:46:19.0
HISTORY UVCAT: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY UVCAT:   vis=uvdata.mir
HISTORY UVCAT:   out=ngc337
HISTORY UVCAT:   select=-auto,source(ngc337)
HISTORY UVFLAG: Executed on: 2008-10-30T13:46:25.0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY UVFLAG:   vis=ngc337
HISTORY UVFLAG:   flagval=f
HISTORY UVFLAG: Overview of flagging on visibility file ngc337
HISTORY UVFLAG: Changed flags set to FALSE (data flagged as bad)
HISTORY UVFLAG: Total number of records selected: 87486; out of 87486 records
HISTORY UVFLAG: Antennas used: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15
HISTORY UVFLAG: Counts of correlations within selected channels
HISTORY UVFLAG: channel   Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:       33041736   29894904    Changed to bad:    3146832
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:           27972    3174804
HISTORY GPCOPY: Miriad GpCopy: version 23-Jan-07
HISTORY GPCOPY: Executed on: 2008-10-30T13:47:03.0
HISTORY GPCOPY: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY GPCOPY:   vis=3c454.3
HISTORY GPCOPY:   out=ngc337
HISTORY GPCOPY:   options=nocal
HISTORY BPSEL: BPSEL: version 2008-May-06
HISTORY BPSEL: Executed on: 2008-10-30T13:47:03.0
HISTORY BPSEL: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY BPSEL:   vis=ngc337
HISTORY BPSEL:   fmhz=0.976562
HISTORY BPSEL:   tol=0.1
HISTORY UVCAT: Miriad UvCat: version 1.0 30-Jun-06
HISTORY UVCAT: Executed on: 2008-10-30T13:48:29.0
HISTORY UVCAT: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY UVCAT:   vis=ngc337
HISTORY UVCAT:   out=ngc337.cal
HISTORY GPCOPY: Miriad GpCopy: version 23-Jan-07
HISTORY GPCOPY: Executed on: 2008-10-30T13:48:29.0
HISTORY GPCOPY: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY GPCOPY:   vis=phasecals.pb
HISTORY GPCOPY:   out=ngc337.cal
HISTORY GPCOPY:   options=nopass
HISTORY PUTHD: Miriad PutHd: Version 1.0 13-dec-96
HISTORY PUTHD: Executed on: 2008-10-30T13:48:29.0
HISTORY PUTHD: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY PUTHD:   in=ngc337.cal/interval
HISTORY PUTHD:   value=0.1
HISTORY UVAVER: Miriad UvAver: version 1.0 17-Nov-08
HISTORY UVAVER: Executed on: 2011-06-24T11:14:41.0
HISTORY UVAVER: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY UVAVER:   vis=../sting/c0192/n0337/C1_08oct24/ngc337.cal
HISTORY UVAVER:   out=ngc337_C1_08oct24.co.cal
HISTORY UVAVER:   select=window(4,5,6)
HISTORY INVERT: Miriad Invert: version 1.0 7-oct-10
HISTORY INVERT: Executed on: 2011-07-17T15:39:13.0
HISTORY INVERT: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY INVERT:   vis=vis/ngc337_C1_08oct24.co.cal,vis/ngc337_C2_08oct26.co.cal,
HISTORY s/ngc337_C5_09may18.co.cal,vis/ngc337_C6_09may23.co.cal,vis/ngc337_D1_08
HISTORY INVERT:   map=ngc0337.co.map
HISTORY INVERT:   beam=ngc0337.co.beam
HISTORY INVERT:   imsize=257
HISTORY INVERT:   line=velocity,28,1510,10,10
HISTORY INVERT:   options=systemp,double,mosaic
HISTORY INVERT:   robust=0.5
HISTORY MOSSDI: Miriad MosSDI2: version 1.0 22-jun-07
HISTORY MOSSDI: Executed on: 2011-07-17T15:47:11.0
HISTORY MOSSDI: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY MOSSDI:   map=ngc0337.co.map
HISTORY MOSSDI:   beam=ngc0337.co.beam
HISTORY MOSSDI:   out=ngc0337.co.cln
HISTORY MOSSDI:   cutoff=2.706000
HISTORY MOSSDI:   niters=20000
HISTORY MOSSDI:   region=mask(ngc0337.co.senmsk)
HISTORY MOSSDI: Bounding region is Blc=(97,91,1),Trc=(263,254,28)
HISTORY MOSSDI: Total Iterations = 1672
HISTORY RESTOR: Miriad Restor: version 1.3 07-Feb-2002
HISTORY RESTOR: Executed on: 2011-07-17T15:47:11.0
HISTORY RESTOR: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY RESTOR:   map=ngc0337.co.map
HISTORY RESTOR:   beam=ngc0337.co.beam
HISTORY RESTOR:   model=ngc0337.co.cln
HISTORY RESTOR:   out=ngc0337.co.cm
HISTORY RESTOR:   fwhm=2.618,2.445
HISTORY RESTOR:   pa=-25.64
HISTORY RESTOR: Beam =  2.618E+00 x  2.445E+00 arcsec, pa = -2.564E+01 degrees
HISTORY COPYHD: Miriad Copyhd, version 1.0 17-jul-07
HISTORY COPYHD: Executed on: 2011-07-17T15:48:41.0
HISTORY COPYHD: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY COPYHD:   in=ngc0337.co.map
HISTORY COPYHD:   out=ngc0337.co.cm
HISTORY COPYHD:   items=mask
HISTORY MATHS: Miriad Maths: version 1.0 17-Oct-00
HISTORY MATHS: Executed on: 2011-07-17T15:48:42.0
HISTORY MATHS: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY MATHS:   region=mask(ngc0337.co.nse)
HISTORY MATHS:   out=ngc0337.co.cmmsk
HISTORY MATHS: Bounding region is Blc=(109,103,1,1),Trc=(251,242,28,1)
HISTORY MATHS: Miriad Maths: version 1.0 17-Oct-00
HISTORY MATHS: Executed on: 2011-07-17T15:50:05.0
HISTORY MATHS: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY MATHS:   out=ngc0337.co.msk
HISTORY MATHS:   mask=.gt.7.01700
HISTORY MATHS: Bounding region is Blc=(1,1,1,1),Trc=(143,140,28,1)
HISTORY MOMENT: moment: Revision 1.15, 2010/11/22 05:37:20 UTC
HISTORY MOMENT: Executed on: 11JUL17:15:50:05.0
HISTORY MOMENT: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY MOMENT:   in=ngc0337.co.msk
HISTORY MOMENT:   out=ngc0337.co.mmom0
HISTORY MOMENT:   region=image(1,28)
HISTORY FITS: Miriad fits: fits: Revision 1.21, 2011/06/09 00:27:45 UTC
HISTORY FITS: Executed on: 11AUG10:15:32:18.0
HISTORY FITS: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY FITS:    in=../../maps/n0337/ngc0337.co.mmom0
HISTORY FITS:    out=ngc0337.co.mmom0.fits
HISTORY FITS:    op=xyout
HISTORY FITS: NOTE: Use options=varwt if loading into Miriad
ORIGIN  = 'Miriad fits: Revision 1.21, 2011/06/09 00:27:45 UTC'  /

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