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SIMPLE  =                    T / file does conform to FITS standard
BITPIX  =                  -32 / number of bits per data pixel
NAXIS   =                    2 / number of data axes
NAXIS1  =                 3840 / length of data axis 1
NAXIS2  =                 3840 / length of data axis 2
EXTEND  =                    T / FITS dataset may contain extensions
COMMENT   FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'Astronomy
COMMENT   and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...376..359H
LONGSTRN= 'OGIP 1.0'           / The HEASARC Long String Convention may be used.
COMMENT   This FITS file may contain long string keyword values that are
COMMENT   continued over multiple keywords.  The HEASARC convention uses the &
COMMENT   character at the end of each substring which is then continued
COMMENT   on the next keyword which has the name CONTINUE.
CDELT1  = -0.000416666666666667
CDELT2  = 0.000416666666666667
EQUINOX =                2000.
EPOCH   =                2000.
CTYPE1  = 'RA---TAN'
CRPIX1  =               1920.5
CRPIX2  =               1920.5
CRVAL1  =            14.964509
CRVAL2  =            -7.574006
CROTA2  =                   0.
BUNIT   = '        '
BSCALE  =                   1.
BZERO   =                   0.
BAND    =                    1
OW      =                    1
RA_CENT =            14.964509
DEC_CENT=            -7.574006
TWIST   =                -999.
LEG     =                 -999
MPSNPOS =                    0
OBJECT  = 'NGA_NGC0337_0001'
EXPSTART=       1064486030.995
OBS-DATE= '2003-09-25'
TIME-OBS= '10:33:51'
PLANID  =                 5014
TILENUM =                 5014
TILE    = 'NGA_NGC0337'
MPSPLAN = 'ngs     '
MPSTYPE = 'NGS     '
MPSPHASE= 'G2      '
SKYGRID =                 -999
NHVNOM  =                1699.
NHVNOMN =                1693.
NHVNOMF =                1699.
GRELEASE= 'ops-v7_0_3'
PHTFIRST=        748521230.995
PHTLAST =        748522919.995
EXPTIME =              1668.35
NGAPS   =                   1.
TOTREAD =            32593449.
TOTMAP  =            31855780.
TOTONMAP=            29335743.
RRMED   =     1385.54211425781
RRAVE   =     1381.92280730112
NASPOK  =                1679.
AVEFDEAD=    0.102044616136239
ASPF0001= '/home/lin/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/05014-NGA_NGC0337/d/00-visits/0001-img&'
CONTINUE  '/07-try/NGA_NGC0337_0001-asprta.fits'
AVDE0001=    -7.56879695296131
AVFD0001=    0.102044616136239
AVRA0001=     14.9661296399595
AVRO0001=    -9.99286533262408
CALP0001= 'cal     '
ECL0001 =                 2189
EXPEND  =       1064487719.995
EXPT0001=              1668.35
GPA0001 =     118.818355003364
GREL0001= 'ops-v7_0_3'
HKF0001 = '        '
INF0001 = '/home/galex/fltops/visits/01-vsn/05014-NGA_NGC0337/d/00-visits/0001&'
CONTINUE  '-img/use//NGA_NGC0337_0001-nd-cnt.fits'
NADDED  =                   1.
NASP0001=                 1679
OBDT0001= '030925T103351Z'
OBSS0001=       1064486030.995
PHOF0001= '/home/lin/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/05014-NGA_NGC0337/d/00-visits/0001-img&'
CONTINUE  '/07-try/NGA_NGC0337_0001-nd-raw6.fits'
ROLL0001=     349.998355003364
RRAV0001=     1381.92280730112
RRMD0001=     1385.54211425781
SMV0001 = '$Id: simplemap.c,v 1.173 2009/11/20 18:43:36 cmillion Exp $'
SUBV0001=                 -999
VIS0001 =                    1
AVASPRA =     14.9661296399595
AVASPDEC=    -7.56879695296131
AVASPROL=    -9.99286533262409
AVRRMED =     1385.54211425781
AVRRAVE =     1381.92280730112
PMEDRR  =     1374.45971679688
PTHRESH =                   2.
PMEDBG  =     0.00299072265625
PRMSBG  = 8.17775726318359E-05
PTHRBG  = 0.000664517456059734
PSIGDET =     2.21980931045747
PMEDTHR =  0.00066828727722168
PRMSTHR = 3.24249267578125E-05
COMMENT Photometry dervied from this image was used in Brown et al. (2014), An
COMMENT Atlas of Spectral Energy Distributions from the UV to the Mid-Infrared,
COMMENT to constrain and verify the SED of NGC 0337       .
COMMENT The Brown et al. (2014) SEDs and images are available from
COMMENT http://dx.doi.org/10.5072/03/529D3551F0117
COMMENT If you use this image, please reference the original papers in
COMMENT your publications (and do not only reference Brown et al. 2014).
COMMENT The original or working title for this image was
COMMENT NGA_NGC0337-nd-int.fits
COMMENT This image was sourced from GALEX GR6/GR7.

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