SIMPLE = T / file does conform to FITS standard BITPIX = -32 / number of bits per data pixel NAXIS = 2 / number of data axes NAXIS1 = 3840 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 3840 / length of data axis 2 EXTEND = T / FITS dataset may contain extensions COMMENT FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'Astronomy COMMENT and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...376..359H LONGSTRN= 'OGIP 1.0' / The HEASARC Long String Convention may be used. COMMENT This FITS file may contain long string keyword values that are COMMENT continued over multiple keywords. The HEASARC convention uses the & COMMENT character at the end of each substring which is then continued COMMENT on the next keyword which has the name CONTINUE. CDELT1 = -0.000416666666666667 CDELT2 = 0.000416666666666667 EQUINOX = 2000. EPOCH = 2000. CTYPE1 = 'RA---TAN' CTYPE2 = 'DEC--TAN' CRPIX1 = 1920.5 CRPIX2 = 1920.5 CRVAL1 = 139.351572 CRVAL2 = 42.004883 CROTA2 = 0. BUNIT = ' ' BSCALE = 1. BZERO = 0. BAND = 1 OW = 1 RA_CENT = 139.351572 DEC_CENT= 42.004883 TWIST = -999. LEG = -999 MPSNPOS = 0 OBJECT = 'NGA_NGC2798_0001' EXPSTART= 1076257978.995 OBS-DATE= '2004-02-08' TIME-OBS= '16:32:59' PLANID = 5106 TILENUM = 5106 TILE = 'NGA_NGC2798' TILENAME= 'NGA_NGC2798' MPSPLAN = 'ngs ' MPSTYPE = 'NGS ' MPSPHASE= 'G2 ' SKYGRID = -999 NHVNOM = 4383. NHVNOMN = 4378. NHVNOMF = 2873. GRELEASE= 'ops-v7_0_3' PHTFIRST= 760293178.995 PHTLAST = 854667733.995 EXPTIME = 4271.2 NGAPS = 47. TOTREAD = 85319942. TOTMAP = 82989235. TOTONMAP= 77178119. RRMED = 3463.65197753907 RRAVE = 3453.63846640308 NASPOK = 4321. AVEFDEAD= 0.10095842017586 ASPF0001= '/home/eisa/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/05106-NGA_NGC2798/d/00-visits/0001-im&' CONTINUE 'g/07-try/NGA_NGC2798_0001-asprta.fits' ASPF0002= '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/05106-NGA_NGC2798/d/00-visits/0002-i&' CONTINUE 'mg/07-try/NGA_NGC2798_0002-asprta.fits' ASPF0003= '/home/hugi3/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/05106-NGA_NGC2798/d/00-visits/0003-i&' CONTINUE 'mg/07-try/NGA_NGC2798_0003-asprta.fits' AVDE0001= 42.002177158322 AVDE0002= 42.0078120009051 AVDE0003= 42.0116285638992 AVFD0001= 0.107332791897307 AVFD0002= 0.101651878010172 AVFD0003= 0.0938905906201022 AVRA0001= 139.355208494936 AVRA0002= 139.339949588226 AVRA0003= 139.342132960563 AVRO0001= 31.0083989338539 AVRO0002= 34.9852432835984 AVRO0003= 29.986703939893 CALP0001= 'cal ' CALP0002= 'cal ' CALP0003= 'cal ' ECL0001 = 4178 ECL0002 = 9667 ECL0003 = 20127 EXPEND = 1170632533.995 EXPT0001= 1504. EXPT0002= 1524.2 EXPT0003= 1243. 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NASP0001= 1510 NASP0002= 1565 NASP0003= 1246 OBDT0001= '040208T163259Z' OBDT0002= '050218T153509Z' OBDT0003= '070204T232131Z' OBSS0001= 1076257978.995 OBSS0002= 1108740908.995 OBSS0003= 1170631290.995 PHOF0001= '/home/eisa/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/05106-NGA_NGC2798/d/00-visits/0001-im&' CONTINUE 'g/07-try/NGA_NGC2798_0001-nd-raw6.fits' PHOF0002= '/home/eisa4/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/05106-NGA_NGC2798/d/00-visits/0002-i&' CONTINUE 'mg/07-try/NGA_NGC2798_0002-nd-raw6.fits' PHOF0003= '/home/hugi3/fltops/pipe/01-vsn/05106-NGA_NGC2798/d/00-visits/0003-i&' CONTINUE 'mg/07-try/NGA_NGC2798_0003-nd-raw6.fits' QAGR0001= 'PASS/YES' QAGR0002= 'PASS/YES' QAGR0003= 'PASS/YES' ROLL0001= 31.0006977300303 ROLL0002= 35.0023325697902 ROLL0003= 30.008616498348 RRAV0001= 1230.62773311984 RRAV0002= 1234.38698354337 RRAV0003= 988.623749739871 RRMD0001= 1234.19982910156 RRMD0002= 1238.11694335938 RRMD0003= 991.335205078125 SMV0001 = '$Id: simplemap.c,v 1.173 2009/11/20 18:43:36 cmillion Exp $' SMV0002 = '$Id: simplemap.c,v 1.173 2009/11/20 18:43:36 cmillion Exp $' SMV0003 = '$Id: simplemap.c,v 1.173 2009/11/20 18:43:36 cmillion Exp $' SUBV0001= -999 SUBV0002= -999 SUBV0003= -999 VIS0001 = 1 VIS0002 = 2 VIS0003 = 3 AVASPRA = 139.345958401816 AVASPDEC= 42.0069387243052 AVASPROL= 32.1302240135475 AVRRMED = 1164.91947179931 AVRRAVE = 1161.54150399319 PMEDRR = 3424.28955078125 PTHRESH = 2. PMEDBG = 0.00264358520507812 PRMSBG = 0.000120162963867188 PTHRBG = 0.000389068730569144 PSIGDET = 2.25831795812724 PMEDTHR = 0.000391483306884766 PRMSTHR = 2.21133232116699E-05 COMMENT COMMENT Photometry dervied from this image was used in Brown et al. (2014), An COMMENT Atlas of Spectral Energy Distributions from the UV to the Mid-Infrared, COMMENT to constrain and verify the SED of NGC 2798 . COMMENT COMMENT The Brown et al. (2014) SEDs and images are available from COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT If you use this image, please reference the original papers in COMMENT your publications (and do not only reference Brown et al. 2014). COMMENT COMMENT The original or working title for this image was COMMENT NGA_NGC2798-nd-int.fits COMMENT COMMENT This image was sourced from GALEX GR6/GR7. COMMENT END |