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SIMPLE  =                    T /image conforms to FITS standard
BITPIX  =                  -32 /bits per data value
NAXIS   =                    2 /number of axes
NAXIS1  =                  751 /
NAXIS2  =                 1082 /
EXTEND  =                    T /file may contain extensions
ORIGIN  = 'NOAO-IRAF FITS Image Kernel July 2003' / FITS file originator
DATE    = '2007-03-27T22:08:05' / Date FITS file was generated
IRAF-TLM= '19:13:15 (27/03/2007)' / Time of last modification
OBJECT  = 'NGC2798 offset'     / Name of the object observed
CREATOR = 'S14.0.0 '           / SW version used to create this FITS file
TELESCOP= 'Spitzer '           / SPITZER Space Telescope
INSTRUME= 'IRAC    '           / SPITZER Space Telescope instrument ID
CHNLNUM =                    1 / 1 digit instrument channel number
EXPTYPE = 'sci     '           / Exposure Type
REQTYPE = 'AOR     '           / Request type (AOR, IER, or  SER)
AOT_TYPE= 'IracMap '           / Observation template type
AORLABEL= 'IRAC-N2798'         / AOR Label
FOVID   =                   67 / Field of View ID
FOVNAME = 'IRAC_Center_of_3.6&5.8umArray' / Field of View Name
OBSRVR  = 'Robert Kennicutt'   / Observer Name (Last, First)
OBSRVRID=                  101 / Observer ID of Principal Investigator
PROCYCL =                    2 / Proposal Cycle
PROGID  =                  159 / Program ID
PROTITLE= 'SINGS: The Spitzer Infrared Nearby Galaxies Survey -- Physics of the'
PROGCAT =                   27 / Program Category
DATE_OBS= '2004-04-30T08:27:57.648' / Date & time at DCE start
MJD_OBS =            53125.353 / [days] MJD at DCE start (,JD-2400000.5)
UTCS_OBS=        136585677.648 / [sec] J2000 ephem. time at DCE start
SCLK_OBS=        767780957.607 / [sec] SCLK time (since 1/1/1980) at DCE start
SAMPTIME=                  0.2 / [sec] Sample integration time
FRAMTIME=                  30. / [sec] Time spent integrating (whole array)
COMMENT   Photons in Well = Flux[photons/sec/pixel] * FRAMTIME
EXPTIME =                428.8 / [sec] Effective integration time per pixel
COMMENT   DN per pixel = Flux[photons/sec/pixel] / GAIN * EXPTIME
INTRFDLY=                 1.59 / [sec] Inter Frame Delay Time
AINTBEG =            865415.41 / [Secs since IRAC turn-on] Time of integ. start
ATIMEEND=            865445.37 / [Secs since IRAC turn-on] Time of integ. end
AFOWLNUM=                   16 / Fowler number
AWAITPER=                  118 / [0.2 sec] Wait period
ANUMREPS=                    1 / Number of repeat integrations
AREADMOD=                    0 / Full (0) or subarray (1)
HDRMODE =                    T / DCE taken in High Dynamic Range mode
HDRFRAME= '    long'           / Position in HDR observation
HDRCYCLE=                    1 / Cycle of HDR observation
ABARREL =                    4 / Barrel shift
APEDSIG =                    0 / 0=Normal, 1=Pedestal, 2=Signal
OBJTYPE = 'TargetFixedSingle'  / Object Type
CRVAL1  =            139.34562 / [deg] RA at CRPIX1,CRPIX2 (using Pointing Recon
CRVAL2  =            41.999722 / [deg] DEC at CRPIX1,CRPIX2 (using Pointing Reco
RA_HMS  = '09h17m25.4s'        / [hh:mm:ss.s] CRVAL1 as sexagesimal
DEC_DMS = '+41d59m55s'         / [dd:mm:ss] CRVAL2 as sexagesimal
RADESYS = 'ICRS    '           / International Celestial Reference System
EQUINOX =                2000. / Equinox for ICRS celestial coord. system
CD1_1   =  -2.0833333333333E-4 / Corrected CD matrix element with Pointing Recon
CD1_2   =                   0. / Corrected CD matrix element with Pointing Recon
CD2_1   =                   0. / Corrected CD matrix element with Pointing Recon
CD2_2   =  2.08333333333333E-4 / Corrected CD matrix element with Pointing Reco
CTYPE1  = 'RA---TAN'           / RA---TAN with distortion in pixel space
CTYPE2  = 'DEC--TAN'           / DEC--TAN with distortion in pixel space
CRPIX1  =              326.000 / Reference pixel along axis 1
CRPIX2  =              799.000 / Reference pixel along axis 2
PXSCAL1 =    -1.22334117768332 / [arcsec/pix] Scale for axis 1 at CRPIX1,CRPIX2
PXSCAL2 =     1.22328355209902 / [arcsec/pix] Scale for axis 2 at CRPIX1,CRPIX2
CRDER1  = 3.85559636694286E-05 / [deg] Uncertainty in CRVAL1
CRDER2  = 3.43790332704993E-05 / [deg] Uncertainty in CRVAL2
UNCRTPA = 0.000512026673102621 / [deg] Uncertainty in position angle
CSDRADEC= 1.79316706923587E-06 / [deg] Costandard deviation in RA and Dec
SIGRA   =   0.0476855396590515 / [arcsec] RMS dispersion of RA over DCE
SIGDEC  =    0.151825697342738 / [arcsec] RMS dispersion of DEC over DCE
SIGPA   =    0.122301142976906 / [arcsec] RMS dispersion of PA over DCE
PA      =                  0.0 / [deg] Position angle of axis 2 (E of N) (was OR
RA_RQST =     139.355681547371 / [deg] Requested RA at CRPIX1, CRPIX2
DEC_RQST=     41.9987755311702 / [deg] Requested Dec at CRPIX1, CRPIX2
PM_RA   =                   0. / [arcsec/yr] Proper Motion in RA (J2000)
PM_DEC  =                   0. / [arcsec/yr] Proper Motion in Dec (J200)
RMS_JIT =   0.0151732148693242 / [arcsec] RMS jitter during DCE
RMS_JITY=   0.0105302874461215 / [arcsec] RMS jitter during DCE along Y
RMS_JITZ=   0.0109242617953222 / [arcsec] RMS jitter during DCE along Z
SIG_JTYZ= -0.00705213316191783 / [arcsec] Costadard deviation of jitter in YZ
PTGDIFF =    0.371242773068267 / [arcsec] Offset btwn actual and rqsted pntng
PTGDIFFX=   -0.294281240524101 / [pixels] rqsted - actual pntng along axis 1
PTGDIFFY=   -0.226022299054125 / [pixels] rqsted - actual pntng along axis 2
RA_REF  =     139.357791666667 / [deg] Commanded RA (J2000) of ref. position
DEC_REF =     41.9999722222222 / [deg] Commanded Dec (J2000) of ref. position
USEDBPHF=                    T / T if Boresight Pointing History File was used
BPHFNAME= 'SBPHF.0767750400.031.pntg' / Boresight Pointing History Filename
FOVVERSN= 'BodyFrames_FTU_14a.xls' / FOV/BodyFrames file version used
RECONFOV= 'IRAC_Center_of_3.6umArray' / Reconstructed Field of View
ORIG_RA =     139.355667114258 / [deg] Original RA from raw BPHF (without pointi
ORIG_DEC=     41.9987602233887 / [deg] Original Dec from raw BPHF (without point
ORIGCD11=      0.0001271394431 / [deg/pix] Original CD1_1 element (without point
ORIGCD12=      0.0003149998374 / [deg/pix] Original CD1_2 element (without point
ORIGCD21=       0.000315137062 / [deg/pix] Original CD2_1 element (without point
ORIGCD22=     -0.0001274355163 / [deg/pix] Original CD2_2 element (without point
A_ORDER =                    3 / polynomial order, axis 1, detector to sky
A_0_2   =           2.9656E-06 / distortion coefficient
A_0_3   =           3.7746E-09 / distortion coefficient
A_1_1   =           2.1886E-05 / distortion coefficient
A_1_2   =          -1.6847E-07 / distortion coefficient
A_2_0   =          -2.3863E-05 / distortion coefficient
A_2_1   =           -8.561E-09 / distortion coefficient
A_3_0   =          -1.4172E-07 / distortion coefficient
A_DMAX  =                1.394 / [pixel] maximum correction
B_ORDER =                    3 / polynomial order, axis 2, detector to sky
B_0_2   =             2.31E-05 / distortion coefficient
B_0_3   =          -1.6168E-07 / distortion coefficient
B_1_1   =          -2.4386E-05 / distortion coefficient
B_1_2   =          -5.7813E-09 / distortion coefficient
B_2_0   =           2.1197E-06 / distortion coefficient
B_2_1   =          -1.6583E-07 / distortion coefficient
B_3_0   =          -2.0249E-08 / distortion coefficient
B_DMAX  =                1.501 / [pixel] maximum correction
AP_ORDER=                    3 / polynomial order, axis 1, sky to detector
AP_0_1  =          -6.4275E-07 / distortion coefficient
AP_0_2  =          -2.9425E-06 / distortion coefficient
AP_0_3  =           -3.582E-09 / distortion coefficient
AP_1_0  =          -1.4897E-05 / distortion coefficient
AP_1_1  =           -2.225E-05 / distortion coefficient
AP_1_2  =           1.7195E-07 / distortion coefficient
AP_2_0  =           2.4146E-05 / distortion coefficient
AP_2_1  =            6.709E-09 / distortion coefficient
AP_3_0  =           1.4492E-07 / distortion coefficient
BP_ORDER=                    3 / polynomial order, axis 2, sky to detector
BP_0_1  =          -1.6588E-05 / distortion coefficient
BP_0_2  =          -2.3424E-05 / distortion coefficient
BP_0_3  =            1.651E-07 / distortion coefficient
BP_1_0  =          -2.6783E-06 / distortion coefficient
BP_1_1  =           2.4753E-05 / distortion coefficient
BP_1_2  =           3.8917E-09 / distortion coefficient
BP_2_0  =           -2.151E-06 / distortion coefficient
BP_2_1  =              1.7E-07 / distortion coefficient
BP_3_0  =           2.0482E-08 / distortion coefficient
          / PHOTOMETRY
BUNIT   = 'MJy/sr  '           / Units of image data
FLUXCONV=               0.1088 / Flux Conv. factor (MJy/sr per DN/sec)
GAIN    =                  3.3 / e/DN conversion
RONOISE =                  7.8 / [Electrons] Readout Noise from Array
ZODY_EST=            0.0982118 / [MJy/sr] Zodiacal Background Estimate
ISM_EST =          0.002092569 / [MJy/sr] Interstellar Medium Estimate
CIB_EST =                   0. / [MJy/sr] Cosmic Infrared Background Estimate
SKYDRKZB=             0.048368 / [MJy/sr] Zodiacal Background Est of subracted s
SKYDKMED=             0.092029 / [MJy/sr] Median of Subtracted Skydark
SKDKFDLY=               17.678 / [sec] Average Frame Delay Time of Skydark
SKDKIDLY=                2.029 / [sec] Average Immediate Delay Time of Skydark
CYCLENUM=                    1 / Current cycle number
DITHPOS =                    1 / Current dither position
READMODE= 'FULL    '           / Readout mode
DITHSCAL= 'small   '           / Dither scale (small, medium, large)
ASHTCON =                    2 / Shutter condition (1:closed, 2: open)
AWEASIDE=                    0 / WEA side in use (0:B, 1:A)
ACTXSTAT=                    0 / Cmded transcal status
ATXSTAT =                    0 / transcal status
ACFLSTAT=                    0 / Cmded floodcal status
AFLSTAT =                    0 / floodcal status
AVRSTUCC=                 -3.5 / [Volts] Cmded VRSTUC Bias
AVRSTBEG=           -3.5114367 / [Volts] VRSTUC Bias at start integration
AVDETC  =                -2.75 / [Volts] Cmded VDET Bias
AVDETBEG=           -2.7572158 / [Volts] VDET Bias at start of integration
AVGG1C  =                -3.65 / [Volts] Cmded VGG1 Bias
AVGG1BEG=           -3.2072272 / [Volts] VGG1 Bias at start of integration
AVDDUCC =                   -3 / [Volts] Cmded VDDUC Bias
AVDDUBEG=                   -3 / [Volts] VDDUC Bias at start integration
AVGGCLC =                    1 / [Volts] Cmnded VGGCL clock rail voltage
AVGGCBEG=                    1 / [Volts] VGGCL clock rail voltage
AHTRIBEG=            204.90478 / [uAmps] Heater current at start of integ
AHTRVBEG=            2.3900636 / [Volts] Heater Voltage at start integ.
AFPAT2B =            15.023706 / [Deg_K] FPA Temp sensor #2 at start integ.
AFPAT2BT=            865396.38 / [Sec] FPA Temp sensor #2 time tag
AFPAT2E =            15.023121 / [Deg_K] FPA temp sensor #2, end integ.
AFPAT2ET=            865426.68 / [Sec] FPA temp sensor #2 time tag
ACTENDT =            20.407254 / [Deg_C] C&T board thermistor
AFPECTE =              18.3055 / [Deg_C] FPE control board thermistor
AFPEATE =            21.858561 / [Deg_C] FPE analog board thermistor
ASHTEMPE=            21.626487 / [Deg_C] Shutter board thermistor
ATCTEMPE=            22.815239 / [Deg_C] Temp. controller board thermistor
ACETEMPE=            20.437735 / [Deg_C] Calib. electronics board thermistor
APDTEMPE=            21.138794 / [Deg_C] PDU board thermistor
ACATMP1E=            1.3161592 / [Deg_K] CA Temp, end integration for temp1
ACATMP2E=            1.2991319 / [Deg_K] CA Temp, end integration for temp2
ACATMP3E=            1.3317236 / [Deg_K] CA Temp, end integration for temp3
ACATMP4E=            1.3280343 / [Deg_K] CA Temp, end integration for temp4
ACATMP5E=            1.3261356 / [Deg_K] CA Temp, end integration for temp5
ACATMP6E=            1.3246533 / [Deg_K] CA Temp, end integration for temp6
ACATMP7E=            1.3234613 / [Deg_K] CA Temp, end integration for temp7
ACATMP8E=            1.3165789 / [Deg_K] CA Temp, end integration for temp8
ORIGIN0 = 'JPL_FOS '           / Site where RAW FITS file was written
CREATOR0= 'J5.2.3  '           / SW system that created RAW FITS
AORKEY  =              5532160 / AOR or EIR key. Astrnmy Obs Req/Instr Eng Req
DS_IDENT= 'ads/sa.spitzer#0005532160' / Data Set Identification for ADS/journals
EXPID   =                    1 / Exposure ID (0-9999)
DCENUM  =                    0 / DCE number (0-9999)
TLMGRPS =                    1 / expected number of groups
FILE_VER=                    1 / Version of the raw file made by SIS
RAWFILE = 'IRAC.1.0005532160.0001.0000.01.mipl.fits' / Raw data file name
CPT_VER = '3.0.95  '           / Channel Param Table FOS versioN
CTD_VER = '3.0.94S '           / Cmded telemetry data version
EXPDFLAG=                    F / (T/F) expedited DCE
MISS_LCT=                    0 / Total Missed Line Cnt in this FITS
MANCPKT =                    F / T if this FITS is Missing Ancillary Data
MISSDATA=                    F / T if this FITS is Missing Image Data
CHECKSUM=                    0 / MIPL computed checksum
PAONUM  =                  500 / PAO Number
CAMPAIGN= 'IRAC004100'         / Campaign
DCEID   =             13624825 / Data-Collection-Event ID
DCEINSID=              2207778 / DCE Instance ID
DPID    =            106958019 / Data Product Instance ID
PIPENUM =                  107 / Pipeline Script Number
SOS_VER =                    3 / Data-Product Version
PLVID   =                    4 / Pipeline Version ID
CALID   =                    6 / CalTrans Version ID
SDRKEPID=              2108111 / Sky Dark ensemble product ID
PMSKFBID=                  987 / Pixel mask ID
LDRKFBID=                  908 / Fall-back lab dark ID
LINCFBID=                  357 / Fall-back Linearity correction ID
FLATFBID=                 1011 / Fall-back flat ID
FLXCFBID=                 1025 / Flux conversion ID
MBLTFBID=                  696 / Muxbleed Lookup Table ID
MBCFFBID=                  704 / Muxbleed Coefficients ID
LBDRKFLE= 'HDR_30s_30sf16d1r1_ch1_v1.2.0_dark.txt' / Labdark File Used
DDCORR1 =           -0.2136987 / Darkdrift Correction for Readout Channel 1
DDCORR2 =          -0.09682023 / Darkdrift Correction for Readout Channel 2
DDCORR3 =              0.15942 / Darkdrift Correction for Readout Channel 3
DDCORR4 =            0.1510989 / Darkdrift Correction for Readout Channel 4
DDBKGND =             20.43641 / arkdrift 'Background' Term
HISTORY job.c ver: 1.50
HISTORY TRANHEAD                  v.         12.6, ran Wed Jun 21 02:19:18 2006
HISTORY CALTRANS                 v.        4.0, ran Wed Jun 21 02:19:24 2006
HISTORY INSBPOSDOM                v.          1.1, ran Wed Jun 21 02:19:24 2006
HISTORY cvti2r4           v.  1.30 A50506, generated  6/21/06 at  2:19:24
HISTORY hdrupd8           v.  1.5  A50126,  updated   6/21/06 at  2:19:26
HISTORY FFC                       v.          1.0, ran Wed Jun 21 02:19:27 2006
HISTORY MUXBLEEDCORR              v.        1.600, ran Wed Jun 21 02:19:28 2006
HISTORY FOWLINEARIZE              v.     4.900000, ran Wed Jun 21 02:19:30 2006
HISTORY hdrupd8           v.  1.5  A50126,  updated   6/21/06 at  2:19:30
HISTORY BGMODEL                   v.          1.0, ran Wed Jun 21 02:19:30 2006
HISTORY SLREMOVE                  v.          1.0, ran Wed Jun 21 02:19:30 2006
HISTORY hdrupd8           v.  1.5  A50126,  updated   6/21/06 at  2:19:31
HISTORY hdrupd8           v.  1.5  A50126,  updated   6/21/06 at  2:19:31
HISTORY hdrupd8           v.  1.5  A50126,  updated   6/21/06 at  2:19:31
HISTORY hdrupd8           v.  1.5  A50126,  updated   6/21/06 at  2:19:31
HISTORY hdrupd8           v.  1.5  A50126,  updated   6/21/06 at  2:19:31
HISTORY DARKSUBNG                 v. 1.000, ran Wed Jun 21 02:19:32 2006
HISTORY DARKDRIFT                 v.          4.0, ran Wed Jun 21 02:19:34 2006
HISTORY FLATAP                    v. 1.500   Wed Jun 21 02:19:34 2006
HISTORY DNTOFLUX                  v.          4.1, ran Wed Jun 21 02:19:41 2006
HISTORY PREDICTSAT                v.     3.600000, ran Wed Jun 21 02:22:09 2006
HISTORY CALTRANS                 v.        4.0, ran Wed Jun 21 02:28:30 2006
HISTORY PTNTRAN                   v.          1.3, ran Wed Jun 21 02:28:32 2006
HISTORY FPGen                     v.         1.25, ran Wed Jun 21 02:28:33 2006
HISTORY PTGADJUST                 v.          1.0, ran Wed Jun 21 02:30:44 2006
FIXPIX  = 'Mar 27 18:22 Bad pixel file is maskf.1.001.fits'
BACKGRND=            0.0686765 /
NDRIZIM =                   16 / Drizzle, number of images drizzled onto this ou
D001VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4 (June 25rd 2004)' / Drizzle, task version
D001GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information
D001DATA= 'correctedng001.1.fits' / Drizzle, input data image
D001DEXP=                 26.8 / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
D001OUDA= 'ngc2798_v7.1_dr.fits' / Drizzle, output data image
D001OUWE= 'ngc2798_v7.1_drw.fits' / Drizzle, output weighting image
D001OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image
D001MASK= 'drmask.1.001.fits'  / Drizzle, input weighting image
D001WTSC=                 26.8 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
D001KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
D001PIXF=                 0.75 / Drizzle, linear size of drop
D001COEF= '/Users/helenem/SINGS/singsdither/geo/ch1_new_coeffs.txt' / Drizzle, c
D001XGIM= '        '           / Drizzle, X distortion image name
D001YGIM= '        '           / Drizzle, Y distortion image name
D001LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
D001EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
D001INUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
D001OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
D001FVAL= '-1000   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D001INXC=                 129. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
D001INYC=                 129. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
D001OUXC=                 857. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
D001OUYC=                 857. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
D001SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D002VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4 (June 25rd 2004)' / Drizzle, task version
D002GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information
D002DATA= 'correctedng002.1.fits' / Drizzle, input data image
D002DEXP=                 26.8 / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
D002OUDA= 'ngc2798_v7.1_dr.fits' / Drizzle, output data image
D002OUWE= 'ngc2798_v7.1_drw.fits' / Drizzle, output weighting image
D002OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image
D002MASK= 'drmask.1.002.fits'  / Drizzle, input weighting image
D002WTSC=                 26.8 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
D002KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
D002PIXF=                 0.75 / Drizzle, linear size of drop
D002COEF= '/Users/helenem/SINGS/singsdither/geo/ch1_new_coeffs.txt' / Drizzle, c
D002XGIM= '        '           / Drizzle, X distortion image name
D002YGIM= '        '           / Drizzle, Y distortion image name
D002LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
D002EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
D002INUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
D002OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
D002FVAL= '-1000   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D002INXC=                 129. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
D002INYC=                 129. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
D002OUXC=                 857. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
D002OUYC=                 857. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
D002SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D003VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4 (June 25rd 2004)' / Drizzle, task version
D003GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information
D003DATA= 'correctedng003.1.fits' / Drizzle, input data image
D003DEXP=                 26.8 / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
D003OUDA= 'ngc2798_v7.1_dr.fits' / Drizzle, output data image
D003OUWE= 'ngc2798_v7.1_drw.fits' / Drizzle, output weighting image
D003OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image
D003MASK= 'drmask.1.003.fits'  / Drizzle, input weighting image
D003WTSC=                 26.8 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
D003KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
D003PIXF=                 0.75 / Drizzle, linear size of drop
D003COEF= '/Users/helenem/SINGS/singsdither/geo/ch1_new_coeffs.txt' / Drizzle, c
D003XGIM= '        '           / Drizzle, X distortion image name
D003YGIM= '        '           / Drizzle, Y distortion image name
D003LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
D003EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
D003INUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
D003OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
D003FVAL= '-1000   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D003INXC=                 129. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
D003INYC=                 129. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
D003OUXC=                 857. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
D003OUYC=                 857. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
D003SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D004VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4 (June 25rd 2004)' / Drizzle, task version
D004GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information
D004DATA= 'correctedng004.1.fits' / Drizzle, input data image
D004DEXP=                 26.8 / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
D004OUDA= 'ngc2798_v7.1_dr.fits' / Drizzle, output data image
D004OUWE= 'ngc2798_v7.1_drw.fits' / Drizzle, output weighting image
D004OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image
D004MASK= 'drmask.1.004.fits'  / Drizzle, input weighting image
D004WTSC=                 26.8 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
D004KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
D004PIXF=                 0.75 / Drizzle, linear size of drop
D004COEF= '/Users/helenem/SINGS/singsdither/geo/ch1_new_coeffs.txt' / Drizzle, c
D004XGIM= '        '           / Drizzle, X distortion image name
D004YGIM= '        '           / Drizzle, Y distortion image name
D004LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
D004EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
D004INUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
D004OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
D004FVAL= '-1000   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D004INXC=                 129. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
D004INYC=                 129. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
D004OUXC=                 857. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
D004OUYC=                 857. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
D004SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D005VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4 (June 25rd 2004)' / Drizzle, task version
D005GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information
D005DATA= 'correctedng005.1.fits' / Drizzle, input data image
D005DEXP=                 26.8 / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
D005OUDA= 'ngc2798_v7.1_dr.fits' / Drizzle, output data image
D005OUWE= 'ngc2798_v7.1_drw.fits' / Drizzle, output weighting image
D005OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image
D005MASK= 'drmask.1.005.fits'  / Drizzle, input weighting image
D005WTSC=                 26.8 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
D005KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
D005PIXF=                 0.75 / Drizzle, linear size of drop
D005COEF= '/Users/helenem/SINGS/singsdither/geo/ch1_new_coeffs.txt' / Drizzle, c
D005XGIM= '        '           / Drizzle, X distortion image name
D005YGIM= '        '           / Drizzle, Y distortion image name
D005LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
D005EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
D005INUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
D005OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
D005FVAL= '-1000   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D005INXC=                 129. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
D005INYC=                 129. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
D005OUXC=                 857. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
D005OUYC=                 857. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
D005SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D006VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4 (June 25rd 2004)' / Drizzle, task version
D006GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information
D006DATA= 'correctedng006.1.fits' / Drizzle, input data image
D006DEXP=                 26.8 / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
D006OUDA= 'ngc2798_v7.1_dr.fits' / Drizzle, output data image
D006OUWE= 'ngc2798_v7.1_drw.fits' / Drizzle, output weighting image
D006OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image
D006MASK= 'drmask.1.006.fits'  / Drizzle, input weighting image
D006WTSC=                 26.8 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
D006KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
D006PIXF=                 0.75 / Drizzle, linear size of drop
D006COEF= '/Users/helenem/SINGS/singsdither/geo/ch1_new_coeffs.txt' / Drizzle, c
D006XGIM= '        '           / Drizzle, X distortion image name
D006YGIM= '        '           / Drizzle, Y distortion image name
D006LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
D006EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
D006INUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
D006OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
D006FVAL= '-1000   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D006INXC=                 129. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
D006INYC=                 129. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
D006OUXC=                 857. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
D006OUYC=                 857. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
D006SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D007VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4 (June 25rd 2004)' / Drizzle, task version
D007GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information
D007DATA= 'correctedng007.1.fits' / Drizzle, input data image
D007DEXP=                 26.8 / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
D007OUDA= 'ngc2798_v7.1_dr.fits' / Drizzle, output data image
D007OUWE= 'ngc2798_v7.1_drw.fits' / Drizzle, output weighting image
D007OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image
D007MASK= 'drmask.1.007.fits'  / Drizzle, input weighting image
D007WTSC=                 26.8 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
D007KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
D007PIXF=                 0.75 / Drizzle, linear size of drop
D007COEF= '/Users/helenem/SINGS/singsdither/geo/ch1_new_coeffs.txt' / Drizzle, c
D007XGIM= '        '           / Drizzle, X distortion image name
D007YGIM= '        '           / Drizzle, Y distortion image name
D007LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
D007EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
D007INUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
D007OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
D007FVAL= '-1000   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D007INXC=                 129. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
D007INYC=                 129. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
D007OUXC=                 857. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
D007OUYC=                 857. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
D007SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D008VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4 (June 25rd 2004)' / Drizzle, task version
D008GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information
D008DATA= 'correctedng008.1.fits' / Drizzle, input data image
D008DEXP=                 26.8 / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
D008OUDA= 'ngc2798_v7.1_dr.fits' / Drizzle, output data image
D008OUWE= 'ngc2798_v7.1_drw.fits' / Drizzle, output weighting image
D008OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image
D008MASK= 'drmask.1.008.fits'  / Drizzle, input weighting image
D008WTSC=                 26.8 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
D008KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
D008PIXF=                 0.75 / Drizzle, linear size of drop
D008COEF= '/Users/helenem/SINGS/singsdither/geo/ch1_new_coeffs.txt' / Drizzle, c
D008XGIM= '        '           / Drizzle, X distortion image name
D008YGIM= '        '           / Drizzle, Y distortion image name
D008LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
D008EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
D008INUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
D008OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
D008FVAL= '-1000   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D008INXC=                 129. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
D008INYC=                 129. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
D008OUXC=                 857. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
D008OUYC=                 857. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
D008SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D009VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4 (June 25rd 2004)' / Drizzle, task version
D009GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information
D009DATA= 'correctedng009.1.fits' / Drizzle, input data image
D009DEXP=                 26.8 / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
D009OUDA= 'ngc2798_v7.1_dr.fits' / Drizzle, output data image
D009OUWE= 'ngc2798_v7.1_drw.fits' / Drizzle, output weighting image
D009OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image
D009MASK= 'drmask.1.009.fits'  / Drizzle, input weighting image
D009WTSC=                 26.8 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
D009KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
D009PIXF=                 0.75 / Drizzle, linear size of drop
D009COEF= '/Users/helenem/SINGS/singsdither/geo/ch1_new_coeffs.txt' / Drizzle, c
D009XGIM= '        '           / Drizzle, X distortion image name
D009YGIM= '        '           / Drizzle, Y distortion image name
D009LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
D009EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
D009INUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
D009OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
D009FVAL= '-1000   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D009INXC=                 129. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
D009INYC=                 129. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
D009OUXC=                 857. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
D009OUYC=                 857. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
D009SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D010VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4 (June 25rd 2004)' / Drizzle, task version
D010GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information
D010DATA= 'correctedng010.1.fits' / Drizzle, input data image
D010DEXP=                 26.8 / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
D010OUDA= 'ngc2798_v7.1_dr.fits' / Drizzle, output data image
D010OUWE= 'ngc2798_v7.1_drw.fits' / Drizzle, output weighting image
D010OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image
D010MASK= 'drmask.1.010.fits'  / Drizzle, input weighting image
D010WTSC=                 26.8 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
D010KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
D010PIXF=                 0.75 / Drizzle, linear size of drop
D010COEF= '/Users/helenem/SINGS/singsdither/geo/ch1_new_coeffs.txt' / Drizzle, c
D010XGIM= '        '           / Drizzle, X distortion image name
D010YGIM= '        '           / Drizzle, Y distortion image name
D010LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
D010EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
D010INUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
D010OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
D010FVAL= '-1000   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D010INXC=                 129. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
D010INYC=                 129. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
D010OUXC=                 857. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
D010OUYC=                 857. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
D010SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D011VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4 (June 25rd 2004)' / Drizzle, task version
D011GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information
D011DATA= 'correctedng011.1.fits' / Drizzle, input data image
D011DEXP=                 26.8 / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
D011OUDA= 'ngc2798_v7.1_dr.fits' / Drizzle, output data image
D011OUWE= 'ngc2798_v7.1_drw.fits' / Drizzle, output weighting image
D011OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image
D011MASK= 'drmask.1.011.fits'  / Drizzle, input weighting image
D011WTSC=                 26.8 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
D011KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
D011PIXF=                 0.75 / Drizzle, linear size of drop
D011COEF= '/Users/helenem/SINGS/singsdither/geo/ch1_new_coeffs.txt' / Drizzle, c
D011XGIM= '        '           / Drizzle, X distortion image name
D011YGIM= '        '           / Drizzle, Y distortion image name
D011LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
D011EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
D011INUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
D011OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
D011FVAL= '-1000   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D011INXC=                 129. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
D011INYC=                 129. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
D011OUXC=                 857. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
D011OUYC=                 857. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
D011SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D012VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4 (June 25rd 2004)' / Drizzle, task version
D012GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information
D012DATA= 'correctedng012.1.fits' / Drizzle, input data image
D012DEXP=                 26.8 / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
D012OUDA= 'ngc2798_v7.1_dr.fits' / Drizzle, output data image
D012OUWE= 'ngc2798_v7.1_drw.fits' / Drizzle, output weighting image
D012OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image
D012MASK= 'drmask.1.012.fits'  / Drizzle, input weighting image
D012WTSC=                 26.8 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
D012KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
D012PIXF=                 0.75 / Drizzle, linear size of drop
D012COEF= '/Users/helenem/SINGS/singsdither/geo/ch1_new_coeffs.txt' / Drizzle, c
D012XGIM= '        '           / Drizzle, X distortion image name
D012YGIM= '        '           / Drizzle, Y distortion image name
D012LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
D012EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
D012INUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
D012OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
D012FVAL= '-1000   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D012INXC=                 129. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
D012INYC=                 129. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
D012OUXC=                 857. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
D012OUYC=                 857. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
D012SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D013VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4 (June 25rd 2004)' / Drizzle, task version
D013GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information
D013DATA= 'correctedng013.1.fits' / Drizzle, input data image
D013DEXP=                 26.8 / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
D013OUDA= 'ngc2798_v7.1_dr.fits' / Drizzle, output data image
D013OUWE= 'ngc2798_v7.1_drw.fits' / Drizzle, output weighting image
D013OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image
D013MASK= 'drmask.1.013.fits'  / Drizzle, input weighting image
D013WTSC=                 26.8 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
D013KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
D013PIXF=                 0.75 / Drizzle, linear size of drop
D013COEF= '/Users/helenem/SINGS/singsdither/geo/ch1_new_coeffs.txt' / Drizzle, c
D013XGIM= '        '           / Drizzle, X distortion image name
D013YGIM= '        '           / Drizzle, Y distortion image name
D013LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
D013EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
D013INUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
D013OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
D013FVAL= '-1000   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D013INXC=                 129. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
D013INYC=                 129. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
D013OUXC=                 857. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
D013OUYC=                 857. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
D013SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D014VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4 (June 25rd 2004)' / Drizzle, task version
D014GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information
D014DATA= 'correctedng014.1.fits' / Drizzle, input data image
D014DEXP=                 26.8 / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
D014OUDA= 'ngc2798_v7.1_dr.fits' / Drizzle, output data image
D014OUWE= 'ngc2798_v7.1_drw.fits' / Drizzle, output weighting image
D014OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image
D014MASK= 'drmask.1.014.fits'  / Drizzle, input weighting image
D014WTSC=                 26.8 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
D014KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
D014PIXF=                 0.75 / Drizzle, linear size of drop
D014COEF= '/Users/helenem/SINGS/singsdither/geo/ch1_new_coeffs.txt' / Drizzle, c
D014XGIM= '        '           / Drizzle, X distortion image name
D014YGIM= '        '           / Drizzle, Y distortion image name
D014LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
D014EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
D014INUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
D014OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
D014FVAL= '-1000   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D014INXC=                 129. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
D014INYC=                 129. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
D014OUXC=                 857. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
D014OUYC=                 857. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
D014SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D015VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4 (June 25rd 2004)' / Drizzle, task version
D015GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information
D015DATA= 'correctedng015.1.fits' / Drizzle, input data image
D015DEXP=                 26.8 / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
D015OUDA= 'ngc2798_v7.1_dr.fits' / Drizzle, output data image
D015OUWE= 'ngc2798_v7.1_drw.fits' / Drizzle, output weighting image
D015OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image
D015MASK= 'drmask.1.015.fits'  / Drizzle, input weighting image
D015WTSC=                 26.8 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
D015KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
D015PIXF=                 0.75 / Drizzle, linear size of drop
D015COEF= '/Users/helenem/SINGS/singsdither/geo/ch1_new_coeffs.txt' / Drizzle, c
D015XGIM= '        '           / Drizzle, X distortion image name
D015YGIM= '        '           / Drizzle, Y distortion image name
D015LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
D015EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
D015INUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
D015OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
D015FVAL= '-1000   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D015INXC=                 129. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
D015INYC=                 129. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
D015OUXC=                 857. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
D015OUYC=                 857. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
D015SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
D016VER = 'WDRIZZLE Version 3.4 (June 25rd 2004)' / Drizzle, task version
D016GEOM= 'Header WCS'         / Drizzle, source of geometric information
D016DATA= 'correctedng016.1.fits' / Drizzle, input data image
D016DEXP=                 26.8 / Drizzle, input image exposure time (s)
D016OUDA= 'ngc2798_v7.1_dr.fits' / Drizzle, output data image
D016OUWE= 'ngc2798_v7.1_drw.fits' / Drizzle, output weighting image
D016OUCO= '        '           / Drizzle, output context image
D016MASK= 'drmask.1.016.fits'  / Drizzle, input weighting image
D016WTSC=                 26.8 / Drizzle, weighting factor for input image
D016KERN= 'square  '           / Drizzle, form of weight distribution kernel
D016PIXF=                 0.75 / Drizzle, linear size of drop
D016COEF= '/Users/helenem/SINGS/singsdither/geo/ch1_new_coeffs.txt' / Drizzle, c
D016XGIM= '        '           / Drizzle, X distortion image name
D016YGIM= '        '           / Drizzle, Y distortion image name
D016LAM =                 555. / Drizzle, wavelength applied for transformation
D016EXKY= 'exptime '           / Drizzle, exposure keyword name in input image
D016INUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of input image - counts or cps
D016OUUN= 'cps     '           / Drizzle, units of output image - counts or cps
D016FVAL= '-1000   '           / Drizzle, fill value for zero weight output pixe
D016INXC=                 129. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (X)
D016INYC=                 129. / Drizzle, reference center of input image (Y)
D016OUXC=                 857. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (X)
D016OUYC=                 857. / Drizzle, reference center of output image (Y)
D016SECP=                    F / Drizzle, there are no secondary geometric param
SINGSVRS= '16Mar07 '
BACK_SUB=                    T /
COMMENT Photometry dervied from this image was used in Brown et al. (2014), An
COMMENT Atlas of Spectral Energy Distributions from the UV to the Mid-Infrared,
COMMENT to constrain and verify the SED of NGC 2798       .
COMMENT The Brown et al. (2014) SEDs and images are available from
COMMENT http://dx.doi.org/10.5072/03/529D3551F0117
COMMENT If you use this image, please reference the original papers in
COMMENT your publications (and do not only reference Brown et al. 2014).
COMMENT The original or working title for this image was
COMMENT ngc2798_v7.phot.1.fits
COMMENT This Spitzer IRAC image was sourced from or produced using
COMMENT data from the Spitzer Infrared Nearby Galaxies Survey (SINGS)
COMMENT irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/data/SPITZER/SINGS/

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