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SIMPLE  =                    T / file does conform to FITS standard
BITPIX  =                  -32 / number of bits per data pixel
NAXIS   =                    2 / number of data axes
NAXIS1  =                 1310 / length of data axis 1
NAXIS2  =                 1310 / length of data axis 2
EXTEND  =                    T / FITS dataset may contain extensions
COMMENT   FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'Astronomy
COMMENT   and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...376..359H
BUNIT   = 'DN      '           / image pixel units
CRVAL1  =           202.910819 / RA at CRPIX1,CRPIX2, J2000.0 (deg)
CRVAL2  =            46.947778 / Dec at CRPIX1,CRPIX2, J2000.0 (deg)
EQUINOX =               2000.0 / Equinox of WCS, (year)
CTYPE1  = 'RA---SIN'           / Projection type for axis 1
CTYPE2  = 'DEC--SIN'           / Projection type for axis 2
CRPIX1  = -1.290000000000000E+02 / Axis 1 reference pixel at CRVAL1,CRVAL2
CRPIX2  = 6.000000000000000E+00 / Axis 2 reference pixel at CRVAL1,CRVAL2
CDELT1  =  -0.0003819444391411 / Axis 1 scale at CRPIX1,CRPIX2 (deg/pix)
CDELT2  =   0.0003819444391411 / Axis 2 scale at CRPIX1,CRPIX2 (deg/pix)
CROTA2  =             0.000000 / Image twist: +axis2 W of N, J2000.0 (deg)
HISTORY AWAIC: A WISE Astronomical Image Coadder; Vsn 5.0
BITMASK =            405273647 / Fatal bitstring mask template
WRELEASE= 'release-v4.1'       / WSDS s/w release tag
FILETYPE= 'intensity image'    / product description
ORIGIN  = 'WISE Science Data Center, IPAC, Caltech' / origin of image data
FCREATE = '2011-08-16T12:55:10.000Z' / WSDC file creation date/time (UTC)
DATEOBS1= '2010-06-09T00:37:40.579' / obs. date/time of earliest frame (UTC)
DATEOBS2= '2010-06-19T14:38:20.519' / obs. date/time of latest frame (UTC)
MIDOBS  = '2010-06-11T09:47:10.619' / obs. date/time of middle frame (UTC)
TELESCOP= 'WISE    '           / telescope used to acquire data
BAND    =                    2 / wavelength band number
WAVELEN =                4.618 / [microns] effective wavelength of band
COADDID = '2029p469_ab41'      / atlas-image identifier
NUMFRMS =                  218 / final number of frames touching footprint
MOONREJ =                    0 / number of frames rejected due to moon-glow
MOONINP =                    0 / initial number of frames with suspect moon-glow
MAGZP   =                 19.5 / [mag] relative photometric zero point
MAGZPUNC=                0.007 / [mag] 1-sigma uncertainty in zero point
SIZEX   =             1.564444 / [deg] linear dimension along axis 1
SIZEY   =             1.564444 / [deg] linear dimension along axis 2
PXSCAL1 =                1.375 / [asec/pix] scale at CRPIX1,CRPIX2 for axis1
PXSCAL2 =                1.375 / [asec/pix] scale at CRPIX1,CRPIX2 for axis2
MEDINT  =     6.20309829711914 / [DN] median of intensity pixels
MEDCOV  =         20.630859375 / [pixels] median depth-of-coverage
MINCOV  =         9.9501953125 / [pixels] minimum depth-of-coverage
MAXCOV  =           26.0859375 / [pixels] maximum depth-of-coverage
LOWCOVPC=                    0 / [%] area of footprint with depth <= 4 pixels
LOWCOPC =                    0 / [%] area of footprint with depth <= 6 pixels
NOMCOVPC=                    0 / [%] area of footprint with depth <= 8 pixels
PCTMINC =                    0 / [%] area of internal outlier tile <= 4 pix deep
ROBSIG  =   0.0523483759534505 / [DN] robust spatial sigma at MEDCOV +/- 0.25
PIXCHIS1=    0.988319241335349 / ratio ROBSIG/(median unc) at MEDCOV +/- 0.25
PIXCHIS2=    0.990602228105199 / ratio ROBSIG/(modal unc) at MEDCOV +/- 0.25
MEDNMSK =                14111 / median number of pixels masked per frame
RANDSEED=                 -999 / random seed for outlier step [-999=>not used]
ELON    =     175.740053968004 / [deg] Ecliptic longitude at image center
ELAT    =     50.9090972738532 / [deg] Ecliptic latitude at image center
GLON    =     103.819698714631 / [deg] Galactic longitude at image center
GLAT    =     68.6605220287638 / [deg] Galactic latitude at image center
MOONMASK= '/wise/fops/ref/coadd/wise-w2-moonmask.fits' / Moon masking file used
COMMENT Photometry dervied from this image was used in Brown et al. (2014), An
COMMENT Atlas of Spectral Energy Distributions from the UV to the Mid-Infrared,
COMMENT to constrain and verify the SED of NGC 5195       .
COMMENT The Brown et al. (2014) SEDs and images are available from
COMMENT http://dx.doi.org/10.5072/03/529D3551F0117
COMMENT If you use this image, please reference the original papers in
COMMENT your publications (and do not only reference Brown et al. 2014).
COMMENT The original or working title for this image was
COMMENT 2029p469_ab41-w2-int-3_ra202.46963_dec47.19517_asec1800.000.fits
COMMENT This is a WISE All Sky Data Release Atlas Image (Release 4.1).
COMMENT http://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/applications/wise/

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