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SIMPLE  =                    T / Written by IDL:  Tue Mar 11 15:00:13 2014
BITPIX  =                  -64 / Number of bits per data pixel
NAXIS   =                    2 / Number of data axes
NAXIS1  =                   50 /
NAXIS2  =                   50 /
EXTEND  =                    T /Extensions may be present
DATE    = '2014-03-11'         / Creation UTC (CCCC-MM-DD) date of FITS header
BSCALE  =              1.00000 / Scaling of pixel values
BZERO   =              0.00000 / Zero offset
BUNIT   = 'mJy     '           / Unit of image data
COMMENT   Flux calibration from Gauss 2D fit of STD star
ORIGIN  = 'MIRphot '           / Photometry package by D. Asmus
COMMENT   Reference: Asmus et al., 2014, MNRAS, 439, 1648
INSTRUME= 'VISIR   '           /
TELESCOP= 'ESO-VLT-U3'         /
PROGID  = '382.B-0732(A)'      / Programm identification
OBS NAME= 'SCI_IMG_NGC7469_Q13' / Name of the observation block (OB)
OBJECT  = 'NGC7469 '           / OB target name
FILTER  = 'Q3      '           / Imager filter name
WAVELEN =        19.5000000000 / Filter central wavelength [micron]
FHWIDTH =       0.400000005960 / Filter half-width [micron]
EXPTIME =        522.720031738 / Total on-source exposure time [s]
PFOV    =      0.0750000029802 / Instrumental pixel scale [arcsec/px]
CHOPMODE= 'PARALLEL'           / Chopping mode
CHOPTHRO=        8.00000000000 / Chopping throw [arcsec]
CHOPANGL=        45.0000000000 / Chopping angle [degrees]
MJD-OBS =        54704.2935799 / Mean Julian day of observation
DATE-OBS= '2008-08-26T07-02'   / Date of start of observation
AIRMASS =        1.32700002193 / Airmass at start of observation
SEEING  =       0.699999988079 / Optical seeing at zenith ["]
SENSITIV=        70.8544235229 / Sensitivity from STD [mJy 10sigma/1h]
NONDETEC= 'FALSE   '           / No source detected?
STDNAME = 'HD787   '           / Calibrator star name
STDDATE = '2008-08-26T06-27'   / Calibrator star observation date
STDMJD  =        54704.2687894 / Mean Julian day of the calibrator star observat
STDFLUX =        2510.51998138 / Calibrator flux [mJy]
STD_MAJ =       0.514082130076 / Calibrator major axis FWHM of Gauss 2D fit ["]
STD_MIN =       0.481582189035 / Calibrator major axis FWHM of Gauss 2D fit ["]
STDPA   =        93.4547226638 / Calibrator position angle from N to E [deg]
MED_BG  =      -0.113286972046 / Median background value [ADU/s]
SIG_BG  =        5.37766027451 / STDDEV of the background [ADU/s]
GLIMIT  = 'FALSE   '           / Gaussian fluxes are 3sigma upper limits?
GCNT    =        6508.04096448 / Gaussian nuclear count rate [ADU/s]
GCNTERR =        238.204299310 / Gaussian nuclear count rate error [ADU/s]
GCONV   =       0.184847358356 / Gauss. flux convers. fac. from STD [mJy/ADU/s]
GCONVERR=     0.00484437439138 / Gauss. flux convers. fac. error [mJy/ADU/s]
GFLUX   =        1202.99418036 / Gaussian nuclear flux [mJy]
GFLUXERR=        54.1548099463 / Gaussian nuclear flux error [mJy]
PMANSCAL=        1.00000000000 / PSF manual scaling factor
PLIMIT  = 'FALSE   '           / PSF fluxes are 3sigma upper limits?
PCNT    =        6001.43604230 / PSF nuclear count rate [ADU/s]
PCNTERR =        238.204299310 / PSF nuclear count rate error [ADU/s]
PFLUX   =        1109.34959876 / PSF nuclear flux [mJy]
PFLUXERR=        52.7637986423 / PSF nuclear flux error [mJy]
FWHM_MAJ=       0.530951023572 / Major axis FWHM of Gauss 2D fit ["]
EFWHM_MA=     0.00618850154912 / Major axis FWHM error of Gauss 2D fit ["]
FWHM_MIN=       0.505642471894 / Minor axis FWHM of Gauss 2D fit ["]
EFWHM_MI=     0.00649825485346 / Minor axis FWHM error of Gauss 2D fit ["]
POSANG  =        93.9182172854 / Nuclear position angle in from N to E [deg]
SIGNIFIC=        22.3777812420 / Estimated detection significane [sigma_BG]
REDCHISQ=       0.990360721888 / Reduced Chi^2 of the Gauss 2D fitting
APERDIA =        26.6666656070 / Aperture diameter [px]
ACNT    =        6999.53320312 / Aperture nuclear count rate [ADU/s]
ACNTERR =        165.578369141 / Aperture nuclear count rate error [ADU/s]
ACONV   =       0.169043977348 / Aperture flux convers. fac. from STD [mJy/ADU/s
ACONVERR=     0.00286807309299 / Aperture flux convers. fac. error [mJy/ADU/s]
AFLUX   =        1183.22893224 / Aperture nuclear flux [mJy]
AFLUXERR=        34.4449433848 / Aperture nuclear flux error [mJy]
CTYPE1  = 'RA---TAN'           / Coordinate Type
CTYPE2  = 'DEC--TAN'           / Coordinate Type
EQUINOX =              2000.00 / Equinox of Ref. Coord.
CD1_1   =   -2.08333349292E-05 / Degrees / Pixel
CD2_1   =        0.00000000000 / Degrees / Pixel
CD1_2   =        0.00000000000 / Degrees / Pixel
CD2_2   =    2.08333349292E-05 / Degrees / Pixel
CRPIX1  =              25.5000 / Reference Pixel in X
CRPIX2  =              25.5000 / Reference Pixel in Y
CRVAL1  =        345.815000000 / R.A. (degrees) of reference pixel
CRVAL2  =        8.87388888889 / Declination of reference pixel
HISTORY PUTAST: Mar 11 15:03:27 2014 World Coordinate System parameters written
COMMENT   WCS assigned using target position determined from other wavelengths.
COMMENT   Imprecision of the assignment itself is ~1px ~ 0.1".

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